100字范文 > 制浆造纸企业 pulp and paper mill英语短句 例句大全

制浆造纸企业 pulp and paper mill英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-24 07:03:11


制浆造纸企业 pulp and paper mill英语短句 例句大全

制浆造纸企业,pulp and paper mill

1)pulp and paper mill制浆造纸企业

1.This paper introduced the origin,development,basic principle and the application inpulp and paper mill of pinch technology,which had been widely applied in process industries for energy conservation.论述了广泛应用于过程工业节能的夹点技术的起源、发展、基本原理和在制浆造纸企业中的应用,并且阐述了夹点技术的具体应用方法和步骤,展示了能量系统集成在制浆造纸企业中节能降耗的重要作用。

2.By analyzing the present situation ofpulp and paper mills in China,the paper offers solutions to improve competitive advantage as follows:firstly,reduce product cost to get cost advantage;secondly,expand product differentiation to get differentiated advantage.通过分析制浆造纸企业竞争优势的形成 ,结合中国制浆造纸企业的现状 ,提出了制浆造纸企业创造并保持竞争优势的两条途径 :降低产品成本 ,获得成本优势 ;扩大产品差别 ,获得差别化优势。


1.A Study on Evaluation of the Knowledge Management for the Pulp and Paper Enterprise;制浆造纸企业知识管理水平评价研究

2.Study of Production Scheduling System Modeling and Optimizing in Papermaking Process;制浆造纸企业生产调度系统建模与优化研究

3.Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Knowledge Management of Pulp & Paper Enterprises;制浆造纸企业知识管理的模糊综合评价

4.Study on Environment Cost Accounting in Pulp & Paper Enterprises;环境成本核算在制浆造纸企业的应用研究

5.A Study on Reinforcement of Core Competence of Pulp & Paper Enterprises;制浆造纸企业核心竞争力构建问题研究

6.Evaluation Method of Core Competence of Pulp&Paper Enterprise;制浆造纸企业核心竞争力评价方法研究

7.Application of MES in Paper Industry;生产管理系统在制浆造纸企业中的应用

8.An analysis on the factors contribut-ing to the core competitiveness of pulp & paper enterprises;制浆造纸企业核心竞争力影响因素分析

9.The Research on Evaluation of the Green Technological Innovation Ability of Pulp and Paper Enterprise制浆造纸企业绿色技术创新能力评价研究

10.Quality Management Analysis of Pulp & Paper Enterprises in the Era of Knowledge Economy知识经济时代制浆造纸企业质量管理探析

11.Design and application of water purification process in pulp and paper enterprises给水净化工艺在制浆造纸企业中的设计与应用

12.In recent years remarkable achievements have been made in the prevention and control of the pollution in European pulp and paperenterprises.近几年欧洲制浆造纸企业的污染防治取得显著成就。

13.Research on Modeling and Forecasting Technology in Pulp & Paper Enterprise Supply Chain Management;制浆造纸企业供需链管理中的建模与预测技术研究

14.Index System Building and Comprehensive Evaluation on Information Level of Pulp and Paper Enterprise;制浆造纸企业信息化水平的指标体系构建及综合评价

15.Integration Across the Enterprise is the Best Solution for Pulp and Paper Industry--ABB Industrial IT Collaborative Production Management System;实现制浆造纸企业管控一体化的最佳方案——ABB工业IT协调生产管理系统

16.Association of the Belgian Pulp, Paper and Board Producers (COBELPA)比利时纸浆、纸业、板材制造业协会

17.(paper making) a frame used to form paper pulp into sheets.(造纸业术语)造纸时用的使纸浆定型的制模框。

18.The Feature of 《Discharge Regulation of Water Pollutants of Pulp and Paper Industry》 and Implementation Strategy of the Mills《制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准》的特点及企业应对策略


pulp & paper enterprises制浆造纸企业

1.Understanding the level of knowledge management ofpulp & paper enterprises will help perfect the knowledge management ofpulp & paper enterprises.知识管理正成为企业管理的新趋势,准确地定位制浆造纸企业现有的知识管理水平,将有助于提高制浆造纸企业的知识管理状况。

2.The paper analyzed the measures to enhance quality management ofpulp & paper enterprises from two aspects:the ideological sphere and Production and Operations Management of business.本文基于知识经济时代的要求,提出了新的质量观念,剖析了质量管理的新特征,从意识形态领域和企业的生产运营角度两个方面,来分析制浆造纸企业提升质量管理的措施。

3)pulp & paper industry制浆造纸工业

1.Introduction is conducted into technological progress in worldwidepulp & paper industry in recent years, with focus on elabora-tion of the achievements made in technological progress of Chinaspulp & paper industry.介绍了近几年世界制浆造纸工业技术进步的情况,重点综述了我国制浆造纸工业技术进步的成就。

4)pulp and paper industry制浆造纸工业

1.Analysis and control of oxalic acid in bleaching filtrates has recently gained considerable attention in thepulp and paper industry due to problems with the formation of calcium oxalate scaling.近年来草酸钙(草酸垢)的形成在制浆造纸工业中造成诸多问题,因此如何分析及控制漂白废液中的草酸浓度就显得尤为重要。

2.Modernpulp and paper industry plays an important role in the national economy and people"s daily life.在国民经济中 ,现代化的制浆造纸工业占有相当重要的地位。

5)pulp and paper enterprise浆纸企业

1.A study on the industry chain of the recycling economy in large-sizedpulp and paper enterprises;大型浆纸企业循环经济产业链研究

6)paper enterprises造纸企业

1.The analysis on legal dilemma and its strategy whenpaper enterprises"going out";造纸企业“走出去”法律困境分析与对策

2.Preliminary research and thinking on the culture of staff forpaper enterprises;造纸企业员工文化工作的初探与思考

3.Safety administration in electricity use ofpaper enterprises造纸企业的用电安全管理


