100字范文 > 国产电影 domestic movie英语短句 例句大全

国产电影 domestic movie英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-02 20:28:05


国产电影 domestic movie英语短句 例句大全

国产电影,domestic movie

1)domestic movie国产电影

1.The purpose of this essay is try to find out a win-win strategy ofdomestic movie box and with good quality, exploring multi-marketing patterns that really fit in withdomestic movie market through analyzing the present situation of domestic film devel.国产电影的市场化营销是中国特色社会主义及其市场经济体制逐步完善的必然产物。


1.Enlightenment from the Prosperity of Korean Movies to Chinese Movie Industry;韩国国产电影繁荣对振兴中国电影产业的启示

2.On Chinese Post-movie Productions in the Value Chain of Chinese Movie Enterprise;论中国电影产业价值链中的后电影产品开发

3.Chinese Film Adaption under Film Industrialization from 1990 Till Now;90年代以来中国电影产业化中的电影改编分析

4.The Research on Influence of Technical Barriers to Chinese Electronic Information Products Export;TBT对我国电子信息产品出口影响研究

5.Recent Years Domestic Film with Good Box Office Within Consumer Culture;消费文化视阈中的近年国产票房电影

6.The Marketing Is the Parvenu in Chinese Film Enterprise;营销:中国电影产业链中的“新贵”

7.British Heritage Film with A Merchant-Ivory s View;英国遗产电影的麦钱特——艾弗瑞风景

8.Cultural Industry and International Relations: The Case of Cinema文化产业与国际关系:电影的个案研究

9.Research of the Film Industry in 30s of the 20th Century二十世纪三十年代中国电影产业研究

10.The Research about Chinese Film Industrial Policies from 1993 to 我国电影产业政策研究(1993-)

11.The Impact of E-Business on China Industry Updating电子商务发展对中国产业升级的影响

12.The Development of Chinese Film Industry under the Global Financial Crisis全球金融危机下中国电影产业的发展

13.The Placing of Producer in the Course of Industrialization of Chinese Film中国电影产业化进程中的制片人定位

14.On the Development of the Chinese Film Industry and the Realization of its IPR Value;我国电影产业的发展与知识产权价值的实现

15.Impact of European Union REACH System on Our Country s Electronic & Electrical Appliance Products;欧盟REACH制度对我国电子电器产品的影响

16.On Symbot Mark and Exoression of Domestic Showbiz with Hollywood Movie;论国产影视作品与好莱坞电影的符号与表达

17.Canterbury University, School of Fine Arts, Film School( N. Z.那个国家的电影产业还没有中国好。学校也很小。

18.The Achievement of American Blockbuster and It for Chinese Film Industry Enlightenment;美国大片的成就及对中国电影产业发展的启示


Chinese stylized movie国产类型电影

1.The article deeply analyzesChinese stylized movies and argues that those movies are pale and humdrum with fade narrative skills which are rooted in directors absence of humane knowledge.国产类型电影内容苍白单调,叙事平淡无奇,这是编导们缺乏必要的人文素养与相关的知识积累的表现。

3)Chinese film production中国电影生产

1.The present condition ofChinese film production can be generalized and analyzed with the phrase "unification of three qualitys",which is Chinese government expressed.中国电影生产现状可以用"三性统一"这一官方表述的命题来加以概括和分析,其中,"思想性"是社会主流意识形态的诉求,"艺术性"是经典美学时期的标准,而在中国电影面临重大挑战的今天,对"观赏性"的正确理解和把握是真正解决中国电影行业问题的关键,"思想性"和"艺术性"应当被整合在主流电影的生产过程中。

4)Chinese Animated Cartoon国产动画电影

1.Chinese Animated Cartoon had enjoyed great fame in the world in the past tens of years.国产动画电影曾一度在国际上享有盛誉,然而其现状却并不乐观:动画电影的数量和质量都不尽如人意;市场被外国动画抢占;相关理论的研究也一直没有得到应有的重视。

5)Chinese commercial movies国产商业电影

1.At present,Chinese commercial movies, along with its development, have set up its subjectivity which is different from artistic movies and ideological movies.中国国产商业电影发展到今天,其区别于艺术电影和弘扬意识形态的主旋律电影的主体性特征已经确立。

6)made martial arts movies国产武侠电影


