100字范文 > 培养功能 function of training intellectual英语短句 例句大全

培养功能 function of training intellectual英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-13 15:45:00


培养功能 function of training intellectual英语短句 例句大全

培养功能,function of training intellectual

1)function of training intellectual培养功能


1.The Function of College Physics Exercises to Foster Thinking Quality;大学物理习题对思维品质的培养功能

2.Teaching Figures of Speech in the Poetry Education of Middle School Can Train Imagination;论高中诗词修辞格教学的想像力培养功能

3.Toward a Systemic Functional Approach to Cultivating Non-English Majors Writing Ability;着眼系统功能方法培养学生写作能力

4.Nature and Function of Mathematics Reasoning and the Capacity Fostering;数学推理的本质和功能及其能力培养

5.Enlarging Mathematics Exercise Function And Cultivating Students Innovative Abilites;拓展习题潜在功能 培养学生创新能力

6.The Simple Discussion about Scales of Development Educational Goal and Main Function of Our School;我国学校教育的培养目标及主要功能

7.Develop Students Creative Quality by Chemical Experiments;利用化学实验功能培养学生创新素质

8.Studies on the Culture and Application of Cellar Mud Complex Functional Microorganism窖泥复合功能菌液培养及应用的研究

9.Transfer Ability of Learning in Middle School Mathematics Teaching Function and Raise;学习迁移能力在数学教学中的功能及培养

10.A Study of the Development of Communication Capability from the Perspective of SFG;功能语法与大学生英语交际能力的培养初探

11.Through Examples to Develop Students′ Ablility;利用例题辐射功能 培养学生创新思维能力

12.Probing into the Effect of Teaching about Experiments in Training Students Comprehensive Ability in Science;实验教学在理科综合能力培养中的功能探析

13.Functions of sports on cultivating people s creative thinking ability;试析体育对培养人的创造性思维能力的功能

14.Exploiting the Function of Lab and Fostering the Students Creative Ability;实验室功能的挖掘与学生创新能力的培养

15.The Structural-Functional JEFC Textbook and The Cultivation of Communicative Competence;结构-功能大纲的JEFC教材与交际能力的培养

16.Improve the Function of Language Lab and Foster the StudentsAbility of Applying English Language;改进语言实验室功能 培养学生外语应用能力

17.Cultured bovine corneal epithelial cells express functional water channel培养牛角膜上皮细胞水通道蛋白功能的表达

18.Effects of Extracellular Flouride Concentrations on Founction of the Cultured Vscular Endothelial Cells;氟对体外培养血管内皮细胞功能的影响


function of fostering system培养体系功能

3)ability cultivation培养能力

4)ability cultivation能力培养

1.Innovation Teaching and Ability Cultivation in Business English;商务英语创新教学与能力培养

2.The teaching reform on University Chemistry should replace the concept, set the content properly and improve the method, and insist teaching withability cultivation, knowledge in and out of books, traditional teaching method with modern teaching method be combined reasonalby.论述了《大学化学》在高等职业技术教育中的重要性,分析了当前高职院校《大学化学》教学中存在的主要问题,提出高职院校《大学化学》教学改革应从理念更新、内容设置、方法改进等方面,坚持知识讲授与能力培养、课本知识与课外知识、传统教学方法与现代化教学手段的有机结合。

3.To reform experimental teaching and to attach importance to theability cultivation is the objective and demand of higher vocational education.改革实验教学,注重能力培养是高职教育的目标和要求。

5)training ability能力培养

1.How to hanadle the problem between transmiting knowledgeandtraining ability in teaching course of physiology;生理学教学中正确处理传授知识和能力培养的探索与实践

2.Several Views on Doing Graduation Project and Training Ability of Students;对毕业设计与学生能力培养的几点看法

3.This article takes the method of mesh for example, adopts the teaching method which unites passing on knowledge andtraining ability, lets students feel and understand how knowledge comes into being and develops, trains students scientific spirit and the habit of bring forth new ideas,drills their ability to acquire new knowledge by themselves.以网孔法为例,采用了融传授知识和能力培养为一体的教学方法,在传授知识的过程中通过让学生感受、理解知识的产生和发展过程,培养学生的科学精神及创新思维的习惯,培养学生自我获取新知识的能力。

6)cultivation of ability能力培养



人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]
