100字范文 > 脉冲周期 Pulse Period英语短句 例句大全

脉冲周期 Pulse Period英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-19 13:30:39


脉冲周期 Pulse Period英语短句 例句大全

脉冲周期,Pulse Period

1)Pulse Period脉冲周期

1.And a new method is proposed to identify the pulse period and the peak pulse velocity from the smoothed seismic records,and its validity is also verified.详细分析了已有脉冲周期和脉冲速度峰值的识别方法,分析结果表明这些方法均具有局限性,尤其是对于不规则地震动。


1.The Positive Periodic Solutions of N-dimensional Periodic Population Dynamical Systems with ImpulseN维脉冲周期种群动力系统的正周期解

2.Stability of A Class of Periodic Impulsive Logistic Single-Species Model and the Existence of Its Periodic solution脉冲周期Logistic单种群模型的稳定性及周期解的存在性

3.radar repetition interva雷达脉冲(间隔)周期

4.Periodic Solutions and Periodic Boundary Value Problems of Impulsive Differential Equations;脉冲微分方程周期解和周期边值问题

5.Periodic Solutions and Periodic Boundary Value Problems of Some Impulsive Differential Equations;几类脉冲微分方程周期解与周期边值问题

6.A pulse that ends any time during a reference cycle.在每个基准周期中随时归零的脉冲。

7.Existence of Positive Periodic Solutions for Impulsive Delay Differential Equations;脉冲时滞微分方程正周期解的存在性

8.The Periodic Solutions of Impulsive Differential Equations and Rayleigh Equations;脉冲方程和Rayleigh方程的周期解

9.Periodic Solutions for Superlinear Duffing Qeuations with Impulsive Effects;具有脉冲的超线性Duffing方程的周期解

10.Impulse Elimination Controllability of Periodically Time-varying Descriptor Systems;广义周期时变系统的鲁棒消脉冲控制

11.Existence of Periodic Solutions for a Class of Mixed System with Impulses;一类脉冲混合系统正周期解的存在性

12.Periodic Solutions of Convex Impulsive Differential Equations;凸脉冲微分方程周期解的存在性(英文)

13.Design of Scholtz"s Monocycle Pulse Generator超宽带Scholtz"s单周期脉冲的产生电路设计

14.Existence of almost periodic solutions for impulsive delay differential equations脉冲时滞微分方程概周期解的存在性

15.Measurement of Laser Multi-cycle Distance Pulsed Flying Time激光多周期测距脉冲飞行时间的测量

16.In fact, it is common practice to express the pulsar slowdown as the period divided by the period change per year.事实上,人们通常用周期与周期年变率之比来表示脉冲星的减速。

17.The Stability of Solution, Periodic Solution and Periodic Boundary Value Problems of Degenerate, Impulsive Differential Equation with Delay;退化、脉冲时滞微分方程解的稳定性,周期解及周期边值问题

18.Positive Periodic Solutions of a Competition Model Governed by Impulsive Differential Equations with Periodic Delays;脉冲条件下具周期时滞的竞争模型的周期正解(英文)


periodic pulse周期脉冲

3)periodical pulse周期性脉冲

4)single cycle pulse单周期脉冲

1.Relationship between carrier phase and energy ofsingle cycle pulses with different profiles;几种单周期脉冲能量与位相的关系

5)sub-cycle pulse亚周期脉冲

6)few-cycle pulses几周期脉冲

1.With the development offew-cycle pulses (FCP), the phase shift of the optical carrier with respect to the pulse envelope becomes non-negligible.在本文中,我们从几周期脉冲的载波相位出发,对超短光脉冲的一些基本问题进行了探讨。


