100字范文 > 汉英话题标记 Chinese and English topic markers英语短句 例句大全

汉英话题标记 Chinese and English topic markers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-17 20:16:08


汉英话题标记 Chinese and English topic markers英语短句 例句大全

汉英话题标记,Chinese and English topic markers

1)Chinese and English topic markers汉英话题标记

1.This paper,based on a description of theChinese and English topic markers,claims that there should be no full-time topic markers in both languages and that the use of the markers should be studied from the perspective of possibility and reality.本文对汉英话题标记的类型进行了描写,指出英汉语中不存在专用话题标记,汉英话题标记的使用只能从可能性和现实性两个方面去探讨;本文发现,汉语话题标记或英语话题标记之间都存在使用频率上的差异,英汉语相对应类型中的标记在使用的可能性上是相似的,但在使用的现实性上有较大的差异,本文根据话题标记的功能对这些差异进行了尝试性的探讨。

2)Chinese prepositions as topic markers汉语介词话题标记

1.This paper describes and compares the types ofChinese prepositions as topic markers.本文描写了汉语介词话题标记类型,并对各种类型进行了对比研究。

3)Topic Marker话题标记

1.It is a common phenomenon that hypothetic markers change into topic markers.假设标记演变为话题标记是语言发展的一种共性,本文重点考察"如果说"在现代汉语中的话题标记用法,主要包括三个方面的内容:(一)假设标记"如果说"与话题标记"如果说"的使用差异;(二)假设标记"如果说"演变为话题标记"如果说"的语义发展过程;(三)假设标记"如果说"演变为话题标记"如果说"的形式途径。


1.The Topic Mark Function and Text Cohesion Function of Duiyu (对于)、Guanyu (关于) and Zhiyu (至于)“对于、关于、至于”的话题标记功能和篇章衔接功能

2.The prepositions duiyu (对于)、guanyu (关于) and zhiyu (至于) all have the topic function and text cohesion function, but they are different.介词“对于、关于、至于”都具有话题标记功能和相应的篇章衔接功能,但同中有异。

3.The Topicalized Construction Formed by "V qi lai" with "qi lai"("起来") as a Morphological Element;“V起来”句作为有形态标记的话题句

4.The Semantic Basis and Syntactic Condition of "Guanyu" as a Topic Marker;“关于”标记话题的语义基础和句法条件

5.On the Perfect Aspect Marker in ChenZhou Dialect and its Relative Problem;郴州话的完成体标记“地”及相关问题

6.(Please return to the driver"s dialog box, mark the header as not) 100 485(请返回驱动程序的对话框,并将标题标记成不在) 100 485

7.Progressive Marker and Continuous Marker of Wuzhou Dialect;梧州白话的进行体标记与持续体标记

8.Discourse Markers’Functions of well, now and thenwell、now、then的话语标记功能

9.Mark remaining headers as read标记剩余标题为已读

10.On the flyleaf under the heading, "My Pledge," he had written these words:在日记本的扉页上,他用《我的誓言》为标题写了这些话:

11.The added topic-shift markers in the Chinese translations of Buddhist scriptures: A Sanskrit-Chinese comparative analysis of Saddharmapunda■ka-s■tra;汉译佛经中增译的话题转移标记——以《妙法莲华经》的梵汉对勘为基础

12.Utilizing the Topic Boundary Markers in the Talks in TEM-8;应用话题界限标记提高听力认知能力——如何听懂英语讲座中的主题和次主题

13.No recording markers set in the current recording session当前记录会话中没有设置记录标志

14.The Syntactic Difference of Negative Marks Between Nanchang Dialect and Putonghua南昌话和普通话否定标记的句法差异

15.The role discourse markers play in the generation and interpretation of discourse;话语标记在话语生成和理解中的作用

16.An Analysis of the Discourse Functions of the Discourse Marker YOU KNOW;话语标记You know的话语功能分析

17.A Pragmatic Analysis of Discourse Marker "Yes" in Conversations;会话中话语标记语Yes的语用功能分析

18.A Pragmatic Account of the Discourse Marker "And" in Conversational Interaction;话语标记语And在会话互动中的语用功能


Chinese prepositions as topic markers汉语介词话题标记

1.This paper describes and compares the types ofChinese prepositions as topic markers.本文描写了汉语介词话题标记类型,并对各种类型进行了对比研究。

3)Topic Marker话题标记

1.It is a common phenomenon that hypothetic markers change into topic markers.假设标记演变为话题标记是语言发展的一种共性,本文重点考察"如果说"在现代汉语中的话题标记用法,主要包括三个方面的内容:(一)假设标记"如果说"与话题标记"如果说"的使用差异;(二)假设标记"如果说"演变为话题标记"如果说"的语义发展过程;(三)假设标记"如果说"演变为话题标记"如果说"的形式途径。

4)Chinese and English news headlines汉英新闻标题

1.Simplicity and reality is the common core ofChinese and English news headlines,while different language and culture backgrounds and news traditions make them have different features.简洁和真实是汉英新闻标题最突出的共性,但是不同的语言文化背景和新闻传统使两者各具特色。

5)C/E translation of titles of academic theses标题汉英翻译

1.With a careful study of the Chinese titles and their English translations in the journals such as Chinese Translators Journal(bimonthly), Journal of Foreign Languages(bimonthly) and Foreign Language Teaching and Research (bimonthly), this paper has summed up a few rules that can be applied inC/E translation of titles of academic theses as viewed from three perspectives,i.通过对《中国翻译》、《外国语》、《外语教学与研究》等著名学术期刊上的学术论文标题汉英翻译的研究 ,从汉语学术论文标题的语言表达形式、汉语学术论文标题的语法结构形式、主副标题结构形式等三个方面 ,归纳出一些常用的汉语学术论文标题翻译技巧和处理方法 ,以探求论文标题翻译之道。

6)discourse markers in English英语话语标记语


