100字范文 > 新旧站 The new and the old site英语短句 例句大全

新旧站 The new and the old site英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-24 14:33:24


新旧站 The new and the old site英语短句 例句大全

新旧站,The new and the old site

1)The new and the old site新旧站


1.Analysis on Differences of Comparative Observational Data between the New and the Old Weather Sites in Zibo City淄博市新旧站对比观测资料差异分析

2.I stood there still not believing what a raw deal I had been handed.我站在那儿,依旧不相信我达成的新协议。

3.During a bulk e-mail address update, a mismatch occurred between the old and new site addressing parts of the e-mail addresses.批量更新电子邮件地址期间,电子邮件地址中的旧站点寻址部分与新站点寻址部分不一致。

4.Students studied the architectural features and the activity patterns at Yu Wan Estate.参加者于渔湾?检查站须找出新旧型屋?的建筑特性和活动环境。

5.the Old [New] Testament圣经旧 [新] 约

6.On the television evening news, reporters mouthed the latest grim statistic against a back- drop of mean streets and smoking buildings.晚间电视新闻上,记者站在破旧的街道和冒烟的房屋前面报导着令人心寒的最新统计数字。

7."I stood there still not believing what a raw deal I had been handed. Here I came to ask for a raise, and now I was being told to keep working for nothing."我站在那儿,依旧不相信我达成的新协议。我是来要求增加工资的,而现在却被告知以后得白干。

8.On"Promoting the New by the Classical"and "Paying Equal Attention to the New and the Classical"in Poetry;论诗的“以旧促新”与“新旧并重”

9.The Oldness of Old Materialism and the Novelty of New Materialism旧唯物主义之“旧”与新唯物主义之“新”

10.Keeping the Prototype and Interpreting New Meaning--On teaching of 《Ancient Discourse》;整旧如旧与整旧如新——《古代文论》课程教学之我见

11.He stood in front of the old iron fence and listened to it.他站在旧铁栏杆前静静聆听。

12.Still he stood and looked towards the west.老沙头仍旧呆站在原地向西凝望。

13.(formerly)any of a number of men placed at stages along a route in order to ride to the next stage with letters,etc(旧时)驿站之间骑马传送信件等的人.

14.He stands on deck and stares at San Francisco.他站在船甲板上,久久地望着旧金山。

15.UML Modelling and C# Implementation of Second-hand Book Trade Website for Students学生旧书交易网站的UML建模和C#实现

16.They refuse to take my old car as part exchange for the new one.他们拒绝接受我的旧车来折旧换新。

17.They refused to take my old car as part exchange for the new one .他们拒绝接受我的旧车来折旧换新.

18."When sorrows come, they come not single spies, But in Battalions"新仇旧恨,齐上心头


new and old weather station新旧气象站


4)retrofitting of old substation旧站改造

5)website of second-hand books旧书网站

,this paper points out that there are abundant local literature resources in thewebsite of second-hand books which are the important approach to collect local literatures for the university library,and discusses the advantages of the collection,and presents the collection strategy.结合在孔夫子旧书网上所作的调查,指出旧书网站集聚着丰富的地方文献资源,是高校图书馆采集地方文献的重要途径,论述了旧书网采集地方文献的优势,提出了采集工作策略。

6)exchange of waste batteries for new ones以旧换新


地面气象站泛指设在陆地和海上(船舶、浮标等)实施地面气象观测的场所(见彩图),有时仅指设在陆地上的地面气象站。气象站设有气象观测场和气象观测所需的仪器设备装置,观测所得的资料,按世界气象组织规定的统一格式整理、编报,通过通信系统输给有关部门(见气象情报传输)。气象站一般由国家或地区的气象部门统一设置,以组成一个地区、一个国家以至全球范围的地面气象站网。为在天气图上分析天气系统,一般要求气象站(天气站)的间距不超过 150公里。在沙漠、海岛、草原、山岳等人迹稀少的地区,常设置一定数量的无人气象站(见自动气象站),以弥补不足。进行气候观测的地面气象站(气候站)的间距,则根据各地气候特征而定,在地形和气候分布复杂的地区适当加密。降水随地区的分布差异较大,因此,世界上测定降水量的站点也最多,有些是仅测日总降水量的雨量哨。 地面气象站按其任务不同,可分为以下几类:①天气站。主要为天气分析预报工作提供情报的气象站,包括陆地站、海上浮标站及船舶站等。②气候站。主要为气候分析研究积累资料而设的气象站。③专业气象站。由各专业部门根据本身需要而设置的气象站,如农业气象站、林业气象站、水文气象站、海洋气象站、航空气象站等。④专项观测站。根据一些特殊需要设置的站,如辐射观测站、天电观测站、云雾物理观测站、大气本底污染监测站等,这些观测站可以设置在一般气象站内,也可以单独设置。由气象爱好者或有关人员兼职,以简易的设备、简易的方法从事单项或少数项目气象观测的场所,称为气象哨。它为当地或派设单位服务,也向气象部门传递气象观测记录,因此,它是气象测站网的重要补充。
