100字范文 > 应战 Response英语短句 例句大全

应战 Response英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-12 13:42:45


应战 Response英语短句 例句大全



1.Crossing Sword and Surpassing Deng Xiaoping sResponses To the World Opinion;交锋与超越:邓小平对国际舆论的应战


1.The champion took up the gaunlet of the challenger.这位冠军向挑战者应战。

2.His challenge drew no reply.他的挑战没有引起应战。

3.I dared him,but he didn"t.我向他挑战,可是他不敢应战。

4.The soldiers were at concert pitch for war.战士们斗志昂扬,准备应战。

5.I felt a perverse desire to accept his challenge.他向我挑战,我就偏要应战。

6.His challenge draw no reply.他的挑战没有引出回答(没有人应战)。

7.flexible responseph.1. 机动反应战略

8.Are you ready to pick up the gauntlet?你做好应战准备了吗?

9.Hurstwood had to take it up.赫斯渥不得不应战。

10.He threw his shoulders back and decided to accept the challenge.他挺起胸决定应战。

11.We should adopt flexible strategy and tactics in a war.在战争中应运用灵活机动的战略战术。

12.In the third stage, we should launch the strategic counter-offensive.在第三阶段中,应该是战略的反攻战。

13.On Implementing Psychological Combats of Military Tactics in Criminal Inventories论警察清查行动中战术心理战的应用

14.(4)The war to China must is a protracted war.(4)对中国的战争应坚持持久战。

15.Application on Lanchester Fight Theory in Antiaircraft Fight;Lanchester战斗理论在防空作战中的应用

16.The Strategy of Intelligent Property Right in High Institution to Deal with the Challenge after Entrance to WTO;应对入世挑战与高校的知识产权战略

17.Research of the Strategies for Respondingto WTO and Developing the Enterprises in Chenzhou;应对WTO挑战郴州企业发展战略研究

18.A study on the development of cultural strategies to deal with the challenges of financial crisis拓展文化战略研究 应对金融危机挑战


Challenge Accepting a Challenge挑战应战

3)strategic reply战略应对

4)Combat readiness stress战备应激

5)tactical application战术应用

1.Ocean acoustic field prediction andtactical application;海洋声场预报及战术应用

2.And then atactical application model of maritime smoke generating barrel is put forward according to simulation results.对海上发烟桶施放烟幕的效果进行了分析,并对烟幕干扰涉及到的3个要素进行了建模与仿真,根据仿真结果提出了海上发烟桶在舰艇防护中的战术应用模型。

3.According to threat object,engagement mode, etc, then it’s main performance oftactical application is discussed, and the practicability, validity and improvement of UV MAWS based on it’s capability for high speed fixed-wing fighter are analysed.从介绍导弹逼近告警的军事需求和应用背景入手,根据威胁对象、平台交战模式的特点,确立了系统的战术任务定位,系统阐述了导弹逼近告警战术应用的主要性能,并在分析紫外告警性能功能基础上,论述了紫外告警在高速固定翼飞机应用的实用性和有效性及今后的发展。

6)strategic alignment战略对应

1.Information system project decision based onstrategic alignment;基于战略对应的信息系统项目决策研究

2.IT project portfolio selection model based onstrategic alignment;基于战略对应的IT项目组合选择模型

3.Research on Strategic Alignment Based Modeling for Information System Application Decision Making;基于战略对应的信息系统应用决策模型及方法研究


应战1.谓迎战来敌。 2.接受挑战。
