100字范文 > 生物质能资源 biomass energy resource英语短句 例句大全

生物质能资源 biomass energy resource英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-19 21:32:05


生物质能资源 biomass energy resource英语短句 例句大全

生物质能资源,biomass energy resource

1)biomass energy resource生物质能资源

1.With the rapid development of large and medium-scale biomass energy utilization in Jiangsu Province,to explore the potential ofbiomass energy resources became increasingly necessary.0进行地理信息系统(GIS,Geographic Information System)的二次开发,设计了溧阳市生物质能资源信息查询系统。


1.Research on Tree Biomass and Resource Collecting Radium Model;林木生物质能资源量及资源收集半径的计量研究

2.Estimation and Utilization Prospect Analysis of Bio-energy Resources in Hebei Province;河北省农林生物质能资源量估算及开发应用

3.Strategic significance of third party logistics for supply condition of biomass resources in China;第三方物流对于我国生物质能资源可供性的战略意义

4.Design and Exploitation of Biomass Energy Resources Inquiry System Based on MAPX;基于MapX的生物质能资源信息查询系统的设计与开发

5.Viewing China s Current Development and Utilization of Biomass Energy Resources from Straw Flaring Pollution;从秸秆焚燃污染看当前我国的生物质能资源的开发利用

6.Current Situation and Development of Biomass Resources in China;我国林业生物质能源资源现状与潜力

7.Exploitation and Utilization of Tree Species as Bio-energy Resources in Guizhou Province;贵州生物质能源树种资源的开发利用

8.Investigation on Germplasm Resources of Energy Plant--Saccharum arundinaceum Ratz.in Sichuan Province生物质能源潜力植物——斑茅种质资源考察与收集

9.The Design Limitation of Unit Power of Defibrator and the Analysis on the Measures of Economizing Energy我国林业生物质能源资源蓄积量的估算

10.Study on Biomass Energy Resource Potentiality and Development Strategy in Linyi City临沂市生物质能源资源潜力与开发战略研究

11.As an important energy resource, advanced biomass utilization technology and idea had already been developed in country comprehensive stratagem of Japan.生物质不仅可以作为物质资源,更重要的是可以作为能源。

12.Evaluation of Available Land Resources in Yunnan Biomass Energy Development;云南省生物质能发展可利用土地资源评估

13.The Trend of Forestry Investment:The Wood-based Biomass Energy Industry Development in China;林业投资新方向:中国林木质生物能源产业发展

14.The available biomass resources (e.g. straw and crop residues) for energy use in China are abundant.可作为能源利用的秸秆(生物质)资源在我国是丰富的。

15.Status and industrialization development of wood biomass energy in Three North regions;“三北”地区林木生物质能源资源现状及产业发展研究

16.The development status of Chinese forestry biomass resource and the suggestion中国林业生物质能源资源开发利用现状与发展建议

17.Our work focus on the research field of Photobiological hydrogen production, fermentative hydrogen production, dispose and resource utilization of organic waste, application of microorganism resource.主要从事太阳能生物制氢、物质发酵制氢、机废物处置与资源化利用、源微生物应用等研究。

18.Study on Some Problems of Biomass Energy and Energy Forestry;生物质能源与能源林业若干问题研究



1.Study on the Continuous Transportation of Biomassunder High Pressure;生物质资源高压连续输送的研究

2.Biorefinery is a new industrial mode substituting renewablebiomass for unrenewable fossil resource to produce bioenergy or chemicals and securing the sustainable development of social economics.生物炼制是以可再生生物质资源为原料,生产能源与化工产品的新兴工业模式。

3.There were two fundamental requirements for transforming the mode of economic improvement and securing sustainable development of social economics,to substitute renewablebiomass for unrenewable fossil resource and to change industrial mode from refinery to biorefinery.以可再生的生物质资源替代不可再生的化石资源、实现工业模式从石油炼制向生物炼制的根本转变,是转变经济增长模式、保障社会经济可持续发展的重大战略需求。

3)biomass resource生物质资源

1.Exploitation of Biomass Resource for Sustainable Development;开发生物质资源实现可持续发展

2.Three peptide-based surfactants including palmitylglycine(A),stearatylglycine(B) and dehydroabietylglycine(C) were synthesised frombiomass resources of palmitic acid, stearatic acid and dehydroabietic acid respectively through the reaction of carboxyl-protecting with glycine.以生物质资源棕榈酸、硬脂酸和脱氢枞酸为原料,通过甘氨酸羧基保护法合成了棕榈酰甘氨酸(A)、硬脂酰甘氨酸(B)和脱氢枞酰甘氨酸(C)3种肽类表面活性剂,用IR光谱确证其结构,并对其表面活性性能进行了研究。

3.On the one hand,there is atrocious environment and poor economy in the desert area;on the other hand,there are abundance utilizablebiomass resources because of the rigor natural selection.我国沙漠化地区面积约占国土面积的1/3,一方面,那里生态环境恶劣,经济发展相对落后;另一方面,经过长期严酷的自然选择,广大的沙区蕴藏着丰富的可开发利用价值高的生物质资源。

4)biomass resources生物质资源

1.Concepts and bounds of terms of biomass,biomass resources and biomass industry were defined in this paper.该文界定了生物质、生物质产品、生物质资源和生物质产业的概念和范围,分析了中国生物质资源的潜力。

2.Facing the environmental pollution and greenhouse effect cause d by the oil fuel and the gradual depletion of petroleum resources, the development and utilization of thebiomass resources possesses huge potentiality.山西省的生物质资源十分丰富,应大力推广上海经验,加快开发绿色能源“汽油醇”,变山西为绿色能源大省。

3.There are abundant ofbiomass resources and the usable bio- mass quantity in China.我国生物质资源丰富,产量巨大,200我国生物质能合计总量为306。

5)stock biomass资源生物质

6)biomass energy生物资源能


