100字范文 > 浪费资源 a wasteful use of resources英语短句 例句大全

浪费资源 a wasteful use of resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-25 21:20:22


浪费资源 a wasteful use of resources英语短句 例句大全

浪费资源,a wasteful use of resources

1)a wasteful use of resources浪费资源


1.Duties have been reassigned to avoid wasteful duplication of work.为避免重复劳动浪费资源,任务已经重新分派。

2.reduce or avoid the use and consumption of goods which waste resources and pollute the environment减少使用或者不使用浪费资源、污染环境的消费品。

3.wasteful use (of natural resources)自然资源的浪费用法

4.Waste is threatening to swallow the country"s resources up.浪费有耗尽这个国家资源的危险。

5.The waste of human resources in that enterprise is startling.那家企业的人力资源浪费令人吃惊。

6.This proved to be an unseen waste of talent and resources.这又是一种无形的人才和资源浪费。

7.Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste water.第二,教育人们不要浪费水资源。

8.Economics analysis of waste of water resources and countermeasures for its control;水资源浪费的经济学分析与控制对策

9.Reason and Countermeasures of Coal Resource Mining Loss;煤炭开采资源浪费严重的原因及对策

10.Water Waste and Pollution in China and Methods to Curb;我国水资源浪费和污染的现状及治理

11.Human Resources Waste in the Development of West China;我国西部开发中的人力资源浪费现象

12.Time is wasted in driving cars, material resources in producing them.时间浪费在开车途中,材料资源浪费在制造汽车上;

13.On the Roots of Waste in Higher Institutions and the Countermeasures;对高等教育资源浪费根源的制度性分析及对策

14.A Tentative Study of Management of Natural Resources as Assets and its Effect on the Restraint of Resources wasting;实施资源资产化管理对抑制资源浪费能力的探讨

15.The natural resources of our country are leaking away through misuse.我国的自然资源因滥用而慢慢地浪费掉。

16.and we will waste fewer natural resources.我们浪费自然资源的程度将会有所减弱。

17.Check and set up standard process cycle time.评估制造成本,制定标准工时,减少资源浪费。

18.Similarly Americans have been profligate in the handling of mineral resources.同样的,美国在处理矿产资源方面亦多浪费。


waste of resources资源浪费

1.Therefore, the papers argues that we should try hard to lower down thewaste of resources caused by seeking rent by combining many aspects such as economic, ethics,and legal system.所以,应该从经济、伦理和法律制度等多方面相结合,力争将寻租造成的资源浪费降至最低。

3)resource waste资源浪费

1.Essentially the assets of universities are generally the same as those of enterprises, yet there exict irrational structure, inefficient utilization andresource waste.高校资产从本质上讲与企业资产的概念大致相同 ,但资产结构极不合理 ,存在资产运作低下、资源浪费等问题 ,通过对两所高校资产结构现状介绍和分析 ,更进一步说明了目前我国高校资产结构存在的问题和不足方面 ,因此提出优化高校资产结构的必要性 ,本文先对不合理性产生的原因及其影响作了简要论述 。

2.Thesis establishes Model I by using the knowledge of Integer Programming,Graph Theory,Number Theory and so on and direct toward the target of smallest production scale and under the restriction of noresource waste and balanced production.本文利用整数规划、图论和数论等知识 ,以最小生产规模为目标、无资源浪费和均衡生产为约束建立了模型 ;又以最小资源浪费为目标 ,在有限资源和周期限制的条件建立了模型 。

4)waste of the water resource水资源浪费

5)the Behaviors of wasting Resourses资源浪费表现

6)waste of teacher教师资源浪费


