100字范文 > 数据统计 Data statistics英语短句 例句大全

数据统计 Data statistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-12 13:58:30


数据统计 Data statistics英语短句 例句大全

数据统计,Data statistics

1)Data statistics数据统计

1.Using Stored Procedure to Realize Complex Data Statistics and Analysis;使用存储过程实现复杂的数据统计与分析

2.Research on Engine Power Matching Selection for Different Vehicle Models Based on Data Statistics;基于数据统计的整车发动机功率匹配选型研究

3.Introduces the treatment of phenomenon when makes electricity data statistics in new electricity metering system appear replaced bypass.介绍了新的电量计量系统进行电量数据统计时出现旁路代路现象的处理,通过增加旁路代路分析模块,由系统对出现的几种代路现象分类进行判断和统计处理,解决了原来必须通过人为判断和手动进行旁路代路电量处理的繁琐问题。


1.Introduced the correlation coefficient instatistics into the emulation of district heating operation,in order to analysis the correlation between heating supply per day and average outdoor temperature and value the regulation of heating system,this method was the supplement of emulation method used before.将数据统计中两个变量的相关系数分析法引入到供暖运行管理评价中,用以分析供暖日供热量与日平均室外温度的相关程度,评价供热系统运行调节的及时性,对供热节能及供暖质量作出动态评价,是对原有供暖运行管理评价系统的补充与完善,并根据实际运行情况,给出不同供暖系统相关系数的合理值。

3)data statistic数据统计

1.This paper analyzes the importance of thedata statistics in the talents evaluation, expounds the fictitious data in the talents evaluation of university, and puts forward some measures for preventing the fictitious data in the talents evaluation of university.分析了数据统计在人才水平评估工作中的重要性,阐述了高校人才水平评估工作中的虚假数据,提出了高校人才水平评估工作中防止虚假数据的措施。

4)Statistical data数据统计

5)statistical data统计数据

1.Analysis of spatial visualization methods forstatistical data;统计数据空间可视化方法分析

2.Study onstatistical data representation based on web;统计数据的Web表达研究

3.Research on cartographic visualization forstatistical data;统计数据地图可视化扩展研究


1.Strengthening Statistical Data Management Improving Statistical Data Quality;加强统计数据管理 提高统计数据质量

2.statistical sampled-data control system统计数据抽样控制系统

3.Human Settlements Statistical Database人类住区统计数据库

4.undigested statistical data未经整理的统计数据

modity Trade Statistics Database商品贸易统计数据库

6.Your statistical results are off.你的统计数据不精确

7.Technical Working Group on Statistical Data Bases统计数据库技术工作组

8.Statistical data is rather sparse.统计数据相当缺乏。

9.A classified summary of statistical data.对统计数据的分类总结

10.Demographic and Social Statistics Database人口和社会统计数据库(人社数据库)

11.He spent hours poring over the statistics.他花了数小时钻研这些统计数据。

puter data management system计算机数据管理系统

13.data management system数据惧管理系统《计算机》

14.data system design and research group数据系统设计与研究组

15.statistical evidence以统计数字表明的证据.

puter data acquisition system计算机数据采集系统

17.audit of electronic data processing system电子数据处理系统审计

18.design of relational data base system相关数据库系统设计



1.Introduced the correlation coefficient instatistics into the emulation of district heating operation,in order to analysis the correlation between heating supply per day and average outdoor temperature and value the regulation of heating system,this method was the supplement of emulation method used before.将数据统计中两个变量的相关系数分析法引入到供暖运行管理评价中,用以分析供暖日供热量与日平均室外温度的相关程度,评价供热系统运行调节的及时性,对供热节能及供暖质量作出动态评价,是对原有供暖运行管理评价系统的补充与完善,并根据实际运行情况,给出不同供暖系统相关系数的合理值。

3)data statistic数据统计

1.This paper analyzes the importance of thedata statistics in the talents evaluation, expounds the fictitious data in the talents evaluation of university, and puts forward some measures for preventing the fictitious data in the talents evaluation of university.分析了数据统计在人才水平评估工作中的重要性,阐述了高校人才水平评估工作中的虚假数据,提出了高校人才水平评估工作中防止虚假数据的措施。

4)Statistical data数据统计

5)statistical data统计数据

1.Analysis of spatial visualization methods forstatistical data;统计数据空间可视化方法分析

2.Study onstatistical data representation based on web;统计数据的Web表达研究

3.Research on cartographic visualization forstatistical data;统计数据地图可视化扩展研究

6)statistic data统计数据

1.The problem that trafficstatistic data being distorted, which results from the prevailing unreasonalble statistic management system, can only be resolved by reform.交通统计数据失真,是由于现行的统计管理体制造成的,只有改革交通统计管理体制才能彻底解决这一问题。

2.The meaning and the content of the visualization of geographic spatial data,the space-time characteristics ofstatistic data and the traditional techniques of visualization are expounded.阐述了地理空间数据可视化的含义、内容以及统计数据的时空特性和传统的统计数据可视化方法,结合统计数据和GIS的特点,提出了基于GIS的统计数据可视化体系和可视化功能流程模式。

3.This paper introduced the development of the sys- tem ofstatistic data for coastal region of Zhejiang Province based on Web.使用Micmsoft~SQL Server~数据库、Micmsoft~SQL Server~Reporting Senrices网络数据报表等技术设计了浙江省海岸带统计数据报表信息系统。


