100字范文 > 新型闪烁探测器 complex detector for gross beta measuring英语短句 例句大全

新型闪烁探测器 complex detector for gross beta measuring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-02 20:42:28


新型闪烁探测器 complex detector for gross beta measuring英语短句 例句大全

新型闪烁探测器,complex detector for gross beta measuring

1)complex detector for gross beta measuring新型闪烁探测器

2)well type scintillator detector井型闪烁探测器

3)Scintillation detector闪烁探测器

1.Effect of gel-silica filling to scintillation detector;硅凝胶灌封对闪烁探测器的影响

2.This circuit is designed for large plastic scintillation detector,including voltage divider,charge sensitive amplifier and main amplifier.介绍的电子学电路用于大面积塑料闪烁探测器,包括光电倍增管分压器电路、电荷前放、主放大器几部分,主放大器由放大、成形、甄别及符合电路组成。

3.this paper introduces wide range speedy scintillation detector.闪烁探测器通过闪烁体涂覆一层低能灵敏的物质 ,外围采用双防护结构 ,改变光电倍增管分压电路的电阻值 ,探测器的输出为电流 ,采用高性能的电流 -频率变换器和电源等措施 ,使得该探测器的探测范围、基本误差、响应时间等指标均明显优于现有水平 ,因而能较好地满足宽量程快速辐射探测的需要。


1.monocrystal mineral scintillation detector单晶矿物闪烁探测器

2.monocrystal organic scintillation detector单晶有机闪烁探测器

3.polycrystal mineral scintillator detector多晶体无机闪烁探测器

4.Research on NaI(Tl) Scintillescent Detector in Nuclear Logging核测井中NaI(Tl)闪烁探测器性能探讨

5.Scintillation detectors of sodium iodide (thallium)GB/T13182-1991碘化钠(铊)闪烁探测器

6.Study on Plastic Scintillation Detector Used in Very Terrible Environments可在恶劣环境下工作的塑料闪烁探测器研究

7.Anti-saturation improvement of front-end electronics for neutron detectors array system中子闪烁探测器前端电子学的抗饱和改进

8.On Output Circuit"s Pulse Shape of Scintillation Detector Based on MATLAB基于MATLAB闪烁探测器输出回路脉冲形状分析

9.Monte-Carlo Simulation for Response Characteristic of Scintillator Detector in Pulsed Neutron Whole Energy Spectrum Logging脉冲中子全能谱测井闪烁探测器响应特性的蒙特卡罗模拟

10.A few remarks must finally be made concerning the calibration of scintillation detectors.最后需要讲几点关于闪烁探测器校正方面的注意事项。

11.Characteristics Contrasting and Technology Designing for Two types of Large Area Plastic Scintillator Detector两种大面积塑料闪烁探测器的性能对比及工艺设计

12.scintillator slow neutron detector闪烁体慢中子探测器

13.In-Beam Test of Large Area Scintillating Fiber Array Detector大面积闪烁光纤阵列探测器的在束测试

14.Analysis for the Transmission-characteristics of Bending Fiber in Scintillantor Optic Fiber Detector闪烁体光纤探测器中弯曲光纤的传输特性分析

15.n-γ discrimination in low energy of BC501A scintillatorsBC501A液体闪烁体探测器低能段n-γ分辨性能研究

16.gas scintillator气体闪烁器气体闪烁体

17.Study on Calculation of Thickness of Plastic Scintillation and Detection Efficiency of Gamma for a New Detector Applied for Total Beta Measuring;关于复合探测器的塑料闪烁体厚度及其对γ探测效率的研究

18.Development of low backgroundα/βmonitor based on dual phosphor thin scintillator基于双闪烁体探测器的四路低本底α β测量仪研制


well type scintillator detector井型闪烁探测器

3)Scintillation detector闪烁探测器

1.Effect of gel-silica filling to scintillation detector;硅凝胶灌封对闪烁探测器的影响

2.This circuit is designed for large plastic scintillation detector,including voltage divider,charge sensitive amplifier and main amplifier.介绍的电子学电路用于大面积塑料闪烁探测器,包括光电倍增管分压器电路、电荷前放、主放大器几部分,主放大器由放大、成形、甄别及符合电路组成。

3.this paper introduces wide range speedy scintillation detector.闪烁探测器通过闪烁体涂覆一层低能灵敏的物质 ,外围采用双防护结构 ,改变光电倍增管分压电路的电阻值 ,探测器的输出为电流 ,采用高性能的电流 -频率变换器和电源等措施 ,使得该探测器的探测范围、基本误差、响应时间等指标均明显优于现有水平 ,因而能较好地满足宽量程快速辐射探测的需要。

4)scintillator detector闪烁探测器

1.Precise calibration of 14.1MeV neutron sensitivity ofscintillator detector;闪烁探测器中子灵敏度高精度标定技术

2.In the study of scintillator irradiation resistibility,by the sensitivity comparison between the magnitude before and after γ irradiation,we can make sure if thescintillator detector can work normally after the large exposure dose.在闪烁体耐辐照特性研究中,通过比较闪烁体受辐照前后闪烁探测器系统灵敏度的变化,说明在大辐照剂量后闪烁探测器是否处于正常工作状态。

5)ST-PMT detect电流型闪烁探测器

1.Using a set ofST-PMT detector, the prompt neutron multiplication on The zero power is measured by the reliableand effective shielding methods.研究了一套电流型闪烁探测器,采取合理、有效的屏蔽措施,测量了零功率装置瞬发中子衰减常数α,测量结果与设计结果相符合,与Rossi-α法,~(252)Cf随机脉冲源法等其他静态测量结果相比较,实验结果吻合。

6)scintillation detector闪烁检测器,闪烁计数计,闪烁探测器


