100字范文 > 造价特征 engineering cost characteristic英语短句 例句大全

造价特征 engineering cost characteristic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-04 09:17:22


造价特征 engineering cost characteristic英语短句 例句大全

造价特征,engineering cost characteristic

1)engineering cost characteristic造价特征

1.Itsengineering cost characteristic changes a great deal to the area of plain.山区高速公路典型工程项目的工程条件一般都较为复杂,其工程造价特征相对于平原地区有很大的变化,影响工程造价的因素也更为复杂,并且影响因素之间相互作用、相互渗透的关系突出。


1.Analysis of Engineering Cost Characteristic of Typical Project on Freeway in Mountain Area山区高速公路典型工程项目造价特征分析

2.Structural Characteristic and Seal Evaluation of Fault in the North of Chaidamu Basin;柴北缘断裂构造特征及其封闭性评价

3.The Structure Model and Increment Character of Upriver Value Chains in Project-Oriented Enterprises;项目制造型企业上游价值链增值特征

4.Establishment and Evaluation of Styling Feature for Auto Front Bumper汽车前保险杠造型特征的构建及评价

5.Extraction of Manufacturing Features Information and Feature Recognition based on STEP Standard基于STEP标准的可制造性评价的特征信息的提取与特征识别

6.Experimental Study on the Vascularity of VX_2 Tumors in Rabbits with Contrasted Ultrasonography;声学造影评价兔VX_2肿瘤血管化特征的实验研究

7.The Structural Characteristics Research and Structural Zones Evaluation of Ta Dong Area in Tarim Basin;塔里木盆地塔东地区构造特征研究与区带评价

8.The Competitiveness Evaluation on Yangzhou Manufacturing Industries and Their Features;扬州制造业的竞争力评价及其表现特征

9.The Structure Model and Increment Characters of Value Chains in Manufacture Enterprises;制造型企业价值链增值特征和结构模型

10.Option Feature and Economic Valuation Measurement of Manufacturing Flexibility;制造柔性的期权特征及其经济价值度量方法

11.Reservoir Characteristics and Evaluation of the Upper Jurassic Penglaizhen Formation in Sumatou Structure,Western Sichuan Depression川西坳陷苏码头构造蓬莱镇组储层特征及评价

12.The Marine Engineering Geological Environment Characteristic and Its Quality Evaluation in the Kuihuadao Structure of Liaodong Bay Summary;辽东湾葵花岛构造区海洋工程地质环境特征及其质量评价

13.The Basic Characters of the Financial Management Model With the Value of the Enterprises as its Essence;以创造价值为本质的企业财务管理模式的基本特征

14.Degradation Characteristics of Artificial Robinia Forest Assessment of Its Reconstructing Effect in Semi-Arid Area of Loess Hilly Region黄土丘陵半干旱区人工刺槐林退化特征及改造效果评价

15.The Clinial Research of Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound Among the Value of Characteristic of Blood Stream Perfusion in Renal and Bladder Occupied Lesions超声造影评价肾脏及膀胱占位性病变血流灌注特征的临床研究

16.Research on Evaluation of Manufacturing Managerial Competency: A View of Individual Advantage Identification制造业管理者胜任特征的评价:基于个性优势识别的视角

17.Diagnostic value of pneumoperitoneum contrast helical computed tomography imaging for peritoneal adhesions after appendectomy阑尾术后肠粘连气腹造影的CT影像特征及其临床价值

18.Cost forecast model for power engineering based on feature extraction and small-sample learning特征提取和小样本学习的电力工程造价预测模型


Form feature造型特征

1.Based on the analysis of automobiles’ form features in terms of Morphology, this paper mainly focused on Feature Lines and the Belt Line of automobiles.本文在对汽车造型特征分析的基础上,总结了汽车主要的造型特征线,并提出了腰线的概念,通过对不同品牌车型的比较和对同一品牌不同时期车型的比较分析得出汽车腰线对汽车造型风格和品牌延续性的影响。

2.Based on the concept of form feature and automobile form feature line,brought forward an automobile form design method based on the form evolution.基于造型特征和汽车造型特征线的概念,提出一种基于特征进化的汽车造型设计方法。

3.The conception of form feature was introduced and the main form feature line E1 was selected as the research object in terms of styling image.引入造型特征的概念,选取汽车的主特征线E1为研究对象,利用感性工学和统计分析的方法确定了主特征线E1的敏感感性意象形容词(SKIA),并求出了敏感感性意象形容词与主特征线E1的定量关系。

3)Structural features构造特征

1.A preliminary discussion on the structural features in Hunchun mining area;珲春矿区构造特征的初步探讨

2.Geological Structural Features of Yangjia Mining Area and Prospect of Coal Prosecuting;杨家矿区地质构造特征及找煤前景

4)structural characteristics构造特征

1.Geologicalstructural characteristics and analysis on paleostress field in No.2 Mine field in Yangquan;阳泉二矿井田地质构造特征及古应力场分析

2.The Structural Characteristics Research and Structural Zones Evaluation of Ta Dong Area in Tarim Basin;塔里木盆地塔东地区构造特征研究与区带评价

3.Analysis of Structural Characteristics and Reservoir Condition of Fault Blocks in Donpu Depression;东濮凹陷构造特征与断块群成藏条件分析

5)Structure Characteristics构造特征

1.After analyzing structure characteristics controlling metallogenic belt, ore field, and deposits, two structure assemblage .在此基础上对控制成矿带、矿田及矿床的构造特征进行了分析,总结了带内矿床定位的两类构造组合形式。

2.Faulting distribution and mechanism,magmatic activity and local structure characteristics are analysed in this paper.本文分析了构造内的断裂分布及成因、岩浆活动、局部构造特征 ,并从构造的落实程度、圈闭面积大小、局部构造类型以及生储盖组合等指标进行构造的含油气评

3.According to various structure characteristics,using GeoFram analyzes processing parameters of dip angle data.依据不同的构造特征,利用GeoFrame程序包对地层倾角资料的处理参数进行分析,提出了地层倾角资料处理解释过程中对比窗长、探索角和步长三个参数的选择方法,为今后地层倾角资料的处理分析奠定了基础。

6)Manufacturing feature制造特征

1.With the STEPNC"s characteristic of feature-oriented and object-oriented,the working step for the manufacturing features can be set up.利用STEP-NC面向特征和面向对象的特点,建立各制造特征的加工工步就可以开发相应的数控系统,实现面向制造特征的数控加工。

2.In this paper, design feature, manufacturing feature, technique feature and evaluation feature are reinterpreted and a new kind of feature, that is neutral feature, is defined for the first time.本文重新界定需求特征、设计特征、制造特征等新的含义 ,并提出了中性特征的概念。

3.The high speed machining based on manufacturing feature is presented, and the defaults of integration of CAD/CAM/CNC in present conventional NC Machining are analyzed.论述了基于制造特征的高速加工技术,分析了目前普通数控加工中CAD/CAM/CNC系统信息集成的缺陷,针对高速加工提出了CAD/CAM/。


