100字范文 > 瓦斯含量 gas content英语短句 例句大全

瓦斯含量 gas content英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-11 22:13:01


瓦斯含量 gas content英语短句 例句大全

瓦斯含量,gas content

1)gas content瓦斯含量

1.Research on prediction ofgas contents base on RBF nerves network;基于RBF神经网络的瓦斯含量预测研究

2.New technology of outburst danger prediction bygas content;瓦斯含量法预测突出危险新技术

3.Discussion on incidence of underground roadway togas content of coal seam;巷道对煤层瓦斯含量的影响范围探讨


1.Mathematical geology technique and method for prediction of gas content and emission瓦斯含量及涌出量预测的数学地质技术与方法

2.Study on the Characteristics of Gas Content and Emission Based on the Information of Drilling基于钻探信息的煤层瓦斯含量及涌出特征研究

3.Research on Influencing Factors of the Gas Content in the Coal Bed with the Method of Desorption解吸法测定煤层瓦斯含量的影响因素研究

4.Study on Gas Content Distribution in No.8 Coal Seam of Lubanshan Mine Field鲁班山井田8号煤层瓦斯含量分布研究

5.Prediction of Gas Contents By Artificial Neural Network神经网络法分析煤层瓦斯含量的影响因素

6.Application of Core Drilling Collecting Rate to Evaluate Seam Gas Content and Distribution应用钻探岩芯采取率评价煤层瓦斯含量及分布

7.Predicting Model of Gas Content Based on Improved BP Neural Network基于改进BP神经网络的瓦斯含量预测模型

8.BP model of gas content prediction based on quantitative assessment of geological structure complexity基于构造复杂程度定量评价的瓦斯含量预测BP模型

9.Forecasting in-situ gas content using geological factors based on particle swarm optimization and least square support vector machine基于粒子群最小二乘支持向量机的瓦斯含量预测

10.Study on the Measurement Method of Coal Seam Primitive Gas Content and the Influencing Factors of Its Errors;煤层原始瓦斯含量测定方法及误差影响因素研究

11.Study on the Factors of Residual gas Content of Broken Anthracite of Sihe Coal Mine寺河矿无烟煤采落煤残余瓦斯含量变化规律研究

12.Technical Progress of Direct Measurement Method for Coal-seam Gas Content in Our Coal Mines我国煤矿井下煤层瓦斯含量直接测定法的技术进展

13.Energy Releasing Process and Noncontact Prediction of Coal and Gas Outburst含瓦斯煤突出的能量耗散过程及非接触预测

14.Prediction on Gas Emission and Gas Drainage base on Elevation根据标高预测瓦斯涌出量和瓦斯抽放

15.Study on the Gassy Coal THM Coupling Model and Coal and Gas Outburst Simulation含瓦斯煤THM耦合模型及煤与瓦斯突出模拟研究

16.Study on Width of Gas Drainage Zone in Coal Roadway Based on Gas Emission基于瓦斯涌出量的煤巷瓦斯排放带宽度研究

17.Application of Gas Geology Qualification Technology in the Prediction of Gas Emission瓦斯地质量化技术在瓦斯涌出预测中应用

18.Research on Constitutive Models and Instability Rules of Gas-saturated Coal含瓦斯煤岩本构模型与失稳规律研究


ultimate limited gas content极限瓦斯含量

1.The paper discussed theultimate limited gas content of seam under the high production and high efficient conditions in western mines of Jincheng.论述了晋城西部矿井要实现高产高效生产情况下煤层极限瓦斯含量,总结了寺河矿井基本建设和生产的实践经验,提出了瓦斯含量的三个区间及相应的瓦斯抽放方法。

3)gas remainder quantity残余瓦斯含量

4)seam gas content煤层瓦斯含量

1.This paper introduces the aims and contents of the evaluation on theseam gas content, and probes into the methods, degrees and workload of the evaluation onseam gas content.介绍了煤层瓦斯含量评价的目标和内容,就煤层瓦斯含量评价的方法、评价程度和工作量等进行了探讨。

5)survival gas content残存瓦斯含量

6)residual gas content method残余瓦斯含量法

1.Outburst prediction base on comprehensive index method andresidual gas content method;基于综合指标法和残余瓦斯含量法的突出预测


常压瓦斯油简称 AGO。 指原油蒸馏所得的沸程范围约为200~400℃的馏分,是一种轻质油。沸程范围内包括煤油馏分、轻柴油馏分及重柴油馏分,它们都是重要的发动机燃料。较重的部分(如300~400℃部分),常作为催化裂化的原料,用以进一步生产轻质油品。随着石油化工的发展,已较广泛地将常压瓦斯油作为石油化工原料用于烃类裂解制取乙烯。
