100字范文 > 集成建模 integrated modeling英语短句 例句大全

集成建模 integrated modeling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-17 13:48:25


集成建模 integrated modeling英语短句 例句大全

集成建模,integrated modeling

1)integrated modeling集成建模

1.Research in Integrated Planning Model Based on UML/ADL Integrated Modeling Method;基于UML/ADL集成建模方法的集成计划模型研究

2.Research in ISCM Model Based on UML/APN Integrated Modeling Technology;基于UML/APN集成建模技术的ISCM模型研究

3.Research on Integrated Modeling Methods of the Machining and Production Logistics System of Product Line Mode;流水制造模式生产加工和物流系统集成建模方法研究


1.New Toolbox of Modeling and Simulation for Mechanical/Optical Integrated Analysis一种新型的光机集成建模与仿真工具

2.Research on Knowledge Integration Model Based on Ontology基于Ontology的知识集成建模研究

3.Simulation of ethylene glycol process based on integrated modeling method基于集成建模方法的乙二醇全流程模拟

4.Modeling via Petri net for IHE integration profileIHE集成模式的Petri网建模

5.Integration of System UML Modeling and System Security Modeling Based on XACML基于XACML的安全建模和软件UML建模集成

6.On Forming the Integrating Model of Financial Management in the Group of Enterprise;企业集团集成化财务管理模式的构建

7.Intelligent Building Systems Integration Model Construction and Research建筑智能系统集成模型的构建及研究

8.Study on Modeling of Digital Integrated Water Resources Operation and Management System in a Catchment;数字集水区集成化的水资源调配系统建模研究

9.Study On the Integrated Financial Management Model of Enterprise and Group浅析我国企业集团集成化财务管理模式的构建

10.Building SLSI Design Platform超大规模集成电路设计平台建设初探

11.Modeling and Implementation of Data Integration System in E-Government Applications;电子政务数据集成系统的建模与实现

12.Product-industry-regional Integrated Innovation Model and Construction of Indicator Mechanism;集成创新系统模型及指标体系的构建

13.The Modeling and Performance Analysis of Integrated Manufacturing Logistic Networks;集成制造物流网络的建模与绩效分析

14.SIPOC model of the construction project integration and its organization support;建设项目集成的SIPOC模式及其组织支持

15.Modeling refinery operation scheduling with inventory management;集成库存管理的炼油厂生产排产建模

16.Integrated business-process modeling method based on the e~nEPCs;基于e~nEPCs的集成经营过程建模方法

17.The Building of Integrated Management Effect Modelof High-Tech Enterprises;高新技术企业集成管理效应模型建立

18.Research on Multi-Resolution Modeling in CAD/CAE Integrated TechnologyCAD/CAE集成中多分辨率建模技术的研究


Modeling Integration建模集成

3)integrated modeling集成化建模

4)intelligent integrated modeling智能集成建模

1.For the copper-converting process with significant variation in dynamics and limited information of process, we propose anintelligent integrated modeling method based on its limited data information.针对具有强动态变化特征但过程信息有限可知的铜转炉吹炼过程,提出一种基于有限数据信息的吹炼动态过程智能集成建模方法。

5)integrated product modeling集成化产品建模

1.To effectively share and reuse product information at knowledge level in a multidisciplinary collaborative environment for complex product development,a semantics-drivenintegrated product modeling methodology is presented.针对复杂产品研发过程中多领域协同对产品知识共享和重用的需求,提出一种语义驱动的集成化产品建模方法。

6)integrated enterprise modeling集成化企业建模

1.Interoperation-orientedintegrated enterprise modeling architecture;面向互操作的集成化企业建模体系研究


