100字范文 > 包头民航机场 Baotou civil aviation airport英语短句 例句大全

包头民航机场 Baotou civil aviation airport英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-16 17:56:00


包头民航机场 Baotou civil aviation airport英语短句 例句大全

包头民航机场,Baotou civil aviation airport

1)Baotou civil aviation airport包头民航机场


1.Avian Community Structure of Baotou Civilian Airport and Birdstrike Avoidance;包头民航机场鸟类群落结构分析及鸟击防范

2.Avian Species Composition and Ecological Distribution of Baotou Civil Aviation Airport and Surrounding Area in Inner Mongolia内蒙古包头民航机场及周边地区鸟类组成及生态分布

3.Airport Standards Division [Civil Aviation Department]机场标准部〔民航处〕

4.Shantou airport has opened 44 international and domestic air routes, and its passenger throughput ranks 11th in the nation"s civil aviation system.汕头机场开通国际国内航线四十四条,旅客吞吐量在全国民航系统居十一位。

5.Shantou airport has opened 44 international and domestic air routes.汕头机场开通国际国内航线四十四条。

6.Research on Aircraft Stands Assignment and Optimization in Civil Airport;民航机场停机位分配与优化技术研究

7.A Study on the Layout Project of Tourism Routes and the Operation of Regional Airports;民航支线机场旅游航线布局及管理体制研究

8.Lightning protection measures and practices in civil aviation airport integrated office building民航支线机场综合(航管)办公楼防雷措施与实践

9.Study on Human Resource Development Innovation of Civil Aviation Airport of China;我国民航机场人力资源开发创新研究

10.Flow Channel Geometry and Flow Field Analyse of the Rubber-Covering Die;橡胶包覆机头的流道构型和流场分析

11.Airport with2( International and Domestic) terminals, General Aviation Area, Cargo Terminal and Charter Area.机场拥有国际和国内航站楼、用航空、运和包租区域。

12.A large passenger aircraft will land on the airfield.一架大型民航班机将降落在这个飞机场。

13.radio or radar navigational apparatus (incl. that for blind approach landings and airport traffic control)无线电或雷达导航设备(包括盲目进场着陆和机场交通管制用)

14.British Civil Airworthiness Requirements [BCAR]英国民航机适航性要求

15.You have to get to the Air Terminal for the coach to the airport before 30 a. m.你必须在6点30分之前赶到航空办事处乘坐民航班车去机场。

16.Code for construction and acceptance of civil airport visual aids民用机场目视助航设施施工及验收规范

17.Code for design of cement concrete pavement civil transport airports民用航空运输机场水泥混凝土道面设计规范

18.People living near the airport are pushing for new rules about night.机场附近居民强烈要求制定新的夜航规则。


civil airport民航机场

1.Management and construction of presentcivil airports;当代民航机场的管理与建设

2.Application of workflow technology incivil airport ELV system;工作流技术在民航机场弱电信息系统中的应用

3.Therefore, the main problem discussed in the essay is that how we learn digital public address system, what the need of thecivil airport public address system is, and how we connect the digital public address system with practical application at the airport.应该怎样认识数字化公共广播,民航机场公共广播系统有些什么样的需求,怎样才能把数字化公共广播系统与机场的实际运用结合起来,这是本文主要讨论的问题。

3)Civil aviation airport民航机场

1.Breakthrough in early safety warning system for civil aviation airport based on BP neural network;基于BP神经网络的民航机场安全预警研究

2.The Research on Civil Aviation Airport Risk Assessment Mode;民航机场风险评价模式研究

3.From 2002, the character of civil aviation airports has been confirmed to enterprise in the localization reform.民航机场业是一个新兴的、充满活力和挑战的行业。


5)Chinese civil aviation airports中国民用航空机场

1.In this paper,the optimal travel time based on the method of accessibility and GIS was calculated,the service ability was analyzed and some advice about the planning ofChinese civil aviation airports were put forward.运用可达性分析方法和地理信息技术,研究中国民用航空机场的可达性及其服务水平。

6)Xilinhot civil aviation airport锡林浩特民航机场

1.During August and July , composition, ecological distribution, community structure and the rhythm of bird activity were studied with the methods of line transect and sample point at 7 avian community inXilinhot civil aviation airport and its surrounding areas .8月-7月,采用样带法和固定半径样点法对锡林浩特民航机场周边7公里范围7种生境内鸟类种类组成、生态分布、群落结构以及飞行区内日活动节律等进行调查研究,主要研究成果如下:1、在调查期间,共记录到鸟类86种,隶属于16目33科。


包头包头Baotou包头钢铁厂施长江摄区面积2 153平方千米,人口123.11万(1993)。秦属九原郡。汉属五原郡。北魏属朔州。辽属云内州。清初,在今东河区逐渐形成几处村落,乾隆三年(1738)取名包头村。嘉庆十四年(1809)改为包头镇。19设包头设置局,1926年升为包头县。1949年9月和平解放。1950年成立包头市。1953年包头县并人市。现为自治区直辖市。包头市区地处前、后套平原之间,北靠阴山,南临黄河,地势由北向南倾斜,海拔1 000米左右。黄河自西向东流经市南缘,昆都仑河自北向南注入黄河。属温带大陆性气候,年平均气温6℃,l月平均气温一12石℃,7月平均气温23.2℃。年平均降水量310毫米,多集中在7、8月。主要风向西北风,平均风速3.4米每秒,最大风速17.7米每秒。自然资源丰富,白云鄂博铁矿闻名中外。稀土金属矿储量大,占全国储量97%,占世界总储量的77%。此外,还有煤、锰、水晶、石棉、云母、黄金、白云石、粘土等多种矿产资源。工业以钢铁、机械工业为主体,还有煤炭、电力、化工、建筑材料等。农业以生产小麦、筱麦、糜子、谷子、马铃薯、甜菜等为主。草牧场约1.4万公顷。林地约33万公顷,覆盖率6%。包头现是联结华北、西北地区的交通枢纽。铁路有北京一包头、包头一兰州、包头一神木干线和包头一白云、包头一石拐等支线。公路有呼和浩特一包头、包头一银川、包头一白云、包头一西安等7条干线。民航通北京、沈阳、银川、兰州等地。境内黄河河道全部通航拖轮,西至巴彦高勒,东至喇嘛湾。包头素有“水旱码头”之称。包头是连接华北与西北的咽喉要地之一,为历代兵家必争之地。秦始皇三十五年(公元前212),大将蒙恬主持修筑直道,北起九原(今包头市西北),南至云阳(今陕西淳化西北),为古代连接关中平原与河套地区的主要通道。唐景龙二年(公元708)朔方总管张仁愿,在阴山南、黄河北筑东、西、中三座受降城,中受降城在今包头西哈叶胡同附近,驻有重兵。13世纪蒙古军在历次对西夏及宋、金用兵时,均经此地。1 938年n月上旬,八路军大青山支队在萨拉齐(土默特右旗驻地)以北山区粉碎了日军骑兵2 000余人的围攻。(马令行)BQOt0U包头(Baotou)中国内蒙古自治区第一大城市,钢铁工业基地,军事重镇。位于自治区中部,东距呼和浩特市约150千米。辖昆都仑区、青t_I_l区、东河区、郊区、石拐矿区、白云矿区和土默特右旗、固阳县,面积9991平方千米,人口178.76万,其中市
