100字范文 > 大型仪器 large-scale instrument英语短句 例句大全

大型仪器 large-scale instrument英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-21 19:30:09


大型仪器 large-scale instrument英语短句 例句大全

大型仪器,large-scale instrument

1)large-scale instrument大型仪器

1.Reinforcement on construction and management of software and hardware in laboratory for better utilization oflarge-scale instruments;加强实验室软硬件建设和管理 提高大型仪器利用率

2.In this article,the author gives her own opinion on how to scientifically carry on the management of thelarge-scale instrument of the Analysis and Testing Center in universities,so that we can raise the level of service for teaching and research and give full play to the role of the instruments.针对教育教学改革不断深化的背景下,如何对高校大型精密仪器集中的分析测试中心进行科学管理,提高为教学科研服务的水平,充分发挥大型仪器设备的作用发表了自己的观点。

3.This article discussed the application and operation of thelarge-scale instrument open-network management platform in the Dalian University of Technology.探讨了大型仪器开放网络管理平台在大连理工大学的使用和运行情况。


1.How to manage the purchase of the valuable instrument and equipment during the construction of special science study items;浅议重大项目大型仪器设备购置管理

2.Renewal and Development of the Function of Large-scale Instruments for Enhancing Service Efficiency;更新开发大型仪器功能 提高使用效率

3.Construction and practice in sharing platform of large scale equipment and instruments;大型仪器设备共享平台的构建与实践

4.Study on efficiency of equipment shared by universities;高等学校大型仪器共享效率评价研究

5.Problems for Managing Large Equipment and Counter Measures;大型仪器管理中存在的问题及其对策

6.Thinking about the Opening and Management of Large-scale Apparatus and Equipment;加强大型仪器设备开放和管理的思考

7.Resource Arrangement and Share of Large-scale Instruments & Equipments;大型仪器设备的资源整合与开放共享

8.Practice and research about scientific managements of large-scale instruments in university;高校大型仪器科学管理的实践和研究

9.Current status of the large machineries in the INET and ideas of reform;核研院大型仪器使用现状和改革设想

10.Reflections on the Cooperated Application of Large Instruments in Colleges and Universities;对高校大型仪器设备资源共享的思考

11.Taking Steps on How to Improve Utility Rate of Large-scale Instruments in Universities;提高高校大型仪器设备使用率的措施

12.Effective Measures of Improving the Utilization Factorof Large-Scale Instruments;提高大型仪器设备利用率的有效措施

13.On management and utilization of costly instruments & equipment;加强大型仪器管理 提高设备使用效益

14.Exploration on Large-sized Precision InstrumentsOpening to Students through Teaching Reform;教学改革促进大型仪器面向学生开放

15.Implementing Scientific Management to Raise theUtilization Ratio of Large-scale Equipments;实施专管共用 提高大型仪器使用率

16.Probe into the Management of Large-scale Instruments of Shanxi Province;山西省大型仪器的协作共享管理初探

17.Exploration on Improving the Maintenance and Management of Large Instruments and Equipments in Universities高校大型仪器设备维护、管理的探讨

18.Unitive Management and Using and Exploitation on the Large-scale Instruments大型仪器设备的统管共用与开发增效


large-scale instruments大型仪器

1.Practice and research about scientific managements oflarge-scale instruments in university;高校大型仪器科学管理的实践和研究

2.Talking about how to raise the utilization ratio oflarge-scale instruments of analytical and testing center浅谈提高分析测试中心大型仪器的使用率

3.In order to renew the system,develop potential functions,and enhance the efficiency of existing instruments and equipments,this article mainly introduced the functional development and technical alteration oflarge-scale instruments,such as scanning electron microscope(SEM),phase-contrast microscope,and inverted microscope in the college of life sciences.生命科学学院经过对扫描电子显微镜、相差显微镜、倒置显微镜进行功能开发和技术改造,收到显著的使用效益,不仅节约了经费,提高了仪器的利用率,发挥了大型仪器的应用水平和使用效益。

3)Large instrument大型仪器

1.Many valuable large instruments and best education resources were collected in this system and some helpful services to universities and the whole country were provided.入网建设的大型仪器设备和优质教育资源的建设成果面向高校和全社会服务,提高了共享使用的效益,发挥了积极作用。

2.Based on the practice of use and management of large precision instrument and equipment , the paper put forward some measures for improving use efficiency of large instrument and equipment.结合大型精密仪器设备使用管理的实践,提出了提高大型仪器设备使用效益的几点措施。

4)large apparatus大型仪器

1.The paper introduced the situation of opening-up and management aboutlarge apparatus and equipment in Huazhong Univ.介绍了该校在大型仪器设备开放与管理方面的情况,并对目前高校大型仪器设备管理方面存在的突出性难点进行了探讨,提出了大型仪器设备管理创新的基本思路。

2.It makes its own decisions when the need arises forlarge apparatus and equipment.因此,我们在程序和制度上对大型仪器设备采购进行规范管理,使招标采购工作透明、公正、公开。

5)large-scale instrument and equipment大型仪器

1.Management and use oflarge-scale instrument and equipment play an important role in assure its full use.大型仪器设备的管理和使用是保证其充分发挥作用的重要环节,管好用好这些设备对于提高单位的科研水平和经济效益有着十分重要的意义。

6)Large & medium-sized Precision Apparatus大中型仪器


