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报媒 Newspapers Media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-21 19:00:49


报媒 Newspapers Media英语短句 例句大全

报媒,Newspapers Media

1)Newspapers Media报媒

1.Research ofNewspapers Media Integrated Marketing Communication Mode;报媒整合营销传播模式研究

2)newspaper media报纸媒体

1.Nowadays,the change in the management environment of media brings about pressure and challenge for the development ofnewspaper media.通过对报纸媒体品牌定位和形象广告策划的阐述,探讨了报纸媒体如何通过自我形象广告,更好地提升品牌形象,从而提高报纸的知名度和发行量。


1.How the Medium of the Press Faces the Challenge of"the Fourth Medium" Crane City Evening Newspaper Office,Qiqihar,Heilongjiang;报纸媒体如何应对“第四媒体”的挑战

2.The Framing Analysis on the Paper Media How to Report New Socialist Countryside;我国报纸媒体新农村报道的框架分析

3.The Discourse Analysis of National College Entrance Examination Reports in Newspaper;报纸媒体中高考报道的新闻话语分析

4.Newspaper: The New Flat Roof For Talent Showing Of Washing, Hairdressing And Cosmetic Brands报纸媒体:日化品牌脱颖而出的新平台

5.Newspapers continue to take an interest in campaign activities.报纸媒体持续关注各项宣传活动。

6.The Value Direction of Reading Special Issues in Newspaper Medium报纸媒体“读书”类专刊的价值取向

7.Newspapers Position in Media Ecosystem and Its Competitiveness;报纸媒体生态位及其新闻竞争力刍议

8.National Newspaper Media Reports about Food Safety Research国内报纸媒体对于食品安全的报道研究

9.Strategies of Improving Spaces of AD Page for Newspaper Media;析报纸媒体版面之广告创作与投放策略

10.A Brief Analysis of the Spreading of the New Words and Phrases in the New Era among the Newspapers and Some Other Media;略析新时期新词语在报纸媒体中的传播

11.A Interpretation on the Supplement Titled Family and Women in Takungpao for the City Culture of Tianjin Female;报纸媒体与女性都市文化的呈现——对《大公报》副刊《家庭与妇女》的解读

12."Television, radio, newspapers and magazines are referred to as the media."电视、电台、报纸和杂志都可称为媒体。

13.printed matter in the form of newspapers or magazines.报纸或杂志形式的印刷媒体。

14.The Media Is Message :On the Development of Newspaper Styles媒介即讯息:报纸新闻文体演变回顾

15.The Politic Space in Newspapers of Late Qing Dynasty;政府与媒体——晚清上海报纸的政治空间

16.Flows the Media Broadcast Based on ActiveX to Control the Digital Newspaper基于ActiveX流媒体播放控件的数字报纸

17.Get some prestigious recognition – from newspapers, broadcasters, publishers or industry gorups经营名声–获得报纸、广电媒体、平面媒体,或是同业工会的认同

18.a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media.被雇来为报纸或广播媒体提供新闻的记者。


newspaper media报纸媒体

1.Nowadays,the change in the management environment of media brings about pressure and challenge for the development ofnewspaper media.通过对报纸媒体品牌定位和形象广告策划的阐述,探讨了报纸媒体如何通过自我形象广告,更好地提升品牌形象,从而提高报纸的知名度和发行量。

3)media report媒体报道

1.It is urgent toregulate themedia reports because the conflict between the rights ofmedia reports andjudicial power, personal rights and the rights of fair trial becomes more and moreserious.媒体报道权与司法权、公正受审权、人格权之间的紧张与冲突日益彰显,对媒体报道进行法律规制有迫切性。

4)media coverage媒体报道

1.Reflection on the relation betweenmedia coverage and judicial impartiality;媒体报道与司法公正关系的反思与再构

5)area newspaper-media区域报媒

1.Now the new media which takes the internet media influences the development ofarea newspaper-media deeply.以网络媒体为代表的新媒体正深刻影响着区域报媒的发展。

6)Brands of Newspapers Media报媒品牌


