100字范文 > 耐磨寿命 wear life英语短句 例句大全

耐磨寿命 wear life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-03 21:43:38


耐磨寿命 wear life英语短句 例句大全

耐磨寿命,wear life

1)wear life耐磨寿命

1.The results showed that thewear life of dry films containing a certain amount of LaF3 was considerably increased over that of the films without LaF3 However the effect of LaF3 on the friction coefficient of the dry films was shown to be negligible.结果表明,与不含LaF3的干膜相比,当含有适量LaF3时,干膜的耐磨寿命明显增加。

2.The higher the temperature,the larger the nano-hardness of the silicon nitride film,and the longer thewear life of the film.以N(111)型的单晶硅片为基体,运用PECVD-2D等离子体化学气相淀积台在单晶硅片表面沉积氮化硅薄膜,通过薄膜颜色与厚度间的关系探讨了制备工艺参数对薄膜厚度的影响,用原位纳米力学测试系统对氮化硅薄膜的纳米硬度进行测定,在UMT-2型摩擦试验机上对不同制备工艺的硅基氮化硅薄膜进行耐磨寿命试验。


1.Test results show that the wear resistance of bainite high strength steel plate may be over3 times that of ordinary steel plate.试验结果表明,贝氏体高强钢板的耐磨寿命可达到普碳板的3倍以上。

2.Sintering as a whole offers resistance against friction, pressure and corrosion, with long service life.整体烧结,耐磨耐压耐腐,使用寿命长。

3.The methods to extend the service life of disc plate for pulping equipment by optimal processes工艺优化延长磨浆机磨片寿命的方法

4.Corundum is adopted for distributing valve. Mirror-surface treatment ensures good air-tightness and anti-friction. With a simple structure, it is easy for maintenance and long service life is thus expected.分配阀采用钢玉、经镜面处理,密封好、耐磨,结构简单易于维护,使用寿命长。

5.The firm inner parts structure has good abrasion resistance.It has water attack resistance and can bear very highdamaging force and last long .坚固的内件机构具有良好的耐磨性,可抗水击和承受极高的破坏力,使用寿命长。

6.The ceramic-lined steel composite pipe has exceptional resistance to abrasion. Its service life in materials transportation with hard abrasives is more than20 times longer than in common steel pipe.陶瓷内衬复合钢管具有优异的耐磨损性,其使用寿命是普通钢管的20倍以上。

7.Small occupation area and stable mechanical properties,and long-enduring rubber bearing with super shock absorption and fine abrasion resistance to be used.占地面积小,机械性能稳定。采用橡胶轴承,减震、耐磨效果好,使用寿命长。

8.The application test result shows that the synthesized coating has high abrasion resistance and can increase the service life of the st eel composite elbow markedly.现场应用试验表明 ,该陶瓷涂层具有较好的耐磨性能 ,可大大延长弯头的使用寿命

9.It has extremely high hardness, abrasion resistance and serving life.它的表层为金刚石粉末烧结而成的多晶金刚石,具有极高硬度、耐磨性和工作寿命;

10.Research and Application on Wear Resistance and Life Extensional Mechanism of Lubricant and Anti-wear Agent;润滑抗磨剂的耐磨延寿机理及其工程应用研究

11.The practice indicates that the service time of bimetals barrel is above three times higher than that of nitrogen hardening one.生产应用证明:粉末等离子弧喷焊制造的双金属耐磨机筒的使用寿命高出氮化处理件寿命三倍以上。

12.Fluid friction, less wear of belt, service life being as fitted with safe protection device.流体摩擦,胶带磨损小,寿命提高一倍。

13.A study of the methods of controlling tool wear life prediction in FMS;FMS环境下刀具磨损寿命预测研究

14.The wear life research on 3Cr13 coating under dry friction干摩擦条件下3Cr13涂层的磨损寿命研究

15.Corrosion resisting non-pollution,lower noise,long service life.耐腐蚀、无污染、运转稳定、噪音低、寿命长。

16.Z-parameter Method for Life Prediction and Its Application of Heat-resistant Steels;耐热钢寿命预测的Z参数方法及应用

17.Research on the Evaluation of the Durability and Remaining Life of High Pile Wharf;高桩码头耐久性及剩余使用寿命评估

18.The Method for Determining the Abrasion Value and Abrasion Life of Tooth Surfaces in a Helical Gearing by Means of the Abrasion Experiment借助磨损实验确定斜齿齿轮机构齿面磨损量及磨损寿命的方法


abrasion life耐磨损寿命

3)wear resistant reliable life耐磨损可靠寿命

4)power train wear life传动系耐磨寿命

5)durability life耐久寿命

1.Concretedurability life prediction is an important subject to concrete durability research.混凝土耐久寿命的预测是混凝土耐久性研究的一项重要课题,本文综合介绍了目前国内外有关混凝土耐久寿命预测的重要理论方法与实践,并简要论述了各种研究方法的优缺点。

6)Service life耐久寿命

1.Preliminary study on the prediction of service life of high performance concrete in sulphate erosion resistance;高性能混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀耐久寿命预测初探

2.During the course of predicting the service life of tunnel lining,the uncertainty of the parameters could affect the results.模型参数取值的不确定性会对衬砌结构耐久寿命预测结果产生较大影响。

3.Based on the analyzed experimental results,measures to improve service life of RC are derived.分析了各种因素影响机理并提出了提高耐久寿命的措施。


