100字范文 > 细胞冻存液 cell freezing medium英语短句 例句大全

细胞冻存液 cell freezing medium英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-05 18:14:58


细胞冻存液 cell freezing medium英语短句 例句大全

细胞冻存液,cell freezing medium

1)cell freezing medium细胞冻存液

1.Effect of modifiedcell freezing medium on survival rate and activity of dendritic cells自制细胞冻存液对树突状细胞存活率及活性的影响


1.Preliminary study on cryopreservation of human amniotic mesenchymal stem cells不同人羊膜间充质干细胞冻存液冻存细胞效果比较

2.Effect of modified cell freezing medium on survival rate and activity of dendritic cells自制细胞冻存液对树突状细胞存活率及活性的影响

3.Effect of Different Cryopreservation Medium on the Survival Rate of Chicken Frozen/Thawed SSCs不同冷冻液对鸡精原干细胞冷冻-解冻后存活力的影响

4.Studies on Filtration of Goat IVM Oocytes Vitrification Solution;山羊卵母细胞玻璃化冷冻保存液配方筛选研究

5.Study on Freezing-Preservation Technology on Boar Semen Frozen in 5ml Straws;猪精液5ml细管冷冻保存技术研究

6.Studies on the Cryopreservation of Embryonic Cerebral Cells by Vitrification and the Effect to the Vitality of Cells;胚脑细胞的玻璃化冻存及其对细胞活性的影响

7.Culture and cryopreservation of rabbit conjunctival epithelial cells and fibroblasts兔眼结膜上皮细胞和成纤维细胞的培养及冻存

parison of cryopreservation methods of umbilical hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells脐血造血细胞的冷冻保存方法的比较

9.Collection,Seperatiing and Cryopreservation of blood stem cells;造血干细胞采集、分离与冻存的研究

10.Study on Vitrification of Buffalo Oocytes;水牛卵母细胞玻璃化冷冻保存的研究

11.Study on the cryopreservation of mouse oocytes by the vitrification methodEDS-40玻璃化冻存小鼠卵母细胞的研究

12.The Effect of Slow Cryopreservation and Vitrification on the Survival Rate of Rat Bone Marrow Cells;超低温慢速冻存与玻璃化冻存对大鼠骨髓细胞存活率的影响

13.Vitrification of bovine oocytes by glass micropipette for cryopreservation study毛细玻管玻璃化冷冻法冷冻保存牛卵母细胞的研究

14.Study on the Practical Use of Cryopreserved Boar Semen with High Density in 0.25mL Staws;用0.25mL细管高密度冷冻保存猪精液的实用化研究

15.The Effect of Cryoprotective Agent Temperature on Vitrified Frozen-thawed Human Oocytes冻融液的温度对人卵母细胞玻璃化冻融效果的影响

16.Study on the Cryopreservation of Mice and Human Oocytes by the Vitrification Method;EDS-40玻璃化液冻贮小鼠及人卵母细胞的研究

17.Study on Cryopreservation of Oocytes and Mechanisms Impacting Post-Warming Developmental Competence in Pig;猪卵母细胞的超低温冷冻保存及影响其冻后发育能力的机理研究

18.Slow Rate Cryopreservation and Vitrificated Cryopreservation of Chicken Embryonic Primordial Germ Cells;鸡胚胎原始生殖细胞慢速冷冻和玻璃化冷冻保存


cell cryopreserving细胞冻存


4)hepatocyte cryopreservation肝细胞冻存

5)RBCs of freeze-drying preservation红细胞冻干保存


parison of biologicphenotypes of cultured HL60 aftercryopreservation;HL60细胞冻存复苏生物学特性对比分析


Ledig细胞孤存综合征Ledig细胞孤存综合征病 名。即间质细胞孤独存在综合征。详见该条。
