100字范文 > 灌溉用水管理 irrigation water management英语短句 例句大全

灌溉用水管理 irrigation water management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-09 16:52:49


灌溉用水管理 irrigation water management英语短句 例句大全

灌溉用水管理,irrigation water management

1)irrigation water management灌溉用水管理

1.Construction of evaluation index system forirrigation water management and its comprehensive evaluation灌溉用水管理评价指标体系构建及综合评价


1.Research on Irrigation Water Management and Compensation for Water Usufruct Transfer;农业灌溉用水管理及其使用权转让补偿研究

2.Construction of evaluation index system for irrigation water management and its comprehensive evaluation灌溉用水管理评价指标体系构建及综合评价

3.China s Irrigation Management and Participatory Management;中国灌溉管理与用水户参与灌溉管理

4.Study on Allocation of Irrigation Canal System and Agricultural Water Management System;灌溉渠系配水与农业用水管理系统的研究

5.Introduction,Adaptation and Application of Wetland-Reservoir-Subirrigation-System in Rice-based Irrigation Systems of South China灌溉-排水-湿地综合管理系统的引进和改造应用

6.Discussion on the Water Used Household Participates in the Irrigation Management and its Practice;用水户参与灌溉管理的实践与探讨——以沈阳市石佛寺灌区为例

7.a ditch to supply dry land with water artificially.用人工水灌溉干燥土地的管道。

8.Saline Water Irrigation Management Practices for Spring Corn in the Yellow River Irrigation District of Ningxia宁夏引黄灌区春玉米微咸水灌溉管理模式研究

9.Experiment and Analysis on Water Distribution Uniformity of Machine of Sprinkling Irrigation and Hose Irrigation Dual Purpose喷灌和软管灌溉两用机组水量分布特性与试验

10.Discussion on present situation and reform ways of management mechanism for high efficient water use in farmland irrigation;浅论农田灌溉高效用水管理机制的现状及改革途径

11.Study on the Application of Low-pressure Pipe Irrigation Technology in Land Consolidation Project低压管道输水灌溉技术在土地整理工程中的应用

12.Development of Modern Agricultural Irrigation Management Information System现代农业灌溉管理信息系统开发应用

13.Analysis of Several Indicators of Spring Wheat in Water-saving Irrigation of Field Water Management System in Flood River Irrigation District洪水河灌区春小麦节水灌溉田间水管理系统中几个指标分析

14.irrigate with water from a sluice.利用开闸放水来灌溉。

15.Participatory irrigation management and China s irrigation management system reform;参与式灌溉管理与我国灌溉管理体制改革

16.Many measures have been taken to protect grasslands, such as enclosure with fences for livestock breeding and irrigation.对草场采取围栏养贮、引水灌溉和保护管理措施;

17.Study on Intelligent Decision-Making and Management Expert System for Water Saving Irrigation;节水灌溉智能决策与管理专家系统研究

18.Discussions of problems concerning management of water-saving irrigation projects;关于强化节水灌溉工程管理若干问题的探讨


irrigation water management灌溉水管理

1.Overview on concepts and strategies studies of modernirrigation water management development;现代灌溉水管理发展理念及改善策略研究综述

3)Irrigation Water Use Management灌溉水资源利用管理

4)Irrigation water resources management灌溉水资源管理

5)irrigation water灌溉用水

1.The coaxal coherent chart ofirrigation water puts allfactors into one chart:channel transport capacity,field water consumption strength,benefit area and irrigation time.灌溉用水合轴相关图把渠道供水能力,田间耗水强度,效益面积、灌水时间等因素融于一体,按照一定的关系以曲线或直线组绘成合轴相关图,通过该图即可初步设计渠道流量,选定灌溉面积,也可确定轮灌周期、轮灌面积等。

2.The food yield per unit water is an important index,which indicate the efficiency of theirrigation water use and status of food production.单位水量粮食生产能力是综合反映灌溉用水水平和粮食生产状况的重要指标。

3.based on the data ofirrigation water of Irrigation Management Bureau of Jiefang Sluice Area in Inner Mongolia, the medium and long term mirrigation water model and the model of agricultural input and output in arid region have been created.以内蒙古河套灌区解放闸灌域为代表性地区,结合其自然条件,建立了该地区灌溉用水中长期预报模型。

6)irrigation management灌溉管理

1.Research and application ofirrigation management remote measuring & controlling system in well irrigation areas;井灌区灌溉管理无线遥控遥测系统的研制与应用

2.Outline on the mode of water user participating inirrigation management;略论用水户参与式灌溉管理

3.Practice of participationirrigation management in the Shijin Irrigation District;石津灌区用水户参与灌溉管理实践探讨


灌溉用水管理灌溉用水管理management of irrigation waterguan’gal yongshu‘guanl- 灌溉用水管理(manage-ment of irri罗tion water) 灌溉水量的调蓄、输配和灌水工 作。灌溉用水管理是灌概管理工作的中心。灌溉用水管理的好坏,直接影响着灌溉效益和农业增产。根据中国的自然特点:除西北地区降雨稀少或终年无雨以外,其他大部地区的降雨量在年际和年内都分布不均,灌溉带有补充性质;灌溉水资源紧张,特别是北方地区的地面水资源十分不足;大、中型灌区多,全国有面积在30万亩以上的大型灌区137处,面积在1一30万亩之间的中型灌区5000多处;灌溉水资源类型较多,除引水、蓄水灌概以外,利用地下水发展井灌、塘堰蓄水、提水灌溉也十分普遍。基于上述这些特点,中国的灌溉用水管理工作比较复杂,其主要任务是:①实行计划用水,合理调配水量,达到节约用水的目的;②充分利用一切可以利用的水资源,扩大灌溉水源,提高水的利用率;③合理组织田间用水,采用先进灌水技术,做到节约用水。(许志方)
