100字范文 > 状态空间评价模型 state-space evaluation model英语短句 例句大全

状态空间评价模型 state-space evaluation model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-07 08:50:52


状态空间评价模型 state-space evaluation model英语短句 例句大全

状态空间评价模型,state-space evaluation model

1)state-space evaluation model状态空间评价模型

1.By introducing the connotation and characteristic of MECC, the system dynamic(SD) model,state-space evaluation model and multi-objective programming(MOP) model were established in this paper, which can provide the scientific proof and decision support for ocean development and management.构建了海洋生态承载力系统动力学(System Dynamic, SD)模型、状态空间评价模型和多目标规划模型。

2)State Evaluation Model状态评价模型


1.Study on the Establishment of the Evaluation Model on the State of the Superexcellent Athletes Competition;关于建立优秀运动员竞技状态评价模型的研究

2.The Applied Research and Construct of Cash Flow Condition Evaluation Model现金流量状态评价模型的构建及应用研究

3.Construction and Application of Government Responsibility in the Development of Charity Cause of China;我国慈善事业发展中政府影响状态评价模型的构建及运用

4.Multi-level Models to Measure Road Network Operational Conditions for Megapolises;大城市路网运行状态分层次评价模型

5.GIS-based Assessment on Eco-vulnerability of Jiangxi Province江西省生态脆弱性现状GIS模型评价

6.Assessment of the operation status of condenser based on fuzzy matter element model基于模糊物元模型的凝汽器运行状态评价

7.A Model for Evaluating the High-tech Projects Based On the Equilibrium of the Finance;财务均衡状态下高技术项目投资评价模型

8.Two state variables evaluating model of venture capital investments两状态变量风险投资项目的投资价值评估模型

9.Prospect of Condition Evaluation-based Lifetime Assessment Model for Power Transformer基于状态评价技术的电力变压器寿命评估模型初探

10.Assessment Method of Agroecosystem Health of Based on Pressure-State-Response Model;基于压力-状态-响应模型的农业生态系统健康评价方法

11.The Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Linyi Based on the Model of Ecological Footprint基于生态足迹模型的临沂市可持续发展状态评价

12.Estimation Methods and Model Research of the Urban Ecological Environment"s Basic Functions with RS Technology;城市生态环境基础状况的遥感质量评价方法及模型研究

13.Quota of Sustainable Development by Ecological Footprint Model--A Case Study of Binzhou City in Shandong;可持续发展状况的生态足迹模型定量评价——以山东省滨州市为例

14.Self-organizing Neural Network Model for Evaluating the State of the Shooting Athletes Training Adaptation;射击运动员训练适应状态的神经网络评价模型研究

15.An Evaluation of Sustainable Development In China Based on GIS and Ecological Footprint Model;基于GIS和生态足迹模型的中国可持续发展状况评价

16.Research on Forestry Enterprises Performance Evaluation Model Based on Process State Clustering基于流程状态聚类的林业企业经营绩效评价模型研究

17.Fuzzy state comprehensive evaluation of living basis for small business;小企业生存基础的模糊状态综合评价



State Evaluation Model状态评价模型

3)state space model状态空间模型

1.China s Stock Market Wealth:an Empirical Study Based on the Dynamic Distributed Lag Model and the State Space Model;我国股市的财富效应——基于动态分布滞后模型和状态空间模型的实证检验

2.Economic Analysis Basing on State Space Model;基于状态空间模型的经济分析

3.Theory and Algorithms on State Space Modeling and Its Applications in Financial Econometrics;状态空间模型理论与算法及其在金融计量中的应用

4)state-space model状态空间模型

1.Astate-space model for mark-recapture experiments and its computations;踪迹重获的状态空间模型及计算

2.Application of thestate-space model to the system of wave energy conversion Ⅱ. Analytical method for wave forces on single oscillating rectangular buoy;状态空间模型在海洋波能转换系统中的应用 Ⅱ.单个矩形振荡浮子装置运动受力分析的解析方法

3.Application of thestate-space model to the system of wave energy conversion I. Improvement on numerical methods;状态空间模型在海洋波能转换系统中的应用 Ⅰ.数值模拟方法改进

5)state space variable model空间状态模型

6)State space models状态空间模型

1.In this paper, we present an algorithm to identify state space models based on the data obtained from closed loop systems.本文给出一个由闭环数据辨识状态空间模型的算法。

2.Considering the maximal perturbation region for linear continuous time uncertain systems under sectorial pole location and H 2 norm constraints, the systems are described by state space models which depend nonlinearly on some perturbation parameters.考虑在扇型极点区域及H2范数同时约束下线性连续时间不确定系统的参数最大摄动区域,系统由状态空间模型描述且非线性依赖摄动参量。

3.Many studies have been done on state space models after its proposed, in most of whicherror disturbance are assumed to be of normal distributions.状态空间模型自提出以来,各方面的研究结果数不胜数。


状态空间分子式:CAS号:性质:状态空间是现代控制理论的基础,它用矩阵形式来描述动态系统。如果系统的状态变量是n个变量组成的变量组 ,则称系统为n阶系统或n维系统。状态变量在时刻的状态x(t0)和上的输入函数u(t),则系统在上任何瞬时的行为都惟一地被确定了。
