100字范文 > 专利无形性 Immateriality of Patent Subject英语短句 例句大全

专利无形性 Immateriality of Patent Subject英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-22 08:53:01


专利无形性 Immateriality of Patent Subject英语短句 例句大全

专利无形性,Immateriality of Patent Subject

1)Immateriality of Patent Subject专利无形性

2)non-patent ability无专利性

3)Patent invalid专利无效


1.On the Problem of Circuity of Action in Patent Invalidity Declaratory Judgment Litigation论专利无效诉讼中的“循环诉讼”问题

2.An opportunity for judicial review of any decision to revoke or forfeit a patent shall be available.撤销专利或宣布专利无效的任何决定,均应提供机会给予司法审查。

3.(7) any invalidation of the patent right;(七)专利权的无效宣告;

4.(5) any invalidation of the patent right;(五)专利权的无效宣告;

5.The decision declaring the patent right invalid shall be registered and announced by the Patent Office.宣告专利权无效的决定,由专利局登记和公告。

6.Chapter IV Reexamination of Patent Application and Invalidation of Patent Right第四章 专利申请的复审与专利权的无效宣告

7.Any patent right which has been declared invalid shall Be deemed to Be nonexistent from the Beginning.宣告无效的专利权视为自始即不存在。

8.Chapter V Duration, Cessation and Invalidation of Patent Right第五章专利权的期限、终止和无效

9.The decision declaring the patent right invalid shall be registered and announced by the patent administration department under the State Council.宣告专利权无效的决定,由国务院专利行政部门登记和公告。

10.Another way is by proving that the patent is invalid because it fails to meet the criteria for patentability.另一种方式是证明专利由于未能满足专利性的标准而无效。

11.Study on Invalidity During Patent Infringement Dispute;专利侵权纠纷中的专利权无效宣告请求及其相关问题研究

12.(3) raising disagreement, asking for the announcement of a patent right cancellation and other related affairs;(三)提出异议,请求宣告专利权无效的有关事务;

13."The Patent Reexamination Board shall examine the request for invalidation of the patent right, make a decision and notify the person who made the request and the patentee."专利复审委员会对宣告专利权无效的请求进行审查,作出决定,并通知请求人和专利权人。

14.The transfer, cancellation, invalidity, termination of patent right and the information such as change of patentee"s name, nationality or address etc. is recorded in the Patent Registration.专利权的转让、撤销、无效、终止和专利权人的姓名、国籍、地址变更等事项记载在专利登记薄上。

15.The files of patent rights which have been abandoned or invalidated or terminated shall not be preserved after expiry of3 years as of the date on which such patent rights cease to be valid.已放弃、告全部无效和终止的专利权的案卷,自该专利权失效之日起满3年后不予保存。

16.Where the patent right has been abandoned, wholly invalidated or ceased, the files shall not be preserved after expiration of three years from the date on which the patent right ceases to be valid.已放弃、宣告全部无效和终止的专利权的案卷,自该专利权失效之日起满3年后不予保存。

17.Article65 Where the written request for the invalidation of a patent right is not in conformity with Article64 of these Rules, the Patent Re-examination Board shall not accept it.第六十五条专利权无效宣告请求书不符合本细则第六十四条规定的,专利复审委员会不予受理。

18.Rule 65 Where the request for invalidation does not comply with the provisions of Rule 64 of these Implementing Regulations, the Patent Reexamination Board shall not accept it.第六十五条 专利权无效宣告请求书不符合本细则第六十四条规定的,专利复审委员会不予受理。


non-patent ability无专利性

3)Patent invalid专利无效


5)Patent Invalidity专利权无效


1.A Study on the Influence of Patent Law System for Patentability of Basic Research Results;基础研究成果可专利性对专利制度的影响研究

2.So, whether need to open thepatentability of pl.因此,近年来关于是否应当开放植物的可专利性已经成为一个在国际间受到广泛争议的话题。

3.As thepatentability of electronic commerce business methods has become a concern around the world, many developed countries have taken the accomplishment not only in theory but also in practice.电子商务商业方法的可专利性问题日益成为学者们讨论的热点与难点,在技术先进的西方发达国家,商业方法的可专利性理论与实践在近年来都有了长足的发展。


