100字范文 > 机械类专业 mechanical specialty英语短句 例句大全

机械类专业 mechanical specialty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-30 19:43:46


机械类专业 mechanical specialty英语短句 例句大全

机械类专业,mechanical specialty

1)mechanical specialty机械类专业

1.The application of SolidWorks in the metalworking practice ofmechanical specialtySolidWorks软件在机械类专业金工实习中的应用

2.Based on the analysis of problems found in practical teaching of mechanical engineering students and the practical teaching reform ofmechanical specialty applied in experiments,some measures were proposed to improve students practice and innovation ability.分析了机械类专业学生在实践教学中存在的问题,结合专业实践教学改革试点,提出了提高学生实践创新能力的措施,并介绍了实施结果。


1.Analyses on Teaching Method of Mechanical Drawing of Non-enginery Major;非机械类专业《机械制图》教法浅析

2.Major in mechanical engineering, bachelor degree or above.机械类专业(好是冶金机械或轧钢机械专业)学本科以上学历。

3.Degree: Technical Secondary School or higher and major in Electronics or Machine speciality.学历:电子、机械类专业中专以上学历。

4.Study on the Reform and Practice of Mechanical Design Basic Course in Mechanical Major;机械类专业《机械设计基础》课程的改革与实践

5.Mechanical manufacturing engineering development and practice of mechanical engineering vocational teaching机械制造工程发展与高职机械类专业实践教学

6.Exploration of Cultivation Model to the Postgraduate Students of Mechanical Majors;机械类专业硕士研究生培养模式初探

7.Enhance the Interest of Higher Vocational Students on Mechanical Professional in Study;高职机械类专业学生学习兴趣的培养

8.On Enginery Specialized Curriculum Development and Its Curriculum Scheme Characteristics;机械类专业课程开发与课程方案特点


10.Exploration about Person with Ability Education Pattern of Mechanical Subject in Colleges and Universities;高校机械类专业人才培养模式的探索

11.A probe into reform of sports course system for mechanical engineering;机械类专业体育课程体系改革的探讨

12.Teaching Reform of Engineering Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering机械类专业工程力学课程的教学改革

13.Instructional Practice and Exploration of Specialized English Teaching for Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineering Specialties机械类专业研究生《专业英语》教学实践与探索

parison and Analysis of Educational System of Mechanical Engineering between Germany and China中德高工专机械类专业教学体系分析及比较

15.The Exploration of Teaching Reform in the course Principles and Applications of the Single Chip Microcomputer for Mechanical Engineering;机械类专业单片机原理及应用课程的教改探索

16.Reflection on Teaching of Professional English of Mechanic Aviation Maintenance机械类航空机务专业英语教学的思考

17.Bachelor Degree Majored In Mechanical Engineer/ Hydraulic/ Manufacturing Or Related Discipline.本科学历,机械或液压类专业毕业.

18.Bachelor degree major in mechanic.正规大学本科毕业,机械制造类专业。


unmechanical specialty非机械类专业

3)vocational mechanical engineering高职机械类专业

4)Major of Mechanical Engineering机械工程类专业

5)mechanical major机械专业

1.Thus engineering education ofmechanical major should change the view,enrich the educational connotation,pay attention to the synchronization of theoretical teaching and experimental training and strengthen the engineering practice so as t.为此,机械专业工程教育应创新教育理念,充实教育内涵,在教育手段上注重理论教学与实验教学体系的同步建设与协调发展,加强对学生的工程实践训练,以提高机械专业的工程教育水平。

2.Aas an advanced teaching method,multimedia technology is applied more and more widely inmechanical major teaching.多媒体技术作为先进的教学手段,在我国高职机械专业教学中的应用越来越广泛,但由于各种因素,多媒体在机械专业教学中的应用还有许多不足之处。

6)mechanical engineering major机械专业

1.The education reform exploring thought and practice experience in Central South University to cultivate undergraduate course students inmechanical engineering major is described in this paper,particularly,some experience to bring up students with innovative ability is presented in detail.本文叙述了中南大学在机械本科人才培养方面开展教育教学改革的探索思路与实践经验 ,重点介绍了在培养机械专业创新人才方面的一些做


机械类常用英语:其它品质术语类QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈 QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组 PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划 执行 检查 总结 ZD Zero Defect 零缺点 QI Quality Improvement 品质改善 QP Quality Policy 目标方针 TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理 MRB Material Reject Bill 退货单 LQL Limiting Quality Level 最低品质水准 RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可 QAN Quality Amelionrate Notice 品质改善活动 ADM Absolute Dimension Measuremat 全尺寸测量 QT Quality Target 品质目标 7QCTools 7 Quality Controll Tools 品管七大手法 通用之件类 ECN Engineering Change Notes 工程变更通知(供应商) ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户) PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知 PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划 SIP Specification In Process 制程检验规格 SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范 IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范 BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单 PS Package Specification 包装规范 SPEC Specification 规格 DWG Drawing 图面
