100字范文 > 优化布局 optimized layout英语短句 例句大全

优化布局 optimized layout英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-24 23:01:19


优化布局 optimized layout英语短句 例句大全

优化布局,optimized layout

1)optimized layout优化布局


1.The Study on Optimal Deployment for Station of Bus Rapid Transit(BRT);快速公交(BRT)站点的优化布局研究

2.The Layout Research of China Aviation Group Maintenance Enterprise Base;中国航空集团维修企业优化布局研究

3.Research on GIS-based Layout Optimization of City Commercial Center;基于GIS的城市商业中心优化布局研究

4.Dual fault-tolerant disk arrays to optimize the layout of check spread双容错磁盘阵列校验散布布局的优化

5.Research on Warehouse Layout Optimization Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm;基于蚁群优化算法的仓库布局优化研究

6.Research of the Functional Layout on Urban Eco-belt Based on Optimization of Landscape Pattern基于景观格局优化的城市生态带功能布局研究

7.Theory and Algorithm of Layout Optimization Characterized by Topological Structure具有拓扑结构布局优化的理论及算法

8.Optimal Placement of Damping Materials in Vibration Isolator;隔振装置阻尼材料布局拓扑优化设计

9.Optimizing Research of Commercial Distribution in Small Town Based on GIS;基于GIS的小城镇商业布局优化研究

10.Adding/Removing Machines Based Dynamic Layout Optimization;可添加/去除机器的动态布局优化研究

11.A Study on the Countermeasure of Optimizing the Distribution of S&T Strength in Northeast of China;东北地区科技力量布局优化对策研究

12.Research on Logistics and Industry Distribution in Changjiang River Economic Belt;长江经济带物流发展与产业布局优化

13.A Study of the Adjustment and Development of the Astructural Layout of the Advanced Education;山西省高教结构布局调整与优化初探

14.The Layout and Optimization of the Website On-file Administration System;网站备案管理系统的网络布局与优化

15.Layout Optimal Subproblem Based on an Improved Genetic Algorithm;基于改进遗传算法的布局优化子问题

16.The Layout of the Logistics Crunodes for the Third-Party Logistics Site第三方物流企业物流结点的布局优化

17.Research on Optimizing the Structure and Layout of Urban-Rural Land Use of Dalian大连市优化城乡用地结构和布局研究

18.Design and Implementation of Bank Outlets Arrangement Optimization银行网点布局优化系统的设计与实现


optimization layout优化布局

1.In order to get theoptimization layout of the split animation image,use the bounding box collision detection and the border data of the split animation image.为了减少移动设备中动画在内存中的占用率,针对移动平台动画图片的分割后再重组的存储特点,提出了一种基于遗传算法的多边形快速优化布局方法。

3)layout optimization优化布局

1.The paper presented the principle of multi-IMUlayout optimization and created its mathematical model.提出了多IMU优化布局的原则,建立了舰载IMU优化布局的数学模型,采用遗传算法对IMU的布局进行了优化求解。

4)optimized distribution优化布局

1.The writer,taking the distribution and ornament of Nanning Lady s square -Golden Island as an example,states a wholly new designing concept,which makes its targets characterized byoptimized distribution;fashionable,surpassing gardening business environment.从南宁金之岛女人广场装饰设计案例分析入手,阐述如何优化布局,营造时尚的、超前的、花园式的繁华高效商业环境的全新设计理念。

5)layout optimization布局优化

1.Application of evolutionary strategy inlayout optimization of non-scale engineering drawing;进化策略在无比例工程图布局优化中的应用

2.A review on topology andlayout optimization of truss structures;桁架结构拓扑和布局优化发展综述

3.Pulse transiently chaotic neural network forlayout optimization;基于PTCNN的结构布局优化问题研究

6)distribution and optimization布局与优化


