100字范文 > 厥阴病 jueyin disease英语短句 例句大全

厥阴病 jueyin disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-18 20:47:51


厥阴病 jueyin disease英语短句 例句大全

厥阴病,jueyin disease

1)jueyin disease厥阴病

1.According to the analysis of clauses in chapter ofjueyin diseases《Treatise on Febrile Diseases》,we can get the pathogenesis ofjueyin diseases:cold-heat complex,upper body heat and lower body cold;the main formula is fructus mume pellet.通过分析《伤寒论》厥阴病篇的条文,得出厥阴病的病机是寒热夹杂、上热下寒;厥阴病主方是乌梅丸;乌梅丸的组方配伍特点是:辛酸温为主,佐以苦甘,寒温并用,辛开苦降,刚柔共济,有收有发,攻补兼施,体用同调,和水火而顺阴阳。

2.Medical men at all times understand syncope and heat in Jueyin disease differently.历代医家对厥阴病厥热胜复的认识不一 ,有为寒厥的一个特殊证候类型 ;有为热厥的表现 ;有为厥阴病的主证 ;有为厥阴病阴阳消长 ,邪正进退的病机概括。


1.The Study of Syndrome Differentiation Thinking of Jue Yin Disease in Treatire on Febrile Diseases《伤寒论》厥阴病辨证论治思维研究

2.Clinical Study of the Effect of Acupuncturing "Neiguan" Point and "Jueyinshu" Point on Dynamic Electrocardiogram of Coronary Heart Disease with Angina Pectoris;针刺内关和厥阴俞对冠心病心绞痛动态心电图影响的临床研究

3.Clinical Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Early Metaphase Parkinson s Disease and Empirical Study of Mscs s Isolated Culture and Depuration Out-of-body;中医六经厥阴辨证治疗帕金森病的临床研究及干细胞体外分离培养纯化的实验研究

4.Theory Investigate and Clinical Study on Jueyin Headache;关于厥阴头痛的理论探讨和临床研究

5.P: Can you give me some medicine to calm the syncope down?病人:您能用什么药治疗我的晕厥吗?

6.Each limb is distributed by Taiyin and Yangming meridians are on the anterior border, Shaoyin and Taiyang meridians are on the posterior border, and Jueyin and Shaoyang meridians are on the midline.太阴和阳明分布于肢体的前部,少阴和太阳分布于后部,厥阴和少阳分布于中部。

7.Primary Study on Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin Stimulation Therapy in Improving the Level of Consciousness for the Patients of Brain Coma;手厥阴经电刺激对脑性昏迷患者促醒作用的初步研究

8.Care of patients with Unexplained Syncope under Upright Tilt Table Test不明原因晕厥病人行直立倾斜试验的护理

9.With serious cases without conoulsions the disease is referred to as preecla mpsia.没有发生惊厥的全症病例称为先非子痛。

10.Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos.触觉和听觉的刺激可诱使病牛惊厥和角弓反张。

11.Clinical Anlysis of 22 Cases of Afebrile Convulsion following Rotavirus Enteritis轮状病毒肠炎并发无热惊厥22例临床分析

12.Observation study of benign afebrile convulsion with mild rotavirus diarrhea in 31 children31例婴幼儿轻度轮状病毒腹泻合并惊厥分析

13.The Research of the Physiological and Pathological Convulsive Thresholds in Brain;癫痫的生理与病理性惊厥阈值的实验探讨

14.Linkage Analysis of Microsatellite DNA Marker in Familial Simple Febrile Seizures;家族性热性惊厥致病基因的遴选与筛查

15.The Research Of Track And Field Athletes Of The 32 Cases Of Syncope;田径运动员运动性晕厥的32例病例分析

16.Cultural Significance of the Ancient Turkic People s "Large Army to Die,but Shameful to Sickness";释古代突厥人“重兵死,而耻病终”的文化意义

17.The Research Progress on Related Factors of Children′s Febrile Seizures小儿热性惊厥发病相关因素的研究进展

18.Association of Etiology,Prognosis and Type of Neonatal Seizures新生儿惊厥发作形式与病因及预后的相关性


Indicated symptoms of Jueyin Meridian厥阴病证

3)heat syndrome of Jueyin厥阴热厥证

4)syndrome with cold limbs and colic due to ascaris of Jueyin厥阴蛔厥证

5)cold syndrome of Jueyin厥阴寒厥证

6)Jueyin meridian厥阴经


