100字范文 > 创新型科技园区 innovative Science & Technology Industry Park英语短句 例句大全

创新型科技园区 innovative Science & Technology Industry Park英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-06 18:42:15


创新型科技园区 innovative Science & Technology Industry Park英语短句 例句大全

创新型科技园区,innovative Science & Technology Industry Park

1)innovative Science & Technology Industry Park创新型科技园区

1.The paper will make a deep analysis from the theory of district innovation system, connecting the experience from silicon valley and Z-park, the paper will research the development mode ofinnovative Science & Technology Industry Park.文章在对无锡高新区的个案研究中,结合无锡高新区的实际情况,对无锡高新区建设创新型科技园区的必要性和可行性进行了分析,并结合无锡高新区建设发展中的不足,提出了无锡高新区建设创新型科技园区的方案和措施。

2)scientific and technological innovation provinces科技创新型省区

1.The scientific and technological levels in western areas are generally in backwardness and have heavy responsibilities toward construction ofscientific and technological innovation provinces.结果表明:近年来,陕西省的科技创新水平显著提高,科技发展态势良好,但是与全国发达省份相比仍然落后,与西部一些省份在科技关键指标上也有明显差距,科技投入、科技活动力量区位分布、高新技术产业化等因素制约了陕西科技创新型省区的建设。


1.Paths Inquiry on Construction of Shaanxi Province as a Scientific and Technological Innovation Provinces陕西省建设科技创新型省区的路径探究

2.Study on the Evaluation of Regional Resource-conserving and Environment-friendly Scientific and Technological Innovation Ability--Take Fujian province as an example区域资源节约型、环境友好型科技创新能力评价研究——以福建省为例

3.On the Regional Scientific and Technological Innovation in Shanxi;关于山西省区域科技创新体系的思考

4.The Study on the New-type Innovative System Construction of Agricultural Mechanization in Shandong Province;山东省新型农业机械化科技创新体系研究

5.The Present, Types and Expectation of Regional Science and Technology Innovation in China;中国区域科技创新的现状、类型与展望

6.The evaluating and research of technological innovation system in district in Zhejiang province;浙江省区域科技创新体系的现状评估与研究

7.An Evaluation and Research on the Science & Technology Innovation Capability in Hubei Province;湖北省区域科技创新能力综合评价和研究

8.Evaluation and Analysis on Competitiveness of Innovative Talents in Hebei Province河北省创新型科技人才竞争力评价与分析

9.Evaluation on Innovative Talents of Science and Technology and Cultivation Countermeasures in Hebei Province河北省创新型科技人才竞争力评价与提升对策

10.Building scientific and technological innovation capacity in colleges for achieving innovative Gansu--Status,problems and solutions of college science and technology innovation in Gansu Province;面向创新型甘肃的高校科技创新能力建设研究——甘肃省高校科技创新现状、问题及对策

11.Research of Building an Innovation-oriented Science and Technology Personnel in Central China中部地区创新型科技人才队伍培养探析

12.The Evaluation and Apocalypse on the Policy of Innovation Fund for Technology-Based SMEs in Sichuan;四川省科技型中小企业技术创新基金政策评述及启示

13.Building scientific and technological innovation capacity in gansu province s universities to achieving an innovative Gansu--Scientific and technological resources of Gansu province s universities status and quo optimal allocation of resources;面向创新型甘肃省高校科技创新能力建设研究——甘肃高校科技资源现状及其优化配置

14.The Agricultural Sci-tech Innovation Development and the Technical Diffuseness of Shanxi Province;山西省农业科技创新发展与技术扩散

15.The positive analysis of difference in science & technology innovation and the degrees of developing among Guizhou and it s periphery provinces;贵州与周边省区科技创新、经济实力差异实证分析

16.Strengthening Technical Creation Establishing Secience Technology Benefit Type Enterprise;加强技术创新 创建科技效益型企业

17.Technological innovation capacity evaluation summarize of Science Park;科技园区区域技术创新能力评价综述

18.A Study on How to Develop Wuxi High-tech Development Zone into a Creative and international New Town of Science and Technology;关于无锡新区建设创新型国际化科技新城的研究


scientific and technological innovation provinces科技创新型省区

1.The scientific and technological levels in western areas are generally in backwardness and have heavy responsibilities toward construction ofscientific and technological innovation provinces.结果表明:近年来,陕西省的科技创新水平显著提高,科技发展态势良好,但是与全国发达省份相比仍然落后,与西部一些省份在科技关键指标上也有明显差距,科技投入、科技活动力量区位分布、高新技术产业化等因素制约了陕西科技创新型省区的建设。

3)innovation-type park创新型园区

1.Based on analyzing the connotation of theinnovation-type park, this paper points out that promoting the construction of theinnovation-type park with the informatization is an inevitable selection for developing the national high-tech zone, and advances some countermeasures and suggestions of the construction of theinnovation-type park.在剖析创新型园区内涵的基础上,指出以信息化带动创新型园区建设是国家高新区发展的必然选择,并提出了园区建设的对策和建议。

2.Therefore, under such circumstance, 53 national high-tech zones of our country take innovation as the most important task and strive for construction from high-tech zones toinnovation-type park.所以,在这样的形势下,我国53个国家级高新区都把创新作为了首要任务,为把高新区建成创新型园区而努力奋斗着。

4)high-tech park高新科技园区

1.The Applied Study of Investment Decision for High-tech Park in Western China;西部高新科技园区投资决策应用研究

2.This paper backdates the history of systemization,analyzes the influence of systemization on the development ofhigh-tech park,points out the problems in combining them,and puts out countermeasures for the sys.高校和高新科技园区是我国创新体系建设中的两个重要的组成部分。

3.Planning on Talent Management Informationalisation for Chinese High-tech Parks Based on Sino-Euro Comparison;进入20世纪80年代以来,随着全球范围内新技术革命的全面兴起和产业结构的大变革,不仅在发达国家,而且在发展中国家,都掀起了创办高新科技园区的热潮。

5)the construction of innovative zones创新型园区建设

6)regional science and technology innovation区域科技创新

1.Establishment ofregional science and technology innovation evaluation system区域科技创新评价体系的建构

2.Based on present situation of region science and technology innovation,the connotation ofregional science and technology innovation strategy is limited.在考察了区域科技创新研究现状的基础上,借鉴生命科学理论,揭示了区域科技发展的特征和过程。

3.In recent years, with China s rapid economic development,regional science and technology innovation has become the focus of attention, and in this process, how to measure and evaluate the results and effectiveness of the regional scientific an.近几年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,区域科技创新也已经成为人们关注的焦点,而在此过程中,如何测度和评价现行区域科技创新的成绩与效果,即对科技创新进行绩效评价,便成为人们迫切关注的问题。


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