100字范文 > 畜禽养殖废弃物 livestock and poultry waste英语短句 例句大全

畜禽养殖废弃物 livestock and poultry waste英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-26 06:26:27


畜禽养殖废弃物 livestock and poultry waste英语短句 例句大全

畜禽养殖废弃物,livestock and poultry waste

1)livestock and poultry waste畜禽养殖废弃物

1.The current situation and regional differences oflivestock and poultry waste in Zhejiang province were investigated and analyzed through random sampling,judgment sampling and department visiting.通过随机抽样调查、判断抽样调查和部门单位走访,对浙江省畜禽养殖废弃物现状和区域差异进行了调查分析。


1.Study on the Resource Utilization of Livestock Residue in Rural Areas;农村畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用研究

2.The Pretreatment System Design of Poultry Cultivation Wastes in Methane Production畜禽养殖废弃物生物发酵前预处理系统设计

3.Research on Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry Pollution and Eco-management浙江省畜禽养殖废弃物调查与生态管理研究

4.The Pretreatment System Research of Farming Rejectamenta for Methane Production畜禽养殖废弃物用于沼气生产的预处理系统研究

5.Regional Characteristics of Livestock and Poultry Waste and Recycling Countermeasure in Zhejiang Province浙江省畜禽养殖废弃物区域特征及循环利用对策

6.The analysis and management planning on Yingkou Waste Pollution in animal husbandry current situation营口市畜禽养殖废弃物污染现状分析及管理规划

7.Assessment of Waste Pollution Risk of Livestock and Poultry Breeding Industry in Fujian福建省畜禽养殖业废弃物污染风险评估

8.The Introduction on Comprehensive Utilizing Waste of Livestock in Jiangxi Anyi江西安义畜禽养殖业废弃物综合利用介绍

9.Studies on Waste Treatment and Utilization in Large Scale Animal Farm;规模化畜禽养殖场废弃物无害化处理及资源化利用研究

10.The Research on Vermicomposting of Domestic Animal Manure;利用蚯蚓处理畜禽养殖业固体废弃物的技术研究

11.Study on Livestock Solid Waste Resource Recovery and Its Agricultural Feasibility;畜禽养殖业固体废弃物资源化及农用可行性研究

12.Effect of Feeding Management on the Wastes in the Water from Livestock and Fowl Breeding饲养管理对畜禽养殖废水污染物的影响

13.storage enclosure [livestock keeping]禽畜废物贮存舍;禽畜粪便贮存舍〔禽畜饲养〕

14.Removing Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Using Aerobic Biological Technology to Treat Livestock Wastewater;畜禽养殖废水好氧生物处理脱氮除磷效果研究

15.The Efficiency Using Membrane Bio-reactor to Treat Livestock Wastewater;膜生物反应器处理畜禽养殖废水的效果研究

16.Study on Livestock Wastewater Treatment in Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor序批式生物膜反应器处理畜禽养殖废水的研究

17.storage container [livestock keeping]废物贮存器〔禽畜饲养〕

18.Study on Start-up of UASB for Treating Poultry Breeding Waste Water;UASB处理畜禽养殖废水的启动研究



3)animal wastes畜禽废弃物

1.In the process of composting with high temperature and aeration for three kinds ofanimal wastes, the effect of different aeration ways to turn over and agitate on composting are compared, including complete forced aeration, semi- circulating forced aeration and non forced aeration.3种畜禽废弃物分别在高温好气堆腐过程中,进行了完全强制通气、半循环强制通气和不强制通气仅翻倒搅拌的3种不同通气方式对堆腐效果影响的比较研究。

2.In order to safely use the compost that produced byanimal wastes,the content of heavy metals,such as Cu,Zn,Pb,Cd,Cr,As and Hg were measured separately in five commercial composts that produced by bovine,fowl and porcine dejection.为了安全施用畜禽废弃物生产的有机肥料,对5种分别以牛粪、鸡粪和猪粪为原料堆制的商品有机肥中的重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、As、Hg含量进行了分析。

4)Livestock wastewater畜禽养殖废水

1.Livestock wastewater has already become one of the main eutrophication water pollution sources in our country nowdays, which seriously influenced ecological environment, economical and social healthy development.本实验对人工湿地的基质组分和植物种类对畜禽养殖废水的除污净化效果,以及经基质治理的水体安全回灌进行了研究,以期为人工湿地中植物和基质的选择、人工湿地运行的预期效果提供理论依据和技术支持,为合理利用养殖废水提供参考依据。

5)animal faeces wastes畜禽粪便废弃物

6)animal waste畜禽场废弃物

1.Two pilot composting experiments were carried out to investigate some parameters about the variation of metabolic enzymes and the degradation of phytotoxicity materials in the aerobic composting ofanimal waste,such as the composting temperature,the pH value,the germination index,as well as the activities of urease,cellulase,phosphatase and β-glucosidase.通过2个堆肥试验,监测堆肥温度,测试pH值、种子发芽指数以及脲酶、纤维素酶、磷酸酶和β-葡糖苷酶活性等指标,探讨了畜禽场废弃物好氧堆肥的代谢酶变化特征和生物毒性物质的降解规律。


海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)marine aquaculture_一一’‘~’‘以,’日y以.1日乙川髦增养殖(~ne aquacultu祀’见海水养殖·海水
