100字范文 > 模糊综合评判法 fuzzy comprehensive evaluation英语短句 例句大全

模糊综合评判法 fuzzy comprehensive evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-09 10:39:12


模糊综合评判法 fuzzy comprehensive evaluation英语短句 例句大全

模糊综合评判法,fuzzy comprehensive evaluation

1)fuzzy comprehensive evaluation模糊综合评判法

1.Determination of remaining oil distribution in single layer with multiplefuzzy comprehensive evaluation method;用多层次模糊综合评判法确定单层剩余油分布

2.Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in PICC Nursing Quality Evaluation模糊综合评判法在PICC护理质量评价中的应用

3.Risk analyse of project logistics based onfuzzy comprehensive evaluation基于模糊综合评判法的工程物流风险分析


1.Application of fuzzy integrated evaluation in project bidding evaluation;模糊综合评判法在工程评标中的应用

2.The Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Course Assessment;模糊综合评判法在课程评估中的应用

3.The Use of AHP-fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Psychological Study;AHP-模糊综合评判法在心理学中的应用

4.Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Inventory Classification;模糊综合评判法在库存分类中的应用


6.Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Method on Selecting Optimal Equipment for Enterprises;模糊综合评判法在设备优选中的应用

7.Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgement in Risk Analysis;模糊综合评判法在风险分析中的应用

8.A Fuzzy Comprehensive Judge of Students Language Quality;学生语言素质的一种模糊综合评判法

9.Multiple Fuzzy Synthetic Judging Method for Post Appraisal;企业生产岗位多层次模糊综合评判法

10.An Analysis of Period Risk Based on Fuzzy Synthetical Evaluation Method基于模糊综合评判法的工期风险分析

11.Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method in the Diagnosis of Pig Diseases模糊综合评判法在猪病诊断中的应用


13.Application of synthetical evaluation for the quality of the medicolegal appraisement with fuzzy mathematics;应用模糊综合评判法评价法医鉴定质量初探

14.The Method of Fuzzy Comprehensive Character Adjudication;模糊综合评判法在大学生综合素质评判中的应用

15.University Physics Experiment Teaching Assessment Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment;基于模糊综合评判法的大学物理实验教学评价

16.To Apply of Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment in Railway Project Evaluation of Tenders;模糊综合评判法在铁路项目评标中的应用

17.Study on method of fuzzy synthetical evaluation in construction project;工程项目评标模糊综合评判法实证分析

18.Research on the Evaluation of Environmental Logistics Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation;基于模糊综合评判法的绿色物流评价研究


Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method模糊综合评判法

1.Application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for saline soil classification based on weight of entropy;基于熵权的模糊综合评判法在盐渍土划分中的应用

2.The different usages of matter element and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation methods in river water quality assessment, are analyzed and compared with each other in the following aspects: their applicable scopes, mathematic models, weighted indexes, reliability.就物元分析法和模糊综合评判法在河流水质评价中的应用,从适用范围,数学模型的建立、权重的确定方式,以及评价结果的可信度等几方面进行分析与对比。

3.Considering that qualification index of manage company is characterized as a complex system With multi-facter,this paper introduces analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method into qualification evaluation of manage company.项目管理公司的资质指标是多目标因素的指标体系,文章将层次分析法和模糊综合评判法引入项目管理公司资质评价,将定性分析和定量计算相结合,从而得到更符合实际的评价结果。

3)fuzzy comprehensive assessment模糊综合评判法

1.The comprehensive post-assessment of Heihe River project on the ecological environment is necessary to the sustainable development of the whole Northwest China The comprehensive assessment by applying AHP¢success assessment andfuzzy comprehensive assessment may overcome the subjectivity of the traditional qualitative assessment and a more objective and more scientific conclusion may be got.本文综合运用层次分析法、成功度评价法以及模糊综合评判法,对黑河项目的生态环境影响程度进行综合后评价。

2.,soil pH,organic matter,total N,P and K,available N,P and K,slowly available K,as assessment parameters,by use offuzzy comprehensive assessment the paper comprehensively evaluated soil fertility quality for 6 tea bases of Baili Tea Zone in Changsha county through field sampling and laboratory analysis.通过野外采样和室内测定,研究了长沙县“百里茶廊”6个茶叶基地的土壤pH,有机质,全N、P、K,有效N、P、K以及缓效钾等指标的土壤肥力状况,并以此为评价指标,运用模糊综合评判法,对这6个茶叶基地的土壤肥力质量进行了综合评价。

3.The paper uses data mining technology andfuzzy comprehensive assessment to manage the performance of suppliers in manufacturing enterprises,sets up a data mining model of grey relational analysis based on rough set theory,calculating the performance of suppliers of spare parts level and combines with thefuzzy comprehensive assessment method to get the performance of suppliers.在数据仓库理论基础上,运用数据挖掘技术和模糊综合评判法,对制造企业的供应商进行绩效评价管理。

4)fuzzy synthetic evaluation模糊综合评判法

1.Application offuzzy synthetic evaluation in education evaluation;模糊综合评判法在教育评价中的应用

2.And thefuzzy synthetic evaluation indicates that the sort is in conformity with reality.针对艾滋病疗法的评价与疗效的预测问题,根据四种疗法与理想疗法之间的差异程度,利用模糊模式识别中的择近原则,合理地构造了二者间的贴近度,根据贴近度的大小顺序确定疗法的优劣顺序,然后再用模糊综合评判法验证该排序,经检验其结果是符合实际的,最后拟合图形确定最佳终止服药时间。

3.According to the uncertainty and fuzziness of factors related to the risk of subway station construction,thefuzzy synthetic evaluation is introduced in this paper,in which the target factor s weights are determined with the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP).针对地铁车站工程施工影响因素的随机性和模糊性特点,作者提出了风险评估的模糊综合评判法,其中采用了层次分析法确定影响因素的权重。

5)fuzzy comprehensive judgment method模糊综合评判法

1.The application offuzzy comprehensive judgment method in the selection of high-rise building structure;模糊综合评判法在高层建筑结构优选中的应用

2.In order to evaluate the competitive ability of various generators in electricity market exactly and draw reasonable bidding strategy,the comprehensive index judgment model for generators is established by adoptingfuzzy comprehensive judgment method,in which various indexes such as available capacity,power price,storage capacity and mean annual generation are taken into account.为准确地评估发电企业市场竞争力,以便发电企业制定合理的竞价策略,本文采用模糊综合评判法,以可用容量、上网电价、储存能力、多年平均年发电量等作为指标,建立发电企业市场竞争力的综合评价体系。

3.In evaluation for the risk of dangerous rocks,thefuzzy comprehensive judgment method adopted has advantages of accurateness and fastness.在对危岩危险性评价中,采用模糊综合评判法具有准确、快速的优点。

6)fuzzy synthetic evaluation/evaluation method模糊综合评判/评价方法


模糊综合评判综合考虑事物多种因素,用模糊集理论来评定其优劣的方法。模糊综合评判广泛用于评定产品质量、环境质量、农业布局、天气预报、医疗诊断等方面。设给定两个有限论域:U={u1,u2,...,un},V={v1,v2,..., vm}。这里 U是综合评判的因素所组成的集合,V代表评语所组成的集合。模糊综合评判是一个模糊变换问题:X⋅R=Y式中"⋅ "表示合成运算,X是U上的模糊子集,评判结果 Y是V上的模糊子集,模糊关系R可看作一个模糊变换器(见图)。若已知Y和R,求X;或已知X和Y,求R;就构成模糊综合评判的逆问题,需要求解模糊关系方程。模糊关系方程是法国学者E.桑杰斯于1976年根据医疗诊断的需要提出来的。这类问题相当于已知评判结果和模糊关系,求评判者对各种因素的权数分配问题。这种问题具有重大的实际意义,对发展专家系统起指导作用。现举评判电视机的实例来说明模糊综合评判的方法。U={u1,u2,u3},V={v1,v2,v3,v4}。这里u1代表图像,u2代表音响,u3代表价格;v1表示很好,v2表示较好,v3表示可以,v4表示不好。设聘请专家或顾客进行评判。例如对于图像,有50%的人认为很好,40%的人认为较好,10%的人认为可以,没有人认为不好。全部结果记作:对于图像:Vu1=(0.5,0.4,0.1,0)对于音响:Vu2=(0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1)对于价格:Vu3=(0,0.1,0.3,0.6)这样就构成一个模糊矩阵: 设一类顾客在购买电视机时主要是要求图像清晰,价格便宜,音响稍差则不要紧,则此类顾客对电视机三个因素的权数分配 X =[]对电视机的评判结果为这是根据最大最小运算得到的,还需作归一化处理。因为0.5+0.4+0.3+0.3=1.5,用1.5除各项得到 [0.330.27 0.20 0.20]。模糊综合评判的结果,认为图像、音响、价格都很好的占比重最大,达33%。
