100字范文 > 公共科技创新服务平台 Public Technological Platforms英语短句 例句大全

公共科技创新服务平台 Public Technological Platforms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-19 09:50:43


公共科技创新服务平台 Public Technological Platforms英语短句 例句大全

公共科技创新服务平台,Public Technological Platforms

1)Public Technological Platforms公共科技创新服务平台

1.The construction and development ofPublic Technological Platforms (PTPs), which are the integral part of the national/regional innovation system, are very important for the upgrading of indigenous technological capabilities.公共科技创新服务平台作为国家/区域创新系统的重要组成部分,是提升我国科技创新能力的基础条件的优化和重整。


1.Research on Performance Evaluation of Public Technological Platforms in Zhejiang Province浙江省公共科技创新服务平台的绩效评估研究

2.Promoting the Sharing by Application and Promoting the Innovation by Service Pushing on with Local S & T Platform Construction in the New Period;以应用促共享 以服务促创新 推进新时期地方科技平台建设工作

3.Knowledge Service Research Based on R&D Public Service Platform;基于科技研发公共服务平台的知识服务研究

4.Build Regional Public S &T Innovation Service Platform Based on System Failure Theory--Take Zhejiang Province as an Example基于系统失灵理论构建区域公共科技服务平台——以浙江省区域公共科技服务平台为例

5.Research of Jilin City Scientific and Technological Service Platform Construction Based on Scientific and Technological Innovation Service基于为科技创新服务的吉林市科技服务平台建设研究

6.Function Position and Organization Modes of Public Technological Platforms公共科技服务平台的功能定位与组织模式研究

7.Study on the Economic Efficiency of Public Policy and the Regional Innovation Service Platform;公共政策的经济效率与区域创新服务平台建设

8.Study on the Construction of Investment and Financing Platform of Scientific and Technical Innovation in Wuhan;武汉市科技创新投融资服务平台构建研究

9.Regional Science & Technology Information Platform Must be Established in Service and Innovation;地方科技条件平台建设要立足于服务和创新

10.Study and Implementation of Service Platform for SMEs" Innovation of Science and Technology Department科技厅中小企业创新服务平台的研究与实现

11.Design of Science and Technology Information Resources Shared Services Platform科技信息资源共享服务平台设计初探

12.Construction of 110 Agricultural Science and Technology Service and Information Sharing Platform构建农业科技110服务和信息共享平台

13.Construction of S &T Information Sharing Service Platform in Hubei Province湖北省科技信息共享服务平台的建设

14.Research and Design of CAD/CAE Public Technique Service PlatformCAD/CAE公共技术服务平台研究与设计

15.Security of Public Meteorological Service Information Website公共气象服务平台信息网站安全技术

16.Construction and outlook of the service platform of Yunnan oriental tobacco industry;构建云南省香料烟产业科技公共服务平台的思路及应用前景

17.The Research of the Science and Technology Public Service Platform"s Satisfaction Degree Based on the Support Vector Machine基于支持向量机的科技公共服务平台满意度评价研究

18.The Design and Realization of the Public Service System for Science and Technology Infrastructure Network Platform in Hebei Province河北科技基础条件网络平台公共服务系统的设计与实现


industry public technology service platform行业科技服务公共平台

1.According toindustry public technology service platform s characteristics,made a industry public technology service system found on service-oriented architecture technology through its division Coarse-grained between Fine-grained,and still a specific technology for service-oriented architecture was made.文章在分析了面向服务架构(SOA)的特点后,根据行业科技服务公共平台的特点,通过对其进行粗细粒度划分,提出了面向服务架构的行业科技服务公共平台系统体系结构,给出了面向服务架构的具体实现技术。

3)the science and technology public service platform科技公共服务平台

1.This paper discusses the method of appraisingthe science and technology public service platform\"s satisfaction degree based on the support vector machine.本文在介绍支持向量机(SVM)基本原理的基础上,探讨基于支持向量机的科技公共服务平台满意度评价方法。

4)Regional Public S&T Innovation Service Platform区域公共科技服务平台

5)Public service technology platform公共技术服务平台

6)Public Service Innovation公共服务创新

1.At the same time,we also must advance the public service innovation vigorously.要真正做到公共服务创新,就需要在公共服务理念、公共服务机制、公共服务方式和公共服务能力等几方面苦练内功。

2.Although there are certain differences in the expression of reform ideas as well as in the practice of the reform, the public service innovation has been the core of administrative reform.尽管各国的改革实践存在一定的差异,在改革理念的表述上各有侧重,但公共服务创新一直是行政改革的核心内容。

3.Based on the analysis on the characteristics and socialization of the public service of local governments in underdeveloped regions,the full understanding of the government\"s dominant position in underdeveloped regions of China has important significance for the public service innovation of these regions.在对我国欠发达地区地方政府公共服务特点及公共服务社会化现状进行分析的基础上,充分认识目前我国欠发达地区公共产品供给上政府的主导地位,这对于欠发达地区地方政府公共服务创新具有重要的意义。


