100字范文 > 间接性损伤 indirect trauma英语短句 例句大全

间接性损伤 indirect trauma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-18 20:50:58


间接性损伤 indirect trauma英语短句 例句大全

间接性损伤,indirect trauma

1)indirect trauma间接性损伤

1.Early prevention and treatment of temporomandibular disorders caused byindirect trauma间接性损伤所致颞下颌关节紊乱病早期防治

2.Objective To evaluate the different changes of temporomandibular joint (TMJs)afterindirect trauma,which caused by different forces in mandibular impact.结果两种不同的撞击力均可引起双侧TMJ的间接性损伤;其中对侧较实验侧关节结构的改变更为明显;关节盘下腔面与上腔面都受到破坏,且下腔面较上腔面破坏严重。


1.Early prevention and treatment of temporomandibular disorders caused by indirect trauma间接性损伤所致颞下颌关节紊乱病早期防治

2.After the Domestic Rabbit T.M.J Indirect Damage Injects the Anti-VEGF Reagent Effect in Its Ticulare the Research;家兔T.M.J间接性损伤后于其关节腔内注射Anti-VEGF试剂效果的研究

3.Study on the Effect of Injecting Anti-VEGF into the Articular Cavities after the TMJ Indirect Injury in Domestic Rabbits关节腔内注射Anti-VEGF对家兔TMJ间接性损伤作用研究

4.Study of Matrix Metalloproteinases and It s Inhibitor in the Condyle of TMJ after Indirect Trauma;间接性TMJ损伤后髁突软骨MMPs和TIMP-1的表达及机理研究

5.Effects of Cerebellar Fastigial Nucleus Indirect Electric Stimulation on Focal Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion in Rats;间接电刺激小脑顶核区对大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注损伤的影响

6.Correlation between respiratory injury and evaluation indexes of occupational chromate exposure呼吸系统损伤与铬盐职业接触水平评价指标间的相关性研究

7.Time-dependent Expression of Astroglial S100β Following Diffuse Brain Injury in Rats;大鼠弥漫性脑损伤后S100β表达与损伤时间关系

8.Indirect Law-enforcement Cost, Indirect Harm and Selective Law-enforcement;间接执法成本、间接损害与选择性执法

9.The Relationship of Gap Junction Connexin 40 and Rabbit Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells in Acute Lung Injury急性肺损伤肺微血管内皮细胞间隙连接蛋白40与血管通透性的关系研究

10.Assessment of the Local Mechanical Properties and the Damage Study for the Aluminium Alloy Welded Joints;铝合金焊接接头局部力学性能测试与损伤研究

11.an action brought to recover damages from a person whose actions have resulted indirectly in injury or loss.补偿给别人带来的间接的伤害或者损失的行为。

12.Study on the Indirect Loss Statistics of Casualties Caused by Work Safety Accident安全生产事故人员伤残间接损失统计研究

13.Iconography Classification and Clinical Significance of Traumatic Cervical Disc Injury创伤性颈椎间盘损伤的影像学分型及临床意义

14.Surgical treatment of traumatic cervical disc herniation with spinal cord injury外伤性颈椎间盘突出型脊髓损伤的手术治疗

15.A direct relation between the acute inflammatory response after injury and the initiation of repair has been recognized for generations.损伤引起的急性炎症反应和修复开始之间的直接关系已为几代人所认识。

16.Relationship between acceptance of disability and posttraumatic stress response in patients with brachial plexus injury臂丛神经损伤患者伤残接受度与创伤后应激反应的相关性研究

17.According to methods of Allen"s spinal injury, a 600gcm-strike power was put on the intraocular portion of the optic nerve and created a striking injury on optic nerve.方法:参照Allen脊髓损伤法,造成视神经眶尖段间接600gcm力冲击、挤压伤。

18.An Experimental Study on Indirect Injury of Teeth and Inferior Alveolar Neurovascular Bundle Caused by Maxillofacial Trauma;颌面部创伤致牙齿及下牙槽神经血管束间接损伤的实验研究


indirect brain injury间接性脑损伤

3)indirect injury间接损伤

1.Recovery and Regeneration of the Optic Nerve Following Indirect Injury in Adult Rabbit;兔视神经间接损伤后修复与再生

2.Objective This study was designed to determine the characteristics ofindirect injury of inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle caused by impact injury of mandible in dogs.目的研究颌面部撞击伤导致的下牙槽神经血管束间接损伤的特点。

4)indirect optic nerve injury间接性视神经损伤

1.Application of color Doppler flow imaging in patients withindirect optic nerve injury;彩色多普勒在间接性视神经损伤中的应用

5)damaging contact损伤性接触

6)indirect fatigue failure间接疲劳损伤


间接远景性学习动机间接远景性学习动机indirect distant prospect learning motivation间接远景性学习动机(indirect distantProsPect learning motivation)与学习活动本身没有直接联系而与学习的社会意义或个人未来的长远目标相联系的学习动机。如以振兴中华、实现祖国“四化”为学习动力,或以个人未来的出路为学习志向,都属于间接的远景性学习动机。这类学习动机反映了社会、学校教育或家庭对学习者在学习上的要求,与学习者对学习意义的认识、有无远大志向以及他们的人生观和世界观的性质有极为密切的关系。这是一种比较深刻的、稳定的、持久的学习动机,不易为情境中的偶然因素所动摇。(成立夫撰匪巫…国审)
