100字范文 > 民主革命 democratic revolution英语短句 例句大全

民主革命 democratic revolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-21 17:05:04


民主革命 democratic revolution英语短句 例句大全

民主革命,democratic revolution

1)democratic revolution民主革命

1.Extending the Participation in government and political affairs is the content and the political essence of China~,s political modernization anddemocratic revolution.扩大参政是中国政治现代化的内容和民主革命的政治本质 。

2.The peasant issue is the fundamental question of thedemocratic revolution in China,farmers are the main force of thedemocratic revolution of China.农民问题是中国民主革命的基本问题,农民是中国民主革命的主力军。


1.Two Tacts of Social-democracy in the Democratic Revolution社会民主党在民主革命中的两种策略

2.He wholly accepted the thesis of the democratic revolution.他完全同意民主革命这个命题。

3.Tentative Analysis of the Forming of Wu Zhihui s Democratic and Revolutionary Thought;辛亥革命时期吴稚晖民主革命思想形成初探

4.Study of the Theory and Practice of People"s Democratic Revolution of the CPI(M);印共(马)“人民民主革命”理论与实践研究

5.On the People s Democratic Ideology of MAO Ze-dong in Democratic Revolution;论民主革命时期毛泽东的“人民民主”思想

6.During the ``cultural revolution"" we had what was called mass democracy.“文化大革命”时搞“大民主”,

7.Revolutionary Nationalist Movement of the Left左派民族主义革命运动

8.Democracy and “Revolution”:Considerations after “Color Revolution”;民主与“革命”——“颜色革命”后的思考

9.The democratic revolution is the necessary preparation for the socialist revolution, and the socialist revolution is the inevitable sequel to the democratic revolution.民主主义革命是社会主义革命的必要准备,社会主义革命是民主主义革命的必然趋势。

10.We were particularly successful during the period of transition from new-democratic revolution to socialist revolution.特别是从新民主主义革命转变到社会主义革命,

11.Revolutionary Progressive Nationalist Party民族主义革命进步党(民族革进党)

12.Tibetan Democratic Reform Viewed form the Angle of New Democratic Revolution新民主主义革命视阈下的西藏民主改革

13.New Democratic Revolution Time Communist Party of China s Revolutionary Spirit;新民主主义革命时期中国共产党革命精神

14.On the Study of Supervisory System in Revolutionary Based during the New Democratic Revolution Period;新民主主义革命时期革命根据地监察制度研究

15.An Attempted Analysis of the Embryo of the NewDemocratic Revolution Ideology;试析大革命时期新民主主义革命思想的萌芽

16.The May 4th Movement marked the change of China"s old-democratic revolution to new-democratic revolution.五四运动标志着中国旧民主主义革命向新民主主义革命的转变。

17.On the Formation of the Programme of the Old Democratic Culture Revolution: the Programme of "Broad Nationalism";旧民主主义文化革命纲领的形成——“大民族主义”之文化革命纲领

18.On the Maturation of the Programme of the Old Democratic Culture Revolution:the Programme of Old "Three People s Principles";旧民主主义文化革命纲领的成熟——旧三民主义之文化革命纲领


Partido Revolucionario Democraticon民主革命党

3)Outlook of Revolutionary Democracy革命民主观

4)nationalist democratic revolution民族民主革命

1.Imperialism and feudalism were the root for the weakness of modern China and the revival of the country could only come fromnationalist democratic revolution.帝国主义、封建主义是近代中国长期贫弱的根源 ,民族民主革命乃是中国独立、富强的根本出路。

5)the New Democratic Revolution新民主主义革命

1.A Historical Study on Policies for Ethnic Education of the Communist Party of China inthe New Democratic Revolution Period;新民主主义革命时期中国共产党民族教育政策的历史研究

2.On the Farmer s Ideological and Political Education of the CPC inthe New Democratic Revolution;新民主主义革命时期党对农民的思想政治教育研究

3.In The New Democratic Revolution period,the Communist Party of China,based on the reality of China\"s social development,laid down the revolutionary ideal of leading people of all nationalities around the country to overthrow the oppression of the "three big mountains" and establishing a new democratic people\"s republic.新民主主义革命时期中国共产党根据中国社会发展的实际,制定了领导全国各族人民推翻三座大山统治,建立新民主主义人民共和国的革命理想。

6)revolutionary democrat革命民主主义者


