100字范文 > 教育消费主义 Educational Consumerism英语短句 例句大全

教育消费主义 Educational Consumerism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-13 10:29:37


教育消费主义 Educational Consumerism英语短句 例句大全

教育消费主义,Educational Consumerism

1)Educational Consumerism教育消费主义

1.Analysis of the Development of Adult Education in China with AmericanEducational Consumerism View;从美国教育消费主义看我国成人教育发展


1.Analysis of the Development of Adult Education in China with American Educational Consumerism View;从美国教育消费主义看我国成人教育发展

2.An Analysis of the Consumption Moral Education of University Students of Consumer Period;论消费主义时代的大学生消费道德教育

3.On Trends of Consumption and Ideological and Political Education of College Students;消费主义思潮与大学生思想政治教育

4.Influences of the Consumption Culture on School Moral Education and Its Corresponding Strategies消费主义文化对学校道德教育的影响及其应对

5.Thinking on Strengthening University Students’ Sense of Socialistic Honor and Dishonor Under the Impact of the Value of Consumerism;对消费主义影响下的大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的思考

6.On the Power Relationship and Consumerism Culture in Higher Education of Australia;澳大利亚高等教育的权力关系与大学的消费主义文化

7.Influence of Consumptive Culture of Postmodernism on Leisure Sport Development;论后现代主义消费文化对休闲体育发展的影响

8.On Marx"s Fetishism Theory Against Consumerism消费主义题域中马克思的“拜物教”理论研究

9.A Tentative Exposition on University Students’ Consumption Influenced by Media Consumerism论媒介消费主义影响下的大学生消费

10.Consumerism and "Consumed Era" of Chinese Medium;消费主义与我国传媒的“消费时代”

11.A Study on Fans Consuming Behavior in Consumerism;消费主义视野中的粉丝消费行为研究

12.Critical of Consumerism--Promote Green Consumption消费主义价值观批判——提倡绿色消费观

13.consumption in socialist society社会主义社会的消费

14.From Productionist to Consumerist:Review of the Theory of Conspicuous Consumption;从生产主义到消费主义:炫耀性消费研究述评

15.Ideological State Apparatuses, Consumerism, and U.S. Capitalism: Lessons for the Left;意识形态国家机器、消费主义和美国资本主义:左派的教训

16.To Conduct Consumption Education and to Guide the Rural Residents to have Reasonable Consumption;开展消费教育 引导农村居民科学消费

17.Democracy and Education《民主主义与教育》

18.The right to consumer education消费者受教育的权利



1.The consumption mode which is directed byconsumptionism has been causing serious environment crisis,forming so-called mankind center doctrine ethics dilemma.消费主义价值观主导下的消费模式已经为全球带来了灾难性的后果,造成了严重的生态危机,构成了所谓的人类中心主义困境。

2.The total transcendence ofconsumptionism relies on the advocacy of consumption justice which has become the values and practice for building China into a harmonious and saving-oriented society.消费主义俨然成为现代商品社会人们顶礼膜拜的价值理念。


1.Consumerism and newconsumerism-architecture in foreign;消费主义与国外新建筑的消费化

2.Architectural behavior in the age ofconsumerism;消费主义时代的建筑行为

3.Signal, Desire & Myth: Consumerism & Media of TV;符号、欲望及神话:消费主义与电视


1.This article centrally studies the influence on the youngsters under the circumstance of the new period and searches for the measures resisting erosion ofconsumism.消费主义,作为一种二战后在资本主义社会生成发展并向世界广泛扩散的、以享乐至上为核心的社会思潮,已对我国青少年产生了严重的负面影响。

2.The paper expounds ecological value and humanity value of advocating ethics of consume by analyzing our problems and dangers asconsumism, and discussing moral of temperance, equality, humanity sense and cost sense, suggesting using various ways to disseminate and practise ethics of consume.本文通过对我国当前消费主义盛行的问题及存在的危险进行剖析 ,从生态和人类发展的角度论述提倡消费伦理的生态意义和人文价值 ,分别阐述了节制、公正与人类意识、代价等消费伦理规范 ,并建议通过多种途径来宣传和推行消费伦

5)education consumption教育消费

1.An analysis on highereducation consumption of the low-income group;我国低收入群体高等教育消费现状分析

2.Economic analysis on parents" option foreducation consumption家长对教育消费选择的经济分析

3.Goodeducation consumption,which is regarded as one of the characteristics of a well-off society,can not only speed up higher education reform and development,but also improve higher education quality.良好的教育消费是小康社会的表征之一。

6)educational consumption教育消费

1.An Empirical Study on Educational Consumption Satisfaction Degree for College Students;高校学生教育消费满意度实证研究

2.The paper explains the innovation of higher vocational students demand ineducational consumption,analyzes the detailed contents of those students demand ineducational consumption and provides some suggestions to solve insufficient problems to the students demand.阐明了高职学生教育消费需求的涵义,分析了高职学生教育消费需求的具体内容,并就当前我国高职院校应对学生教育消费需求的不足提出了几点建议。

3.Under this social background, we try to reveal educational justice problem and social justice problem through analyzing theeducational consumption disparity between different families.在我国转型时期社会分化加剧以及国家对教育收费制度改革的社会背景下,不同阶层家庭在教育消费上表现出结构性差异,其背后反映的是教育公平以及社会公平问题。


