100字范文 > 生态承载力定量评价 quantitative assessment of Ecological Carrying Capacity(ECC)英语短句 例句大全

生态承载力定量评价 quantitative assessment of Ecological Carrying Capacity(ECC)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-24 23:31:25


生态承载力定量评价 quantitative assessment of Ecological Carrying Capacity(ECC)英语短句 例句大全

生态承载力定量评价,quantitative assessment of Ecological Carrying Capacity(ECC)

1)quantitative assessment of Ecological Carrying Capacity(ECC)生态承载力定量评价


1.Quantitative assessment of ecological carrying capacity in weak ecological mining area浅析生态脆弱矿区生态承载力定量评价方法

2.Quantitative estimation and spatial pattern analysis of ecological carrying capacity in northwestern China based on GIS中国西北地区基于GIS的生态承载力定量评价与空间格局

3.Evaluation of Rural Land Ecological Carrying Capacity Based on The Ecosystem Health;基于生态健康的农地生态承载力评价

prehensive Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Carrying Capacity;城市生态系统承载力综合评价与分析

5.Eco-efficiency Appraisal based on Carrying Capacity for Industrial Parks基于生态承载力的工业园区生态效率评价研究

6.Evaluation of Ecological Carrying Capacity Based on Ecological Footprint Supply Model基于生态足迹供给模型的生态承载力评价

posite evaluation on ecological environment is necessary for environmental carrying and environmental planning.生态环境综合评价是确定环境承载力和区域规划的前提和基础。

8.Quantitative and Comprehensive Evaluation on Bearing-capacity of Land Resources--Taking Tianjin as an Example;国土资源承载力定量综合评价研究——以天津为例

9.The Comprehensive Assessment and Policy Reseaching of Urban Ecosystem Carrying Capacity in Changchun;长春市生态系统承载力综合评价及策略研究

10.Ecological Carrying Capacity Evaluation of Dezhou City Based on Ecological Footprint;基于生态足迹的德州市土地承载力评价

11.Study on Ecotourism Environmental Carrying Capacity of Lijiang River;生态旅游环境承载力评价研究——以桂林漓江为例

12.Evaluation on Ecological Carrying Capacity in Liangucheng National Natural Reserve in Mingin County, Gansu Province民勤连古城国家级自然保护区生态承载力评价

13.Evaluation on the Ecological Environment Carrying Capacity of Coal Mining in Shanxi Province煤炭开采的生态环境承载力评价——以山西省为例

14.Evaluation of Ecological Carrying Capacity in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Metropolis长株潭城市群土地生态承载力评价研究

15.Analasis of Eco-enviromental Vulnerability and Assessment of Ecologial Carrying Capacity in Hulunbeir Steppe;呼伦贝尔草原生态环境脆弱性分析及生态承载力评价

16.The main problems of ecological carrying Capacity of coal mine planning EIA and countermeasures煤炭矿区规划环评生态承载力评价中存在的主要问题及对策探讨

17.Quantitative Evaluation and Risk Analysis of Water-Carrying Capacity in Beijing and Its Management Counter-Measures;北京市水资源承载力定量评价与风险分析及其管理对策

18.Evaluation on sustainable development of industrial park based on ecological carrying capacity;基于生态承载力的工业园区可持续发展评价浅析


bearing capacity evaluation承载力评价

1.Modal parameters identification andbearing capacity evaluation for ocean oil-derrick under wave excitation波浪作用下海洋石油井架模态参数识别与承载力评价

3)bearing capacity evaluation承载力评定

1.Nondestructive testing andbearing capacity evaluation for T-type bridge既有T形刚构桥无损检测及承载力评定

4)ecological carrying capacity生态承载力

1.Dynamic assessment ofecological carrying capacity of Yellow River Basin in Qinghai Province;黄河流域青海片生态承载力动态评价

2.Urban ecological regulation based onecological carrying capacity;基于生态承载力的城市生态调控

3.The research of ecological footprint andecological carrying capacity prediction model based on space;基于空间的生态足迹与生态承载力预测模型——以甘肃省河西走廊地区为例

5)ecological capacity生态承载力

1.Dynamics analysis of theecological capacity in Po-yang Lake Nature Reserve based on RS and GIS;鄱阳湖自然保护区生态承载力

2.Development trend of Gansu"s ecological footprint andecological capacity;甘肃省生态足迹和生态承载力发展趋势研究

3.Impact analysis of soil and water conservation onecological capacity in Yellow River Basin;水土保持对黄河流域生态承载力的影响


1.This paper aims to trace the ecological footprint of the environment change and the corresponding shrinking of thebio-capacity of Fujian Province during the past decade by doing a case study with the particular situations of the years of 1995, 2000 and .利用生态足迹分析法分析了福建省1995年、2000年和的生态足迹及生态承载力。

2.According to this calculation,the ecological footprint andbio-capacity per capita of Kunming city in was 2.6979×104m2,人均生态承载力为0。

3.The ecological footprint per capita of Zhaoqing city has gone beyond the regionalbio-capacity,and human s utilization of nature beyond the regional ecological capacity.结果表明,肇庆市人均生态足迹和生态赤字呈不断上升的趋势,人均生态足迹高于人均生态承载力,人类对自然的利用程度已经超过了生态承载力范围,区域生态环境目前处于不可持续发展的状态。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
