100字范文 > 往复炉排 reciprocating grate英语短句 例句大全

往复炉排 reciprocating grate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-16 20:47:11


往复炉排 reciprocating grate英语短句 例句大全

往复炉排,reciprocating grate

1)reciprocating grate往复炉排

1.Technology of waste incineration and two stagereciprocating grate垃圾焚烧二段式往复炉排的工艺技术


1.Technology of waste incineration and two stage reciprocating grate垃圾焚烧二段式往复炉排的工艺技术

2.Design and Development of the New Type Biomass-fired Hot-water Boiler with an Incline Reciprocating Grate with Grand Staircase新型大阶梯斜推往复炉排燃稻壳热水锅炉的设计开发

3.It is the transformation of the slant boiler with reciprocating grates that it not only makes an enterprise economize energy sources, but also increases economy benefit greatly.倾斜往复炉排锅炉的改造,使企业节约了能源,更大增加了企业的经济效益。

4.A Model Featuring the Formation of Pollutants in a Grate-CFB(Circulating Fluidized Bed) Compound Solid Waste Incinerator炉排-循环床复合垃圾焚烧炉污染物生成模型

5.displacement pump往复式泵,活塞泵,柱塞泵,排代泵

6.The application of ceramic spraying technology on reciprocated pump for excluding salt-water陶瓷喷涂技术在往复排盐泵上的应用

7.Chain Coal-fired Machine and Reciprocating Coal-fired Machine Multipurpose Used in Heating Furnace链式和往复式燃煤机在加热炉上的应用

8.The Application of Compound Buring Technique with Multiblade Fan Pulverizer in Travelling Grate Stoker Boiler采用多级风扇磨的复合燃烧技术在链条炉排锅炉上的应用

9.Effects of Mineral Composite Materials for Far Infrared Radiation on Oil Consumption and Air Pollutants Emission of Oil-Burning Boiler;远红外功能矿物复合材料对燃油锅炉油耗与排污的影响

10.General;Reciprocating;Reciprocating Diaphragm;Turbo;Positive Displacement;Roller Vane;Rotary;Screw;Liquid Ring;Ejector常规;往复式;往复隔膜式;涡轮式;正排量式;滚压叶轮式;旋转式;螺旋式;液圈式;喷射式

11.Drag onto the page to add a reciprocating compressor or positive displacement pump.拖到绘图页后,可以添加往复式压缩机或正排量式泵。

12.motor scooter with reciprocating internal combustiong piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50cc小型摩托车,装有气缸排量不超过50cc的往复式活塞内燃机

13.motor scooter with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50cc but not exceeding 250cc小型摩托车,装有气缸排量超过50cc,但未超过250cc的往复式活塞内燃机

14.motor cycle with or without side-cars with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity exceeding 800cc带或不带跨斗的摩托车,装有气缸排量超过800cc的往复式活塞内燃机

15.Reciprocating internal combustion engines-Terminology of components pressure-charging and air/exhaust gas ducting systemsGB/T6809.4-1989往复式内燃机零部件术语增压及进排气管系统

16.He is feeding the stove with coal.他在往炉子里添煤。

17.She used the tongs to add coal to the fire.她用火钳往炉火添煤。

18.Put another log on the fire.往炉子里再添一段木柴.


reciprocating furance row往复炉排片

3)reciprocating exhaust furnace往复式炉排

1.The new incinerator adopts the rotary pyrogenation kiln as the primary incineration treatment,thereciprocating exhaust furnace carries out the secondary incineration,then gas and dust powder enters into the third combustion chamber for decomposing and combusting.文章介绍了三燃式危险废物焚烧技术,该新型焚烧炉采用回转热解窑作为一次燃烧处理方式,再由往复式炉排炉进行二次焚化燃烧,未燃尽的气体、粉尘进入三燃室充分分解燃烧,因此烧尽率高、热能效率高。

4)traveling grate往复移动炉排

1.A complete mathematical model was developed for a 400 t/dtraveling grate municipal solid waste(MSW) incineration plant in Tianjin including the pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of the waste.以天津某垃圾焚烧发电厂的400 t/d往复移动炉排式城市生活垃圾焚烧炉为具体研究对象,结合垃圾热解燃烧特性,建立焚烧炉综合数学模型并进行了仿真计算。

5)sloped reciprocating grate倾斜往复炉排

1.In this paper, the usual breakdown and its reasons ofsloped reciprocating grate are analyzed and corresponding resolution is found.从结构、制造、设计等方面对倾斜往复炉排在运行中遇到的问题及其原因进行分析 ,并给出了相应的解决措

2.In this paper , the usual breakdown and its reasons ofsloped reciprocating grate are analyzed from structure , construction and operation .本文从结构、制造、安装及运行等方面对倾斜往复炉排在运行中常遇到的故障及其原因进行分析 ,并给出了相应的解决办法。

6)Reciprocating inclined grate斜置往复炉排

1.The aim of this thesis is to map out the program of temperature test by orthogonal test method and to build the testing system of temperature for finding out the highest temperature of grate plates and temperature distribution,finally analyses the factors which affect the temperature distribution according to present conditions of 6t/h reciprocating inclined grate,for ex.本文根据 6t/h斜置往复炉排现有的条件 :炉排片结构、燃烧特征一定时 ,利用正交试验法制定了测温试验方案 ,建成了测温系统 ,得出了炉排片的最高温度及炉排面上的温度分布 ,分析了温度分布的影响因


工业炉:工业炉排烟系统利用烟囱或机械装置将工业炉炉膛内的烟气排出炉外的系统。保证排烟通畅是工业炉正常使用的重要条件﹐排烟不通畅时﹐炉膛压力昇高﹐从炉膛四周的缝隙会逸出大量烟气而增加炉子的热损失﹐影响炉内气流的均匀分布﹐降低炉温均匀性﹐恶化操作环境。 排烟系统是由產生抽力的排烟装置和排送烟气的烟道所组成。常用的排烟装置有烟囱(图1烟囱排烟装置 )﹑引风机或喷射管(图2机械排烟装置 )等。 烟囱排烟是靠流入烟囱内热烟气密度小於烟囱外空气密度所產生的浮力﹐以克服烟道的阻力。利用引风机也可将烟气排出﹐或在排烟系统中某一部位装设一个喷射管﹐用高速喷射气体所產生的负压排出烟气。烟囱排烟不消耗动力﹐排烟温度不受限制。当排烟阻力很大而工业炉又间断运行时﹐可用引风机或喷射管排烟。喷射管适用於排除高温烟气﹔引风机适用於排除低温烟气。 烟囱分为砖砌烟囱﹑混凝土烟囱和钢板烟囱。烟道有地下烟道和架空烟道两种。地下烟道多用砖砌﹐架空烟道宜採用衬有耐火材料的钢板製成。 为了减少烟气对环境的污染﹐或因节能需要而在烟道内设置预热器时﹐都需要儘量提高烟囱高度并增加烟囱出口处的烟气流速﹐使之大於当地最大风速或至少不低於3米/秒﹐以避免烟气中的有害气体和烟尘向地面扩散。当烟囱高度达50米以上时﹐烟囱顶部的风速为地面处风速的数倍。烟气到达地面时已在离烟囱很远的地方﹐这时烟气已在逐步扩散中稀释到无害的程度。对燃烧固体燃料的工业炉﹐在排烟系统中还要设置各种形式的除尘器﹐使烟气排出时的含尘浓度降低到200微克/米3以下。
