100字范文 > 动态模拟 dynamic simulation英语短句 例句大全

动态模拟 dynamic simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-29 02:29:29


动态模拟 dynamic simulation英语短句 例句大全

动态模拟,dynamic simulation

1)dynamic simulation动态模拟

1.Thedynamic simulation method for tray absorber dry-plate initiation;板式气体吸收塔干板开车动态模拟方法

2.Thedynamic simulation of the polymerization of propylene oxide;环氧丙烷聚合反应过程的动态模拟

puter analaysis anddynamic simulation of converter tilting moment;转炉倾动的计算机分析及动态模拟


1.Mobility-type analogy电声-机械动态模拟导纳型模拟

2.Study on Dynamic Monitoring and Dynamic Simulating of Land Resource;土地资源的动态监测和动态模拟研究

3.The Valuation and Its Dynamic Modelling of the Grassland Ecosystems;草地生态系统价值评估及其动态模拟

4.Simulation of ecosystem dynamics of Lake Taihu using Ecopath with Ecosim model太湖生态系统发育的Ecopath with Ecosim动态模拟

5.The Study of Controllable Load Simulator in Power System Dynamic Simulation电力系统动态模拟中可控负荷模拟器的研究

6.Study of Dynamic Simulation Models in Medicago Ruthenica;扁蓿豆生长发育动态模拟模型的研究

7.Hair Dynamic Simulation Method Based on Super-helix Model基于超螺旋模型的头发动态模拟方法

8.CAD of Parts of Refrigerating Plants & Dynamic Simulation of Automation;制冷装置部件CAD及自动化动态模拟

9.Dynamic Analogies about Stiffness Matrix and Kinematics of Rigidbody Systems;刚度矩阵及刚体系运动学的动态模拟

10.Simulation of Tumor Growth Dynamic Based on Cellular Automaton;基于细胞自动机的肿瘤生长动态模拟

11.Using Vensim to Simulate the Dynamic Course of Nitrogen in Paddy Field;利用Vensim动态模拟软件模拟水稻田氮素迁移动态过程

12.Study on the Simulation of the Pedestrian Flow Based on the Multi-agent System;基于多智能主体的人群流动形态动态模拟研究

13.dynamic storage analog computer动态存储模拟计算机

14.DEES (Dynamic Electromagnetic Environment Simulator)动态电磁环境模拟器

15.analog recording dynamic analyzer模拟记录动态分析程序

16.simulation and dynamic programming模拟和动态程序编制

17.Dynamic Characteristic Simulation for KM385BZL Crankshaft;KM385BZL曲轴动态特性模拟

18.Virtual Analog Clothing Dynamic Display of the Action Research Model in Virtual Garments Show虚拟服装动态展示中模拟模特走秀动作的研究


dynamic modeling动态模拟

1.Dynamic modeling of potato phenological development;马铃薯生育期进程的动态模拟研究

2.Study on thedynamic modeling of Larch plantation;落叶松人工林动态模拟的研究

3.New approach todynamic modeling to landscape eco-pattern changes using grey analysis and cellular automata集成灰色分析和元胞自动机用于景观动态模拟

3)dynamic imitation动态模拟

1.Thedynamic imitation software of the polluted lane is made on the base of it, and the method solve the equations is discussed.应用流体力学、燃烧学、热力学的原理 ,建立了发生火灾后烟流的非稳态数学模型 ,基于此数学模型之上 ,编制了受污染巷道的动态模拟软件 ,并讨论了其解法 。

2.Also, it analyses relation between parameters" change and gripper mechanism movement, this is important for how to conduct optimization design of gripper mechanism" At last, adynamic imitation is made about gripper mechanism, thus it can be used to test whether the programmed results are right or not.本文最后还对递纸机构进行了动态模拟,从而可校验计算结果的正确性。

3.In the study of automobiledynamic imitation,the effect ofdynamic imitation of a steering wheel opposite rotary moment affects directly driver s operate action,thus affects the studying accuracy of person-automobile close-ring control system.在车辆动态模拟的研究中,方向盘回正力矩的动态模拟效果直接影响实验驾驶员的操纵行为,从而影响人─车闭环转向控制系统研究的准确性。


1.Simulation of Flow Excursion and Thermal Siphon under Natural Circulation Condition with Lower Pressure and Lower Quality;低压低干度自然循环流量漂移和热虹吸现象的动态模拟

2.In order to meet the requirements for the ESP design, propaganda, training and bidding for project, this paper develops virtual assembly animation, dynamicsimulation and spare parts structure animation of the ESP by Applying the software CAXA and introduces the method and process of the facture of this 3Dsimulation animation system.为了满足潜油电泵产品设计、宣传、培训、工程方案投标等的需要,运用CAXA实体设计软件制做了一套潜油电泵虚拟装配、动态模拟仿真、零部件结构展示动画,介绍了该套三维仿真动画制作的过程和方法。

3.Especially under the latter operating condition, asimulation considering three hydraulic conductivity s calculating schemes was carried out in the whole process of the rapid drawdow.以外秦淮河整治工程为背景,分析研究了外秦淮河堤防背水面在岸坡饱水工况下有或无土工膜设置时的渗透稳定性和抗滑稳定性;针对退水工况设计了3种渗透系数计算方案,分别对堤防临水面在有无土工膜时的渗透稳定性和抗滑稳定性进行了动态模拟,分析比较了有或土工膜时堤防稳定性的差别以及渗透系数的变化对其差别的影响,从而对外秦淮河堤防在运行情况下的稳定性做出了评价,对土工膜铺设对堤防稳定性的影响形成了一些有益的结论。

5)dynamic model动态模拟

1.In the content of multiple planting experimental data, adynamic model for HSTP rice is developed, including leaf area development, photosynthesis,respiration, dry matter accumulation and allocation sub models.通过分期播种田间试验资料,建立水稻旱育抛秧生长发育的动态模拟模型,包括叶面积发展、光合作用、呼吸作用、干物质积累与分配等。

6)dynamic analogies动态模拟

1.The design,calculation anddynamic analogies for Comprehensive Mechanism combined of five linkages mechanism,can mechanism and eccentric mechanism to improve the precision of Candy Packing Machine and get the best performance and also reduce time for redesign and reduce the price of manufacture.用CAD设计及动态模拟 ,对糖果包装机中的接糖机构进行改进设计。


