100字范文 > 说唱形式 a form of talking and singing英语短句 例句大全

说唱形式 a form of talking and singing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-31 19:50:40


说唱形式 a form of talking and singing英语短句 例句大全

说唱形式,a form of talking and singing

1)a form of talking and singing说唱形式

2)ensemble form重唱形式

1.When characterizing the feature of strong personality, he would reasonably and skillfully use theensemble form.他强调音乐在塑造形象和反映角色内心活动上的巨大作用,在刻画人物极富个性化的性格特征时,合理巧妙运用重唱形式,寓深刻性于通俗性当中,使其作品散发出瑰丽的艺术色彩。

3)the form of singing歌唱形式

1.This paper makes a detailed analysis on the African cultural features in Toni Morrison s Beloved from the following four aspects: the plot of the novel,the characters in the novel,the form of singing and the form of call-and-response.从小说的故事情节、人物形象、歌唱形式和召唤模式四个方面对托妮。


1.Aesthetic Analysis of Mongolian Traditional Folk Song Singing Forms蒙古族民间传统歌唱形式的审美探析

2.So the forms of the field songs were somewhat different from those of the haozi.于是,田歌的歌唱形式也就与号 子大不相同。

3.Tan-Chang (Playing-Singing) Tune Represented As Qin-Songs and Zheng-Songs;以琴歌、筝歌为表现形式的弹唱曲探微

4.On the Aesthetic Nature of Operatic Ensemble and Its Forms of Representation;论歌剧重唱的审美特征及其表现形式

5.an unaccompanied partsong for 2 or 3 voices; follows a strict poetic form.两到三人的无伴奏的合唱;有严格的诗歌的形式。

6.A Study on the Approaches and Functions of Image Thinking in Vocal Music Training象思维在歌唱训练中的体现形式与功能

7.The Folk Song Zan Da ren of Elunchun Nationality and Its Music Characteristics and Concert Form鄂伦春族民歌赞达仁的音乐特点和演唱形式

8.There were occasions also when the master singers would sing the lead, and the workers would join in the chorus.当然,除了歌师"对歌"这种形式之外。也有采取歌师与众人间你领我合这类歌唱方式的。

9.A German art song in the style of a ballad for solo voice and piano.德国民歌民谣形式的德国艺术歌曲,是钢琴伴奏的独唱

10.The Primary Form of Music Textbooks--Analyzing Characteristics and Historical Significance of the Collection of Songs of School Songs;音乐教科书的初级形式——学堂乐歌唱歌集的特点及其历史意义

11.I mouthed the words as the others sang.别人唱歌时我做口形

12.chant the liturgy在礼拜仪式上唱圣歌.

13.Their technique of "adding music to a drama"later evolved into a universal opera structure.这种"话剧加唱"的做法后来也成为一种较为普遍的歌剧结构形式。

14."Salang"(meaning to sing and to dance) is a dance form for self-entertainment."萨朗"一词,意为:"唱起来,摇起来",是自娱性的歌舞形式,

15.Ballad: A story told in verse and usually meant to be sung.民谣:即口头讲述的故事,且通常是以歌唱的形式讲述。

16.a hymn that is sung at the end of a service as the clergy and choir withdraw.一种仪式结束、牧师和唱诗班退场时唱的圣歌。

17.A devotional composition sung responsively as part of a liturgy.唱和诗歌作为仪式一部分轮流吟唱的祈祷乐曲

18.Originally the celebration was a song in chorus telling of the doings of the God.最初,这个庆祝仪式是合唱,歌唱神的所作所为。


ensemble form重唱形式

1.When characterizing the feature of strong personality, he would reasonably and skillfully use theensemble form.他强调音乐在塑造形象和反映角色内心活动上的巨大作用,在刻画人物极富个性化的性格特征时,合理巧妙运用重唱形式,寓深刻性于通俗性当中,使其作品散发出瑰丽的艺术色彩。

3)the form of singing歌唱形式

1.This paper makes a detailed analysis on the African cultural features in Toni Morrison s Beloved from the following four aspects: the plot of the novel,the characters in the novel,the form of singing and the form of call-and-response.从小说的故事情节、人物形象、歌唱形式和召唤模式四个方面对托妮。

4)singing form演唱形式

1.The text discusses the types and features of the She nationality songs,and introduces three kinds ofsinging forms which are solo,antiphonal singing,and singing in unison,especially analyses the "Antiphonal singing" in the She nationality songs in detail.全文对畲族民歌的种类和特点进行了论述,并介绍了独唱、对唱、齐唱三种演唱形式,尤其是对畲族民歌的“双条落”作了详细的分析。

2.Mongolian long tune is a specialsinging form,which is the soul of Mongolian music with profound mood expressed by exquisite and relaxed melody and vigorous and magnificent styles.蒙古族长调是一种独特的演唱形式,以优美舒缓的旋律和雄浑壮阔的格调构成深邃的意境,无愧为蒙古族音乐之魂。

5)form of unison齐唱形式

6)choral type合唱形式

1.World Choir Games as the largest and most authoritative choir game in the world present us a comprehensive frame ofchoral types comparatively.世界合唱比赛这一权威赛事最大程度上较全面地体现了世界合唱艺术的多元化形式,本文以世界合唱比赛的分组及赛况为主要依据,从不同角度对各种合唱形式进行了具体详细的梳理分析,对多元化合唱形式进行了总结归类。


