100字范文 > 生态河道 Ecological river英语短句 例句大全

生态河道 Ecological river英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-29 11:46:54


生态河道 Ecological river英语短句 例句大全

生态河道,Ecological river

1)Ecological river生态河道

1.Influences of cropping loops in ecological river on hydraulic behavior of flow;生态河道种植圈对水流水力特性的影响

2.Tertiary treatment of secondarily-treated WWTP effluent by ecological river利用城市生态河道深度净化污水处理厂出水的工程技术研究

3.The river plant kinds in plain areas of Zhejiang are investigated to adopt plants for ecological river construction.为了应用植物措施进行平原地区生态河道建设,对浙江省平原地区河道植物种类进行了调查。


1.Study on the Construction Technology of the Ecological River and It"s Purification Efficiency;生态河道构建技术及净污效果实验研究

2.A Study on Construction Theory of the Urban Ecological River and Its Application in Nantong City, China;南通市城市生态河道构建理论及其应用

3.Eco-environmental Water Demand about the Main Current of the Huifa River in River Course;辉发河干流河道生态环境需水量研究

4.The primary estimation of ecological water requirement of Weihe river in Guanzhong region,Shaanxi Province,China渭河(陕西段)河道生态需水量估算

5.Research on the Ecological and Environmental Water Requirements of the Highland and River Channel in the Yellow River Basin;黄河流域坡高地与河道生态环境需水规律研究

6.Study on Ecological Water Requirement of Stream-Channel in the Plain Reach of Hai-River Basin;海河流域平原河道生态环境需水量计算

7.Ecological Changes of Water Conveyance in Dried-up Riverway in the Down Stream of Tarim River塔里木河下游断流河道输水的生态变化分析

8.Application of Ecological Embankment in Restoration of Urban Rivers生态护岸在城市河道生态修复中的应用

9.Study on South Channel Ecological Engineering Planning of Water Transfer Channel to Yellow Sea of Huaihe River淮河入海水道南泓生态工程规划研究

10.Research on the Construction Theory of Ecological River and It"s Application Technology;生态型河道构建原理及应用技术研究

11.The Ecological Restoration Experiment of the Watercourse of Shenzhen City s Drinking Water Sources;深圳市饮用水源地河道生态修复实验

12.Research on Hydrodynamic Behavior of Flow Through Eichhornia Crassipe in Ecological Watercourse;凤眼莲生态型河道水流特性试验研究

13.The Urban River Restoration and Ecological City Construction of Huangshui River in Xining City;西宁市湟水河道整治与生态城市建设

14.Suggestion on Building the Ecological Type River in Harbin;关于建设哈尔滨市生态型河道的建议

15.Development and application of ecological protection bank for inland waterway内河航道生态护岸的发展及应用分析

16.East of Henan province Yellow River old course wetland eco-tourism development probing豫东黄河故道湿地生态旅游开发探析

17.Study on the ecological effects of inter-planting herbage in pear orchards in the old flooded area of Yellow River黄河故道地区梨园生草栽培的生态效应

18.Study on Ecological Restoration of Black & Foul Laoduanpu Creek in Shanghai上海老段浦污染河道生态修复试验研究


ecological rivers生态河道

1.This study investigated the application of three ecological slope protection techniques, including soil bioengineering, all-series vegetated protection, and combined biostabilization, at four demonstration sites ofecological rivers in Shanghai.在上海4个生态河道示范区,开展了以生态修复和河岸侵蚀控制为目标的河道生态护坡技术研究。

3)ecological river生态型河道

1.The paper states the conception ofecological river construction and the ecological connotation of river,and summarizes the ecological engineering technique of river in and abroad,and in allusion to demestic practical considerations brings forward the attentive matters in the process ofecological river construction,and enumerates some demestic application examples in the last.主要阐述了生态型河道建设的概念以及河道的生态内涵。

2.Theecological river construction is one of most important measures to restore the damaged river,and the focus on river ecological restoration in and abroad.生态型河道建设是修复受损河道的重要技术手段,是国内外河道生态修复的研究热点。

4)ecological watercourse生态型河道

1.The purification by Eichhornia crassipe inecological watercourse was examined in indoor laboratory.对凤眼莲生态型河道进行室内模型试验,以3种(A、B和C)不同种植圈形式将其框束于流动水体中,分析不同条件下凤眼莲的水质净化效果。

2.Along with the extended construction ofecological watercourse, varies of hydrophyte are used to purify polluted water.随着生态型河道的推广建设,各类水生植物被用于河道水体净化,然而植被的种植改变了原先河道的水体结构,影响了水体的水流特性。

3.Water environment is worse and worse,soecological watercourse becomes attentive emphases and various hydrophyte were used in watercourse s construction.随着河道水环境的每况愈下,生态型河道逐渐成为人们关注的焦点,多种水生植物被用于实际河道的建设,但植被的存在势必破坏了原先河道的水体结构,对水流特性产生一定程度的影响。

5)ecological water requirement河道生态需水量

1.In view of the present ecological problems in the Dalinghe River Basin,this paper estimatedecological water requirement(including ecological base-flow,self-purification water and sediment transmission water) and ecological water supply from water resources regionalization.本文从大凌河流域存在的环境问题出发,分别估算了各水资源分区的河道生态需水量(包括生态基流量、自净需水和输沙需水)及各区的河道生态需水贡献量。

6)ecological basic discharge in river channel河道生态基流量


河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)neaao non郎hUi河道洪水演进yanJ县n见河道洪水演算法。
