100字范文 > 色彩个性 individuality of color英语短句 例句大全

色彩个性 individuality of color英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-24 23:03:23


色彩个性 individuality of color英语短句 例句大全

色彩个性,individuality of color

1)individuality of color色彩个性


1.The human voice is a distinctivepersonality in singing.在歌唱艺术中人声是具有鲜明的个性色彩的。

2.Then the hidden meaning in a piece of music, the style and the melody will be shown as thepersonality of a piano performance.优秀的演奏不仅要求完美地掌握键盘,同时还要具备透彻的理解力,将其对音乐作品的深刻感受与理解倾注于演奏处理之中,充分展现乐曲的内在涵蕴、风格特征、艺术情趣及音乐韵味,这样才能逐步形成钢琴演奏独具特色的个性色彩。


1.The characteristics of time and individuality of The Chronicles of the Relations Between China and the West《中西纪事》的时代特色与个性色彩

2.The rationality and individuality of the colores are elaborated from three aspects: contrast of color, emotional color and integration of color and ink.本文从色彩的对比,情感色彩,色墨结合等几个方面阐述了写意重彩画中的色彩理性与个性问题。

3.On Individual Characteristics Effect of Color in Modern Packaging Design论色彩在现代包装设计中个性化特色效应

4.Saturation: One of the three characteristics of colour. It is the strength or amount of the colour present in a hue. Also called Intensity, Purity.饱和度:颜色三特性之一。它表示某个色相的色彩强度。亦称色量, 纯度。

5.Research on the Characteristics of Color CRT and the Conversion Methods of Color Space;彩色CRT色彩特性及色彩空间转换方法的研究

6."Dyes well, brilliant color"染色性好,色彩艳丽

7.Furor melanchlicns --seeing tragic colour of artists" works from their individuality忧郁的迷狂——从艺术家个性看其作品的悲剧色彩

8.Converse Thinking,Tendency to Personalized Color Design for Food Packaging逆向思维趋向于个性化的食品包装色彩设计

9.To this end, we should not be biased towards one of the three aspects: functional colour, marketable colour and constructive colour.功能色彩、市场色彩以及构成色彩这三个方面均不可偏颇。

10.Fig4. Ink colors represent personalities: red for bossiness and petty tyranny, green for eccentricity and multi-coloured for mad.图四:喜好颜色看个性,红色:有跋扈和控制欲的倾向;绿色:性格怪异;彩色:此人已疯。

11.The color scheme of the room be blue and gold这个房间的色彩配置是蓝色和金黄色

12.The color scheme of the room is blue and gold.这个房间的色彩配置是蓝色和金黄色。

13.sensitive to all colors.对所有色彩具有感光性。

14.the sensiBility of a painter to color.画家对色彩的敏感性

15.Four-colour process: Colour printing with the three subtractive primary colours (yellow,magenta,cyan)plus black .Also called Full colour printing,Process colour printing.四色彩印:用三个减色法原色(黄、洋红、青蓝)加上黑色的彩色印刷。

16.conceptual colour概念色彩; 理性色彩(运用色彩表达意义, 而不是写实)

17.The application of colours to modern design includes the. differentiation, beautification and regulation of colours, totally in three ways.色彩在现代设计中的应用主要包括色彩识别、色彩美化和色彩调节三个方面。

18.A Comparative Study of Color Restoration Models for Color Management of Digital Camera;数码相机色彩管理之色彩还原模式比较性研究



1.The human voice is a distinctivepersonality in singing.在歌唱艺术中人声是具有鲜明的个性色彩的。

2.Then the hidden meaning in a piece of music, the style and the melody will be shown as thepersonality of a piano performance.优秀的演奏不仅要求完美地掌握键盘,同时还要具备透彻的理解力,将其对音乐作品的深刻感受与理解倾注于演奏处理之中,充分展现乐曲的内在涵蕴、风格特征、艺术情趣及音乐韵味,这样才能逐步形成钢琴演奏独具特色的个性色彩。

3)Unique colors个性化色彩

4)Explores the Source of Jiang Jie s Character蒋捷个性色彩探源


1.This article take the Shubert impromptu and music instantaneous as an example, from "the duplication", "thecolor", and "performing" tripartite makes the preliminary analysis facing the Shubert piano sketch, pointed out it in at the creation style and the performance characteristic, was for the purpose of promulgating the Shubert piano sketch to express .本文以舒伯特即兴曲与音乐瞬间为例,从“重复性”、“色彩性”、及“表演性”三方面对舒伯特钢琴小品作初步分析,指出其在创作上的风格与演奏上的特色,旨在揭示舒伯特钢琴小品的抒情风格,及对此后写作亲切钢琴小品的作曲家的影响;并在此基础上对演奏舒伯特钢琴小品进行有益的探索。

6)color characteristics彩色特性

1.Due to the inherent limitation of the 3-CCD scanner s spectral sensitivities, the scanner should be calibrated when using it substitute spectrophotometer to detect the printer scolor characteristics.在用3-CCD扫描仪代替分光测色仪检测打印机彩色特性时,由于扫描仪固有的光谱特性缺陷,需对扫描仪进行校正。


