100字范文 > 大众文学 popular literature英语短句 例句大全

大众文学 popular literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 05:12:36


大众文学 popular literature英语短句 例句大全

大众文学,popular literature

1)popular literature大众文学

1.The Deconstruction of Cultural Nationalism with the Popular Literature of Japan;日本大众文学对文化民族主义的解构

2.On the appreciative characteristics of presentpopular literature——Taking reading Lu Xun"s works for example谈当前大众文学欣赏特点——从阅读鲁迅谈起

3.San Mao s works belong topopular literature.三毛的作品属于大众文学,其大众文化特征主要表现于写作动机与传播过程。


1.The Deconstruction of Cultural Nationalism with the Popular Literature of Japan;日本大众文学对文化民族主义的解构

2.The Transformation of Models: the Cultural Interpretation of the Public Literature in the Transformational Period;范式的转换:转型期大众文学的文化学阐释

3.Principal Differences Between Mass Literature and Folk Literature to Common People;从平民主体性看大众文学与民间文学的差异

4.Approaching "Modern" "Literary":Rethinking Origin Studies on Japanese Popular Literature走向“近代”与“文学”——日本大众文学源流的再思考

5.International Institute for Children"s, Juvenile and Popular Literature国际青少年和大众文学研究所

6.A Comparative Study of "Popularization of Arts" and "Vernacular Literature" in the 1930s;1930年代“文艺大众化”与“大众语文学”讨论比较

7.Popular Culture, “the Culture Created by People" and “the Popularity of Culture";大众文化与“大众的文化”、“文化的大众化”

8.Mass Culture: A New Perspective on the Reformation of Literary Studies in China;大众文化:重建中国文艺学的新思路

ment on Impact of the Mass Culture over Middle School Students Chinese Accomplishment;论大众文化对中学生语文素养的影响

10.The Influence of Popular Culture on the Writing Literatures at the End of 20th Century;大众文化对20世纪末文学创作的影响

11.The Impact of American Mass Culture on Chinese Undergraduates;论美国大众文化对中国大学生的影响

12.The Influence and Countermeasures of Mass Culture on Contemporary University Student;大众文化对当代大学生的影响及对策

13.Mass Media and Unacademic Trend of Literatura Criticism;大众传媒与文学批评的非学理性倾向

14.Frankfurt School of Thought Mass Culture Theory and the Examination of the China Mass Culture;法兰克福学派大众文化理论与当代中国大众文化的审视

15.Contra-Culture and Anti-mass:Frankfurt School s Critique of Mass Culture;非文化与反大众:法兰克福学派对大众文化的批判

16.Literary History s Thinking to Publications Evolution of Public Art,Southwest Art and Hongyan;《大众文艺》《西南文艺》《红岩》演变的文学史思考

17.To Eliminate and Promote--The University Aesthetic Culture under the Background of Popular Culture;消解与提升——大众文化背景下的大学审美文化

18.Ambiguous “Mass” -A Study and Differentiation of Mass Culture;暧昧的“大众”——“大众文化”中的“大众”考辨


mass literature大众文学

1.The divergence between specialized criticism and that of ordinary readers in appraising the works by Chi Li is effected by the influence of Adorno s theory of "culture industry" in specialized criticism, which makes criticism neglect the special meaning ofmass literature.在池莉作品的评价上,专业批评与普通读者的分歧源于阿多诺的“文化工业”论对专业批评的影响,使批评忽略了大众文学的特殊意义。

2.Pure literature should face the change of readers, and learn frommass literature, especially in sale strategy, so as to win more reader本文立足“艺术只能为他人和通过他人而存在”的观点,从社会基础、生产机制、营销策略、方云分析大众文学繁荣的原因,认为变化了的文学受众、符合受众审美趣味和欣赏水平的生产机制,积极有效的营销策略是当代大众文学繁荣的主要原因;纯文学应正视受众变化这一现实,在生产机制,特别是营销策略上向大众文学借鉴,为自己争取更多的读者。

3)the popular literature大众文学

1.Essence literature stresses the reason whilethe popular literature stresses the feelings;the former is awful while the latter is affable.大众文学早已和精英文学分流,大众文学和精英文学具有不同的质。

4)literary masses文学大众

5)The popularity of literature文学大众性

6)literature popularization文学大众化


