100字范文 > 畜禽粪尿 animal manure英语短句 例句大全

畜禽粪尿 animal manure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-15 04:31:17


畜禽粪尿 animal manure英语短句 例句大全

畜禽粪尿,animal manure

1)animal manure畜禽粪尿

1.The distribution of phosphorus resources and utilization ofanimal manure in China;中国畜禽粪尿磷素养分资源分布以及利用状况

2.The environmental pollution resulting from emission and deposition of ammonia(NH_3) fromanimal manure has become a global concern and an important topic in theenvironmental diplomacy.畜禽粪尿NH_3挥发及其沉降所带来的环境污染已成为全球关注的热点问题,并逐渐成为环境外交的重要议题。

3.Based on statistical and inquisitional data,the quantity ofanimal manure production and its load to cropland in Hebei Province were analyzed in this paper.利用统计数据和实地调研数据,借鉴国内外研究方法,系统地估算了河北省各地区规模化养殖和农户散养模式下的畜禽粪尿资源数量与粪尿农田负荷量。


1.Assessment of the Production of Animal Manure and Its Pollution Potential in Jiangxi Province江西省畜禽粪尿资源分布及其污染潜势估算

2.The Utilization and Environmental Effects of Livestock Waste Nitrogen in Huang Huaihai黄淮海地区畜禽粪尿氮素资源利用及其环境效应研究

3.The Assessment and Comparison on Animal Manure Pollution Risk of Different Breeding Patterns in Hebei河北省不同养殖模式的畜禽粪尿资源及污染风险分析

4.storage bin [livestock keeping]贮粪桶〔禽畜饲养〕

5.storage pit [livestock keeping]贮粪池〔禽畜饲养〕

6.storage enclosure [livestock keeping]禽畜废物贮存舍;禽畜粪便贮存舍〔禽畜饲养〕

7.Study onLivestock Carrying Capacity Based on Manure Nutrients基于畜禽粪便养分含量的畜禽承载力研究

8.Study on Vegetables Polluted by Fecal Coliform of Animal Slurry;畜禽粪便中粪大肠菌群对蔬菜污染的研究

9.Effect of Macrobe Smack-clean in Animal and Poultry Faeces Treatment微生物除臭剂在畜禽粪处理中的作用

10.Study on the Technology of Hydrogen Production by Photosynthetic Bacteria from Swine Manure Wastewater;畜禽粪便污水光合细菌制氢技术研究

11.The Technology on Efficient Composting and Utilization of Livestock Manure;畜禽粪便高效堆肥技术及资源化利用

12.The Experimental Research on Anaerobic Fermentation Characteristics of Mixed Livestock Manure;混合畜禽粪便厌氧发酵特性试验研究

13.Determining the Upper Limit of Phosphorus Content in Livestock and Poultry Excrement Used as Fertilizers畜禽粪便施用最大量磷素指标的确定

14.Research on the Faeces Pollution of Livestock and Poultry in Huhhot呼和浩特地区畜禽粪便污染分析研究

15.Release of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Animal Manure Simulated Direct Returning to Farmland模拟畜禽粪便直接还田对氮磷的释放

16.Effect of Different Temperature on Anaerobic Digestion of Livestock Manures不同温度对畜禽粪便厌氧发酵的影响

17.Impact Factors on the Anaerobic Solid-State Fermentation of Livestock Manure厌氧干发酵处理畜禽粪便的影响因子

18.Analysis of land suitability for manure application in Beijing北京市畜禽粪便土地利用适宜性分析


poultry excrement畜禽粪便

1.,thepoultry excrement disperses into in the environment without effec- tive processing,and causes water resource poisoned,atmosphere pollution,the dissemina- tion germ,the harm of farmland and so on.运用循环经济理论指导畜禽粪便环境污染治理,使其实现减量化、资源化、无害化,具有很大的经济效益和环境效益。

2.By applying the circular economic theory,poultry excrement can be converted into resources to reduce environment pollution and enhance the efficiency of resources utilization,which has great economic and ecological benefits.运用循环经济理论指导畜禽粪便污染环境的治理并使其资源化,在减少生态环境污染的同时,又提高了资源的利用效率,具有很大的经济效益和生态效益。

3.Through the comparative trials adding or not adding the humic acid into thepoultry excrement fermentative process,we surveyed and evaluated the C/N,the pH value,the temperature,the water content and so on.通过在畜禽粪便发酵过程中添加与不添加腐植酸的对比试验,测定C/N、pH值、温度、含水量等相关指标及物理性状,阐述了腐植酸在畜禽粪便发酵过程中的作用与效果,并对各种作用效果进行总结与分析。

3)main mountains side slope畜禽粪水


1.Dynamic changes of organic nitrogen forms during the composting of differentmanures;不同畜禽粪便堆肥过程中有机氮形态的动态变化

2.Rapid and timely information onmanure nutrient content offers potential benefits in reducing environment contamination from over-use nutrients and better matching ofmanure nutrient with fertilizer.介绍了3种快速预测畜禽粪便肥料成分含量的方法,包括比重计测定法、电导仪测定法以及近红外光谱分析法。

3.Aiming at making good use of themanures of cows, hogs and hens, this study firstscreened out the phosphate-solubilizating bacteria and potassium bacteria from differentoriginal samples, and then carried out the physiological biochemistry and the molecularidentification on them.该实验从畜禽粪便资源化利用的角度出发,从不同来源的样品中筛选出解磷芽胞杆菌和解钾芽胞杆菌,并对其进行生理生化及分子鉴定。

5)livestock manure畜禽粪便

1.Dynamic changes of nitrogen forms inlivestock manure during composting and relevant evaluation indices of compost maturity;畜禽粪便堆肥过程中各种氮化合物的动态变化及腐熟度评价指标

2.NH_3 volatilization and the control methods during aerobic thermophilic composting treatment oflivestock manure;畜禽粪便高温好氧堆肥的NH_3挥发及其调控

3.A simple, quick and low-cost method for treatment oflivestock manure.;简便、快速、低成本处理畜禽粪便的方法研究

6)animal manure畜禽粪便

1.The characteristic and feasible analysis ofanimal manure utilization by thermo-chemical conversion technology;畜禽粪便热化学转换特性和可行性分析研究

2.Pollution and utilization ofanimal manure as natural resources in Erhai flat shore zone;洱海湖滨区畜禽粪便污染与资源化利用措施

3.Effectively develop the resource of recyclinganimal manure to prepare bio-organic fertilizer;有效开发我国畜禽粪便资源制造生物有机肥


肾性葡萄糖尿氨基酸尿磷酸盐尿症肾性葡萄糖尿氨基酸尿磷酸盐尿症renal glucosuria aminoaciduria and phosphaturia又称“Fanconi综合征”。遗传性或获得性近端肾小管多种功能异常疾病。临床上表现为肾性糖尿、全氨基酸尿、磷酸盐尿、高血氯性代谢性酸中毒、低血钾、多尿及肾小管性蛋白尿等。遗传性Fanconi综合征又可分为成人型及婴儿型两类,后者又称为“de-Toni-Debre-Fanconi综合征”或“Lignac-Fonconi综合征”。
