100字范文 > 特点及作用 characteristics and use英语短句 例句大全

特点及作用 characteristics and use英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-21 01:55:49


特点及作用 characteristics and use英语短句 例句大全

特点及作用,characteristics and use

1)characteristics and use特点及作用


1.On the Features and Roles of Evidentiality in EABR;论英语学术书评实据性的特点及作用

2.Talking About the Traits and Function of the Teaching FilesManagement in the Higher University;浅谈高校教学档案管理的特点及作用

3.Space-time Characteristics and Functionary Mechanism of Digital Learning Resources;数字化学习资源的时空特点及作用机理

4.Analysis on the Characteristics and Function of College Students Communities in New Age;新时期高校学生社团的特点及作用分析

5.Technial characteristics and operation points of Japanese rotavator日本旋耕机技术特点及操作使用要点

6.The Effect and The Characters of "Mou Yin Mou" in Zhu Xi s The Studies of The Book of Songs;朱熹《诗集传》“某音某”作用及特点

7.The Utilization Characteristics and the Development Trend of University Archives;高校档案利用工作的特点及发展趋势

8.The Property and Taste of Oolong Tea and the Roles It Plays in Human Health;乌龙茶性味特点及对人体健康的作用

9.Sources, Traits & Roles of Accredited Officials at the Beginning of the Republic of China;民国前期使职的渊源、特点及其作用

10.Concise Analysis on the Diversification、Performance and Character of CTAs;商品交易顾问的分类、作用及其特点

11.The Origin, Application and Development of the Art of “RUYI”;论“如意”艺术的起源、特点及其作用

12.Study on Concept of Fake Action of Boxing , it s Skill Characteristics and Utilization;拳击“假动作”的界定、技术特点及其运用

13.The Sports Primary Community in School and Its Characteristics and Function Research;学校体育小群体及其特点与作用研究

14.Characteristics, Function and Construction of the College Students Associations;论高校学生社团的特点、作用及建设

15.Function and Characteristic Analysis of the GJB15481-2001 Oriterion;GJB15481-2001标准的作用及特点分析

16.On Characteristics、 Functions and Side Effects of Imperial Examination System of Ming Dynasty;明朝科举制度的特点、作用及负面影响

17.Features of Qing Dynasty Folk Education and Its Social Position;清代民间教育特点及社会地位与作用

18.Basic Classif ication and Functional Characteristics of the Removing Phlegm Drugs in TCM中医祛痰药物的基本类别及作用特点


Speciality and application特点及应用

3)the art of application特点及运用

4)function and defect作用及缺点

5)action characters作用特点

6)features and functions特征及作用


