100字范文 > 脉搏波技术 Pulse-wave technique英语短句 例句大全

脉搏波技术 Pulse-wave technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-11 08:46:25


脉搏波技术 Pulse-wave technique英语短句 例句大全

脉搏波技术,Pulse-wave technique

1)Pulse-wave technique脉搏波技术


1.Cardiac Function Assay of Normal Children by Pulse Wave Technology脉搏波技术对健康儿童心功能测定的结果分析

2.Analying the Cardiovascular Function of Children with Congenital Heart Disease Accepting Interventional Treatment by Pulse-Wave Technique脉搏波技术测定先天性心脏病患儿介入治疗前后心血管功能的变化及意义

3.The Measuring Technique of Research for Thorax-head Pulse Wave Transit Time;胸—头脉搏波传导时间测量技术研究

4.Design of pulse-wave measuring system based on Bluetooth基于蓝牙技术的脉搏波检测系统设计

5.Development of a Wearable Pulse Monitoring Module Based on Zigbee Technology基于Zigbee技术的穿戴式脉搏波检测模块的研制

6.Study on Several Key Issues of Non-invasive Cardiovascular Detection Technology Based on Pulse Wave基于脉搏波的无创心血管检测技术若干关键问题的研究

7.Validity and feasibility of measurement of pulse wave velocity by Doppler tissue imaging多普勒组织成像技术测量脉搏波速的真实性和可行性

8.Research of pulse wave"s change of rats after kidney resection肾脏切除术后大鼠脉搏波变化的分析比较研究

9.The Study of Pulse Wave Transmission and Cardiac Output;脉搏波的传播与心搏出量的研究分析

10.Research and Design of Pulse Data Collecting System Based on USB Technology;基于USB技术的脉搏数据采集系统的研究与设计

11.NELLCOR-a revolutionary update digital Oximetry technology platform- OxiMax;NELLCOR全新数字化脉搏氧饱和度技术平台—OxiMax

12.Human Body Pulse Acquisition and Analysis System Based on wireless Transmission Technology基于无线传输技术的人体脉搏采集分析系统

13.An Algorithm for Automatically Detecting the Pulse Waveform of Radial Artery一种桡动脉脉搏信号的自动检波算法

14.An Analysis of Pulse Wave in Radial Artery (Ⅰ)--Theoretical Results桡动脉脉搏波的分析(Ⅰ)——理论结果

15.Research on the Relationship between Pulse Wave Analysis and Arterial Blood Pressure;脉搏波分析与人体动脉血压关系研究

16.Measurement of Artery Compliance Based on Cuff Pulse Waves基于袖带内脉搏波的动脉顺应性检测

17.Application of Cepstrum and Homomorphic Deconvolution to Human Pulse System Analysis倒谱与解卷积技术在人体脉搏系统分析中的应用

18.a rapid pulse, heartbeat过快的脉搏、 心搏


pulse wave脉搏波

1.Method of removing respiratory interference frompulse wave;脉搏波中呼吸干扰的去除

2.Rectification of the cardiac output computation based on radialpulse wave hemodynamic detecting;基于桡动脉脉搏波血流动力学检测的心输出量计算修正

3.A theoretical study on relations between physiological factors andpulse wave characteristics;血流脉搏波的特征与生理因素的相关性研究

3)Pulse wave velocity脉搏波速

1.Changes of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and related risk factors in patients with essential hypertension;高血压患者臂踝脉搏波速改变及其相关危险因素分析

2.Validity and feasibility of measurement of pulse wave velocity by Doppler tissue imaging多普勒组织成像技术测量脉搏波速的真实性和可行性

3.The principles and characteristics of such methods are introduced as arterial tonometry, volume-compensation method, pulse wave velocity method and blood pressure measurement method using characteristic parameters of pulse wave.本文概述了目前国内外无创连续血压测量方法的研究进展,重点介绍了动脉张力测定法、容积补偿法、脉搏波速测定法和利用脉搏波特征参数进行血压测量方法的原理和特点,并对今后无创连续血压测量的发展趋势作出了展望。

4)pulse wave脉搏波形

5)Pulse Wave Technique脉冲波技术

6)Pulse Waveform脉搏波波形

1.At present, there are more than ten indexes reflecting VE, some of which are related, such as pulse waveform characteristic quantity (K), pulse wave velocity (PWV), augmentation index (AIX) and stiffness index (β) etc.目前评价动脉弹性功能的方法有血管造影、超声技术、脉搏波速度(PWV)测量法、袖带内压力震荡波分析(AOCS)、平面压力波测定(AT)、核磁共振成像(MRI)和脉搏波波形分析(PWA)等。


动脉脉搏 动脉血管起伏性的搏动。动脉脉搏即为一般所称的脉搏,由心脏节律性地收缩和舒张引起主动脉中的容积和压力发生改变,从而使动脉管壁出现振动而产生的。脉搏产生后沿管壁向全身动脉传播,在身体浅表有动脉通过的部位,都可触摸到脉搏。健康成人脉搏每分钟平均为70~50次,与心跳的次数一样。脉搏可以用脉搏描记器加以记录,记录的曲线为脉搏图。脉搏图由一个升支和一个降支组成。升支是心室收缩射血时动脉管壁被扩张所形成。降支是心室舒张时动脉管壁弹性回位的反映。脉搏的波形在一定程度上反映血液循环的变化。心血管机能状态不同,波形也有一定改变,因此记录分析脉搏图可捕助诊断一些心血管疾病。脉搏能反映心血管系统多方面的状态,如心跳的频率和节律、心脏的收缩力、血管充盈度、动脉管壁的弹性等等。所以脉搏的测定也是一项重经的临床检查顶目。中医对脉搏的研究最早,有经验的中医能从病人脉搏的情况,推知心脏和其它器官的健康情况。近年来应用脉搏描记的方法并结合中医切脉的临床诊断经验对某些脉像产生的原理积累了一些经验。这种中西医结合的研究对发掘和提高祖国医学无疑是十分有益的。
