100字范文 > 税收制度 tax system英语短句 例句大全

税收制度 tax system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-31 10:45:43


税收制度 tax system英语短句 例句大全

税收制度,tax system

1)tax system税收制度

1.Present situations and reform of Chinesetax system in real estate;我国房地产税收制度的现状和改革对策

2.Questions and Countermeasures in Financial Industry Tax System in China;中国金融业税收制度存在的问题与对策研究

3.The coordination between the accounting regulation and thetax system;论税收制度与会计准则的协调


1.championed the government and defended the system of taxation支持政府,捍卫税收制度

2.Analysts on Tax Right s Allocation in Current Tax System Reform:From Perspective of Tax-involved Main Body;论当前税收制度改革中的税权配置:基于涉税主体角度

3.Taxation programs are successful only through the voluntary compliance of entities being taxed.只有纳税主体的自觉配合才能使税收制度成功。

4.Research on the Taxation System of Resource Tax in the Development of Mine Enterprises;矿山企业发展中的资源税税收制度研究

5.the system of the declaration of individual incomes for tax payment个人收入应税申报制度

6.federal tax deposit system美国联邦税收缴存制度

7.a legal system for assessing and collecting taxes.估税与收税的一个法律制度。

8.The Research of Integrating the Tax Service to the Revenue Administrator System;将纳税服务融入税收管理员制度研究

9.To Build up and Improve The System of Tax Agent,and Promote The Environment of Tax Harmoniously;健全税务代理制度建设和谐税收环境

10.Corporate Income Tax System of Preferences and Technical Innovation企业所得税税收优惠制度与技术创新

11.Perfecting Tax Collecting and Management System:Viewed in the Light of Tax Game Relationship;从税收博弈关系看税收征管制度的完善

12.The Influence of International Tax Competition Upon the Choice of Our Tax Preferences;国际税收竞争对我国税收优惠制度选择的影响

13.Setting up the Tax Base of Physical Income and Pefecting Individual Income Tax System建立实物收入税基 完善个人收入所得税制度

14.On the Contributing Factors of China s Tax Revenue Increasing as Viewed from Tax Collection Management and Tax System;从税收征管与税制角度看我国税收增速变动成因

15.On Legal Theory foundation of Tax Refund Policy for Export:the Combination of Tax Neutrality and Tax Regulation;论出口退税制度的法理基础——税收中性与税收调控的结合

16.Taxation can be defined as a system of raising pubic revenue.税制可被定义成积累公共收入的制度。

17.On the Foreign Tax Credit Regime of U.S. Federal Income Tax Law;美国联邦所得税法外国税收抵免制度研究

18.Research on Strategy for Improving the Tax Administrator System in Nantong Local Taxation Bureau;健全南通市区地税税收管理员制度的策略研究


taxation system税收制度

1.The research on thetaxation system of financial derivative instruments;我国金融衍生产品税收制度研究

2.China staxation system adjustment and perfectibility under the economic globalization;经济全球化中我国税收制度的调整与完善

3.Research on Improving Taxation System of NPO in China;关于健全我国非营利组织税收制度的探索

3)tax revenue system税收制度

1.Quality of Government Tax Revenue: Comparison and Analysis on the Countries under Different Economic Developing Level-As Well as the Discussion on Tax Revenue System and Target Model of Our Country;政府税收质量:不同经济发展水平国家比较分析——兼论我国税收制度及其目标模式


1.Analyses historically the cause of a new idea oftaxation for sustainable development, which gives a new way to control pollution and protect environment by virtue of revenue.借鉴国外环境税收的成功经验,对我国现行税收制度进行了剖析,指出其在环境保护方面存在的缺陷。

2.Thetaxation under the impact of E-commerce is one of them.电子商务在为世界勾画美好未来的同时,也对建立在传统商务模式基础之上的相关法律、会计、工商、税收、审计等方面政策制度组成的现存体制产生了极大的冲击,为我们提出了许多新的研究课题,电子商务的发展与传统税收制度的关系就是其中之一。

3.Research on Taxation s Infection on Financing of Listed Companies;本文研究我国税收制度对上市公司融资决策的影响。

5)tax institution税收制度

1.China has started a new round oftax institution reform.目前我国对税收遵从的研究多侧重于税收征收管理制度,包括机构设置和管理体制等方面,而忽视了对影响遵从行为的最基本和最关键因素——税收制度的研究,从而在税制设计过程中缺乏对税收遵从的必要考虑。

6)anatomy of tax system税收制度剖析


