100字范文 > 产生成因 production reasons英语短句 例句大全

产生成因 production reasons英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-30 18:32:25


产生成因 production reasons英语短句 例句大全

产生成因,production reasons

1)production reasons产生成因


3)Factors of yield成产因素

4)cause of low production低产成因


1.Analysis on Reasons for Chestnut Low Yield in Ludian County and Measures for Increasing Production and Productivity鲁甸县板栗低产成因分析及增产增效途径

2.reduction in cost of production due to a large number of items produced.因为大量条款的产生造成产品成本的降低。

3.Causal Analysis and Countermeasures about Lowerization of Industrial Structure in Guizhou贵州产业结构低度化成因及对策分析

4.cut your production costs...可降低生产成本……

5.Could you tell us the exact cause of the inferior quality?你能确切地告诉我造成产品质量低劣的原因吗?

6.Mathematical Model for Analysis of Cost Reduction of Comparable Products可比产品成本降低任务因素分析的数学模型

7.The Cause of the Inefficiency of the Middle and Small Company s Stuff Training and Solutions;中小生产企业新员工培训低效的成因及对策

8.Analyzing the Cause of Low Efficiency in China’s Listed Company’s Reorganization of Assets;我国上市公司资产重组低效率的成因分析

9.Mathematical Analysis of Achieving Standards Factors of Cost Reducing of Comparable Products;可比产品成本降低达标因素的数学分析

10.Causes for the Failure of Reorganization of Corporate Assets in China and Measures Concerned;我国企业资产重组成功率低的原因及对策

11.A study on the reasons of the talented athletes’ "high yielding and inefficiency" in Liaoning province辽宁省竞技体育人才“高产低效”的成因研究

12.I mean, we aren"t going to be able to compete against low wage and low cost countries by just making a cheaper brick.因为澳大利亚人很难在制造低成本产品方面同低工资和低成本的国家竞争。

13."This is made possible not only because of its competitive labor costs, but also from productivity gains. "这些不仅因为中国相对低廉的劳动力成本,还因为较高的生产力。

14.Discussion on the Reasons and Solutions of Lower Illegality Cost and Higher Enforcement Cost in Environmental Law Enforcement论环境执法中“违法成本低和执法成本高”的产生原因及解决措施

15.Other reasons for the expansion include improved turbine technology and lower production costs.另外一个原因就是风轮机技术的改进和风力产品成本的降低。

16.So the researchers suggest five methods that could decrease costs and increase production of sorghum .因此研究人员提出了5种降低成本、提高高梁产量的办法。

17.Restrict factors of blue fox is survival rate low of newborn blue fox during lactaion.哺乳期仔狐成活率低一直是蓝狐生产的制约因素。

18.Least-cost rule(of production)(生产的)最低成本法则



3)Factors of yield成产因素

4)cause of low production低产成因


1.Frost heavecausation and prevention in roadbed;路基翻浆产生原因及防治

2.This paper analyzes the kinds andcausations of concrete crack, puts forward specific methods to avoid cracking.本文全面分析了砼裂缝的种类,产生原因,并对如何避免砼裂缝提出了具体方法。


1.Analysis of thecauses of linear chromatism on the surface of the cold rolled stainless strip and its improvement measures;冷轧不锈钢带条状色差产生原因及其改善

2.Study on thecauses of cracks in mass concrete and prevention and treatment measures;大体积混凝土裂缝产生原因及防治措施

3.Simple Analysis of Free Red-light Cingulum Caused in JZXC-480 Railway Circuit and Prevention;浅析JZXC-480轨道电路空闲红光带的产生原因及预防措施


产生1.生育;分娩。 2.出产。 3.由已有的事物中生出新的事物;出现。 4.出生。
