100字范文 > 藏族乡村社区 Tibetan Rural Community英语短句 例句大全

藏族乡村社区 Tibetan Rural Community英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-29 18:57:09


藏族乡村社区 Tibetan Rural Community英语短句 例句大全

藏族乡村社区,Tibetan Rural Community

1)Tibetan Rural Community藏族乡村社区

2)rural community乡村社区

1.Non-wood forest play an important and indispensable part in new socialist countryside andrural community construction at hilly and mountainous areas in China.经济林(非木材林产品)在中国丘陵山区的社会主义新农村(乡村社区)建设中具有不可缺少、不可替代的重要作用,因而国家林业局等中央部委决定,从起,在全国开展"创绿色家园建富裕新村"的行动,以绿色显生机,以绿化促文明、促富裕。

2.The study ofrural community has been drawn attention from sociology,geography,rural anthropology and so on since 1990 s in America.自19世纪90年代开始在美国开展乡村社区研究以来,乡村社区一直受到社会学、地理学和乡村人类学等学科的关注。

3.In the Chinese traditional society,the folk organization was playing a vital role in moral enlightenment in therural community.在中国传统社会,民间组织在广大乡村社区的道德教化中始终发挥着重要的作用。


1.The Study on the Participation of the Rural Communities in the Development of Rural Tourism;乡村社区参与乡村旅游发展的初步研究

2.A small, usually rural community situated at an intersection of two or more roads.乡村社区一个座落在两条或多条道路的交叉处的乡村社区

3.Urbanization Impacts on Sense of Place for Rural Communities--A Case Study of Three Villages in Beijing城市化对乡村社区地方感的影响分析——以北京三个乡村社区为例

4.The Research of the She"s Riral Communities Changes Since 1978改革开放以来畲族乡村社区变迁研究

5.Rural Political System Reform & Rural Community Politics of Nanking National Government;南京国民政府村制变革与乡村社区政治

6.Presence of the State in Rural Community:Taking a Northwest Village for an Example;乡村社区的国家在场——以一个西北村庄为例

7.Guanzhong "Irrigation Community" and Social Organizations in North China Villages关中“水利社区”与北方乡村的社会组织

8.Rural Culture Construction and Constructing the New Socialistic Countryside--Also Discussing Rural Culture Construction in the Southern Part of Jiangsu Province;乡村文化建设与社会主义新农村建设——兼谈苏南地区乡村文化建设

9.Rural Community And Harmonious Develapment of Community--On Community of Jixi As A Typical Tunpu Vellege;乡村社群与社区和谐发展——对黔中屯堡村落J村的社群研究


11.Cashite village tourism s society attendance and society right endowment;喀斯特乡村旅游的社区参与与社区赋权

12.Sustentation and Transition: The Rural Society of Huang Fan Qu from 1938 to 1952持续与变迁:1938-1952年的黄泛区乡村社会

13.The Research on Community Participation in Rural Tourism Development of Longtan Valley in Nanyang;南阳龙潭沟乡村旅游的社区参与研究

14.Social Embeddedness of Agricultural Development in the Traditional Rural Region;传统乡村地区农产业发展的社会镶嵌

15.Renewed Emigration in Mountainous Rural Areas and Social Transformation of Areas with High Emigration Incidence;山区农村海外新移民与侨乡社会变迁

16.Discussion on Countermeasures of Mountain Areas Developing Countryside Society Forestry;论山区发展乡村社会林业的基本对策

17.A Study on the Community Participation in the Country Tourism Development Yu Xiaoyun;乡村旅游发展中社区参与问题的探讨

18.Tourism Development and Rural Urbanization of Daizuyuan Community;旅游发展与傣族园社区的乡村都市化


rural community乡村社区

1.Non-wood forest play an important and indispensable part in new socialist countryside andrural community construction at hilly and mountainous areas in China.经济林(非木材林产品)在中国丘陵山区的社会主义新农村(乡村社区)建设中具有不可缺少、不可替代的重要作用,因而国家林业局等中央部委决定,从起,在全国开展"创绿色家园建富裕新村"的行动,以绿色显生机,以绿化促文明、促富裕。

2.The study ofrural community has been drawn attention from sociology,geography,rural anthropology and so on since 1990 s in America.自19世纪90年代开始在美国开展乡村社区研究以来,乡村社区一直受到社会学、地理学和乡村人类学等学科的关注。

3.In the Chinese traditional society,the folk organization was playing a vital role in moral enlightenment in therural community.在中国传统社会,民间组织在广大乡村社区的道德教化中始终发挥着重要的作用。

3)Rural communities乡村社区

1.From the perspective of local knowledge,local culture in rural communities has an important practical significance in changing the boundary situation of rural communities in transitional period and realizing the transition of the state to modernization.从地方性知识的视角看,乡村社区的本土文化对于改变当前转型期乡村社区的边缘状态和实现现代化转型有着重要的现实意义,在构建乡村社区文化的过程中忽视地方性知识的作用而单靠现代工业文明的输入并不能解决当下农村社区的文化现状。

4)village community乡村社区

1.This paper reviewed the change of money-raising system invillage community\"s public goods after the foundation of P.文章考察了建国之后的乡村社区公共产品筹资制度的变迁和一事一议制度的历史渊源,以第一个村委会的产生为背景考察了村委会的产生和一事一议制度之间的内在联系,讨论了村集体的小集团规模属性,运用林达尔均衡框架从谈判意愿、达成合约的可能性、合约的福利性和合约的有效执行四个方面论证了村集体自主决策供给公共产品的可能性,指出作为小集团的村集体完全可以通过一事一议式谈判来自主决策社区内的公共产品供给问题。

2.As a result, it can not function well in public goods system invillage community with the fact of the decline of income from farming, the increasing chance of non-farming employment, the internal conflict in the household contract responsibility system, the fall of the degree of social association and so on.乡村社区公共产品一事一议筹资制度的实施表明了村委会职能的本质回归,然而现阶段的乡村社区的结构已经不同于村委会初创期。

5)rural minority areas民族地区乡村

1.Roughly speaking, the main existing technological systems ofrural minority areas can be divided into two types: one system which exploits natural resources directly; and the other exploits natural resources through some kinds of transforming processes.人们往往把民族地区乡村的主要生产技术体系分为两种:一是直接利用自然资源的技术体系。

6)development of village community乡村社区发展




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