100字范文 > 挂号 registration英语短句 例句大全

挂号 registration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-04 00:22:09


挂号 registration英语短句 例句大全



1.Discussion on Medical Disputes in Registration Department;挂号工作中医患纠纷之浅议

2.The reasons and strategies of defects in medicalregistration in outpatient department影响门诊挂号质量的原因及对策

3.How to solve the difficulties ofregistration and longtime queuing waiting in hospital is the new task to the hospital administrators.文章介绍了自主研制的自动挂号机。


1.a telegraphic(al)address电报挂号, 收电报的地址

2.modification of telex booking用户电报挂号的更改

3.ordinary, registered or special delivery?平信、挂号、还是特快专递。

4.registration of letters, parcels, trunks, etc信件、 包裹、 衣箱等的挂号

5.Please wait for your receipt of the registered mail请等一下您的挂号收据

6.Registration plus overweight... err... 5 dollars in all.挂号加超重,总共5美元。

7.and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!他要我签收一封挂号信!

8.Do you want to send it as an ordinary or registered letter.您想寄平信还是挂号信?

9.Do you want to send it as ordinary or registered letter?寄平信还是挂号信?

10.Here are some registered letters for you .这儿有你几封挂号信。

11.How much is it Hong Kong registered?寄香港的挂号信多少钱?

12.I signed for a registered letter.我签收了一封挂号信。

13.Do you wqnt to have thes letter registered?你这封信要不要挂号?

14.I want to send this letter by registered mail.我想把这封信寄挂号。

15.A: And I need to register this letter.甲:这一封信要挂号.

16."I would like to send this by registered mail, please."我想把这封信挂号寄出

17.Could you register this letter for me?能否给我把这封信挂号?

18.Please pay two yuan for the registration.请交2元钱挂号费。


register modes挂号模式

3)certified mail挂号邮件

1.Acertified mail is analyzed in this paper.可信第三方TTP(trustedthirdparty)在电子商务协议中担任着重要的角色,作者在文中通过分析一个挂号邮件协议指出了TTP在离线TTP协议中的作用,说明了其中存在的缺陷及恶意的参与方利用该缺陷可能发起的攻击方法,最后给出了协议的改进建议,并验证了其可行性。

4)Registered fee挂号费

1.WhetherRegistered fee is a consideration perform or a evidence deposit.;浅议医疗挂号费的法律属性

5)registeration system挂号系统

1.The technique of multi-monitor and it s application in Hospitalregisteration system is discussed in this paper,and introduces the basic function,principle,process and the structure of the system which explored by our laboratory.本文讨论的是关于多屏显示技术和在医院挂号系统中的应用。



