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村寨 village英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-30 01:14:48


村寨 village英语短句 例句大全



1.Plants Landscape and Protection in Dai Village;傣族村寨植物景观及保护对策

2.Taking the minorityvillages in GuiBei as the example, it analyses the spatial relationship of the inner network, and research on the distribution and evolution of the network in the areas.以桂北壮族村寨龙胜平安寨、金竹寨以及侗族村寨马安寨、高定寨为例,运用哈格特“空间结构模式”理论,从结点、路径、网络单元等要素出发,分析传统聚落内部的空间结构特征;并进一步研究区域层面的聚落网络之间相互的社会关系和空间关系;研究聚落网络在由自然经济向商品经济的转化中,受经济与社会因素的双重制约进行“空间扩散“的动态过程以及聚落演变所呈现的不同方式和特点,从而探寻聚落新的增长点。

3.The management model of Dai Village in Dehong Dai-Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture has the following traits:The administrative organization and the religious organization are two formal groups that help organize all othervillage groups;broadcast is used for sending messages;the Village House is the center forvillage activities and all thevillagers aim at realizing thevillage goals.云南德宏傣族景颇族自治州傣族村寨的组织管理模式是:以行政机构和宗教机构两个正式群体,将全村的非正式群体结合起来;以广播传达信息,以奘房为固定活动中心,全体村民共同为实现村寨的目标而行动。


1.From Inhabited Areas to Museums in Villages--Cultural Conservation Practice of Village Museums in Guizhou;从村寨空间到村寨博物馆——贵州村寨博物馆的文化保护实践

2.On the basis of ups and downs of shi tou zhai rural tourism,prospecting the development of ethnic village s rural Tourism in Guizhou;影响贵州民族村寨旅游业发展的因素——以石头寨乡村旅游为例

3.Study on the Development of Tourism Landscape System in Ethnic Villages--Taking Da Binglang Dai Nationality Village in Yunnan Province as an Example;民族村寨旅游景观系统的开发研究——以云南大槟榔花腰傣村寨为例

4.The Social Control System in a Hani Village;哈尼族村寨的社会控制组织体系——以红河州绿春县新寨村为例

5.Culture Force Strength of Birth in Sacrificial Offering Activity--An example from Qingkou Village民族村寨中的生育文化迫力——以哈尼山寨箐口村为例

6.Non-governmental Organizations and the Village Governance-Take the Shangzhaiba Village, Chengzi Town, Longchuan County as Example民间组织与村寨治理——以陇川县城子镇上寨坝村为例

7.Its name "Nine-Village Ravine" is supposed to be because Tibetans once inhabited nine villages in the ravine.过去,沟中有九个藏族村寨,因此得名。

8.On the Protection and Development of the Traditional Dai Village in Xishuangbanna西双版纳傣族传统村寨的保护与开发

9.Research on the Southern Dong Nationality s Traditional Architecture and Habitation in Southeast of the Guizhou Province;黔东南地区侗族村寨及建筑形态研究

10.Inheritance and Proterction of Dong Minority Village Tradition Architectural Style;侗族村寨传统建筑风格的传承与保护

11.Marriage Rules in the Miao s Customary law: With the Cases in Five Villages of Taijiang County, Guizhou;台江五村寨苗族习惯法中的结婚规则

12.A Study of The Marketing Model of Stocked Village Tourism in Wu-ling Mountain Area;武陵山区民族村寨旅游营销模式研究

13.Study on the Impact of the Tourism Development on the Culture of Traditional Villages;旅游开发对传统村寨的文化影响研究

14.The Development of Ethnic-village Tourism in the Context of Cultural-economic Era;文化经济背景下的民族村寨旅游开发

15.A analysis on tourismin ethnic villages;试论民族村寨旅游的特征与开发原则

16.The Management Model of Dai Village and its Social Orientation;傣族村寨的组织管理模式及社会取向

17.The Characteristics and the Dynamics of the Economic Transition of the Ethnic Villages;中国民族村寨经济转型的特征与动力

18.Society Transition and its Effects on Village Sports对西部典型村寨体育变迁的个案考察


Dong Minority village侗族村寨

1.Zuolong Village is a typicalDong Minority village that maintains many original eco-cultures and possesses relatively unabridged spatial structure.座龙寨是一个保持较多原生态文化、空间结构较完整的典型侗族村寨。

2.The tradition architectural construction art of Dong minority village is one of the rare treasures and beautiful flowers in the chinese nation architectural culture.侗族村寨传统建筑风格是中华民族建筑文化的奇葩瑰宝。

3.The Dong minority village settlement shape\"s formation is products by many factor combined action such as history,society,culture and so on,is result to the natural environment positive adaptation.侗族村寨聚落形态的形成是历史、社会、文化等因素共同作用的产物,是对自然环境积极适应的结果。

3)rural village自然村寨

1.On the Value Orientation of Rural Village Landscape & Its Protection and Utilizing Way;自然村寨景观的价值取向及其保护利用研究

2.The investigation finds that this village has the remarkable landscape characters ofrural village and corresponding values in heritage protection.根据对黔东南石桥造纸村景观的田野考察,从生态适应的角度剖析了石桥村的自然村寨景观构成,并以村寨中的几个焦点事件为基础,剖析了村民的行为心理,结果表明:石桥村具有显著的自然村寨景观特征以及相应的遗产保护价值。

4)Ethnic village民族村寨

TV:A mode of the development of ethnic village ——Taking Mengjinglai Village of Xishuangbanna An Example;民族村寨旅游开发的CCTV模式———以西双版纳“中缅第一寨”勐景来为例

2.The construction of index system for the community-involved sustainable tourism development on ethnic village——Taking the Langde Village in Guizhou as examples社区参与视角下的民族村寨旅游可持续发展指标体系构建——以贵州省雷山县上郎德苗寨为例

3.As a kind of special community, ethnic village is an important area of rural tourism development in China.民族村寨作为一类特殊社区,是我国乡村旅游开发的重要区域。

5)Inhabited areas村寨空间

6)the Wa Zhai Village瓦寨村


