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会社 group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-27 13:37:41


会社 group英语短句 例句大全




1.A Brief Talk on Relationship Between Materials,Society and Environment;浅谈材料、社会和环境之间的关系

2.Analysis of Hierarchy of Man\|Environment System ——Comments on concepts ofsociety and economy;人类-环境系统的层次分析——兼谈社会、经济等概念及关系

3.On the cultivation of quality of doctors combining with the development of modern science andsociety;结合现代科技与社会发展谈博士生素质培养


1.socialist aggregate social product社会主义社会总产品

2.determination of social consciousness by social being社会存在决定社会意识

3.Ministry of Social Security and Social Welfare社会保障和社会福利部

4.social facilitation and social inhibition社会促进和社会抑制

5.consumption in socialist society社会主义社会的消费

6.Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Reinsertio社会事务和社会安置部

7.Parti Socialiste Rwandais卢旺达社会党(卢社会党)

8.sociological factors社会学因素社会学因素

9.Social Security Section [Social Welfare Department]社会保障组〔社会福利署〕

10.Social Security Branch [Social Welfare Department]社会保障科〔社会福利署〕

11.Modern society is a constitutional society.现代社会是法制社会。

12.market in socialist society社会主义社会的市场

13.Sociological Theory and Social Research社会学理论与社会研究

14.Social Services社会服务,社会福利事业

15.Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft礼俗社会和法理社会

16.socialization of personality人格社会化 人格社会化

17.theory of social facilitation社会促进论社会促进论

18.The first is a new society, namely, an open society.一、新的社会。 新的社会是指开放的社会;



1.A Brief Talk on Relationship Between Materials,Society and Environment;浅谈材料、社会和环境之间的关系

2.Analysis of Hierarchy of Man\|Environment System ——Comments on concepts ofsociety and economy;人类-环境系统的层次分析——兼谈社会、经济等概念及关系

3.On the cultivation of quality of doctors combining with the development of modern science andsociety;结合现代科技与社会发展谈博士生素质培养


1.Study on the Change and Correlation between Psychosocial Factor and Immunity Function in Breast Cancer Patients;乳腺癌患者心理社会因素与免疫功能的变化及其相关性

2.The Social Psychological Factors and Adolescents Aggressive Behaviors;青少年攻击行为社会心理影响因素研究

3.Effects of Psychosocial Factors on Academic Achievement of Middle School Students;社会心理因素对初中生学习成绩的影响


1."To be" and "To do",and recognitions from thecommunity and employment market credit the quality education of China at present.成人、成才,社会和就业市场的认可,正成为衡量教育产品质量的重要标准。

2.State combinescommunity into an organism.国家与社会是一个相互联系、相互影响并相互制约的有机体。

3.Jews and the Chinese share many values in common in their views toward family andcommunity life.家庭与社团观念从圣经时代以来一直是正统犹太教信徒乃至全体犹太人心目中最重要的社会观念,成为犹太宗教和犹太意识的基础。

5)The society社会

1.From CAO Yu s concept of the tragedy,his intention and interpretation of the text,we will find Sunrise does not continue the pursuing of the tragedy with Thunderstorm,so conversion of the individual to the society occurs.从对曹禺的悲剧观念、《日出》的创作意图和文本的具体解读并细加分析,会发现《日出》并未延续《雷雨》的悲剧追求,而是发生了从个体到社会的现实转向,转向并非偶然,而是艺术创新、情绪驱动和舆论导向等多重因素相作用的结果。

2.Along with the society s progress its structures and the type of its body-organizations changed.随着社会的发展进步,国家对社会的管理任务和目标必然要转变。

3.In order to have a good understanding of questions relevant to the government function, the relationship between the government and the society should be mentioned first in the thesis, for the government is deeply rooted in the society, and to a certain extent, the transformation of the government function adapts to the devel.政府职能在通常意义上讲是指政府在管理社会政治、经济、文化事务时所具有的各种职责和功能。


1.Some ideas about primary-schoolsociety s "personal socialization;小学《社会》课程走向“个体社会化”的几点思考

2.We have implemented social humane comprehensive curriculum Society and scientific comprehensive curriculum Science in our country.我国先后实施了社会人文综合课程《社会》和理科综合课程《科学》,然而在实践中,《社会》获得成功而《科学》却以偃旗息鼓收场。


会社1.旧时指政治﹑宗教﹑学术等团体。 2.公司。来自日语,为英语company,corporation的意译。
