100字范文 > 纵坡 longitudinal slope英语短句 例句大全

纵坡 longitudinal slope英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-29 17:45:10


纵坡 longitudinal slope英语短句 例句大全

纵坡,longitudinal slope

1)longitudinal slope纵坡

1.The bridging construction technology at the condition of largelongitudinal slope and falling slope在线路纵坡大且下坡条件下的架桥施工技术

2.From site selection,type selection,longitudinal slope setting and other aspects the design of culvert is elaborated,in order to ensure design quality of mountain highway and reduce engineering cost.从桥梁选型和桥跨布置两方面介绍了山区桥梁的设计,并对山区桥梁设计应注意的问题进行了分析,从涵位的选择、选型、纵坡的设置、涵洞的进出口处理几方面阐述了涵洞设计,以达到保证山区道路设计质量的同时,降低工程造价的目的。

3.Taking cement concrete pavement structure as object of research,the 3-D finite element is used to analyze variation of stress upon pavement structure under standard axle load under differentlongitudinal slope conditions.以水泥混凝土路面结构为研究对象,采用三维有限元方法分析不同纵坡条件下路面结构在标准轴载作用下的应力变化。


1.The bridging construction technology at the condition of large longitudinal slope and falling slope在线路纵坡大且下坡条件下的架桥施工技术

2.Research on Influence of Gradient to Rigid Base Composite Road of Cross River(sea) Tunnel Under Large Longitudinal Slope跨江(海)隧道长大纵坡复合式路面坡度影响分析

3.Effect of intersection angle and longitudinal slope on slope and elevation calculating of hollow slab bridge coping交角与纵坡对空心板桥盖梁坡度及标高计算的影响

4.Design of Material Composition and Investigation into Performance of Asphalt Pavement on Longitudinal Slope;长大纵坡沥青路面材料组成设计与性能研究

5.Research on Structure Combination of Asphalt Concrete for Bridge Deck Pavement on Large Longitudinal Slope长大纵坡桥面沥青混凝土铺装层结构组合研究

6.Rutting Prediction of Asphalt Pavements in the Long Upgrade under the Heavy-load and Low-speed重载低速下长大纵坡沥青路面车辙预估

7.Rutting law and its influence factors for asphalt pavement in long and steep longitudinal slope section长大纵坡路段沥青路面车辙规律及影响因素

8.Structural mechanical properties of asphalt pavement with great longitudinal slope and rigid base on Wuhan Yangtze River tunnel长江隧道大纵坡刚性基层沥青路面结构特性

9.The Safety Control 40 m T Frame in High Angle Bridge大纵坡桥梁40m T梁架设安装的安全控制

10.The Construction Technique of Bituminous Pavement for Expressway Long and Large Vertical Slope高速公路长大纵坡沥青路面施工技术研究

11.Dynamic Analysis of Pavement on Longitudinal Slope by Finite Element有限元分析纵坡路段路面结构动态力学响应

12.New Method of Longitudinal Slope Joint at Entrance of Interchange Ramp互通式立交匝道进出口纵坡衔接新方法探究

13.Research on Relationship between Driver s Visual Characteristics and Alignment Indicators of Long and Steep Slope in Mountainous Area;驾驶员视觉特性与山区高速公路长大纵坡线形指标关系研究

14.Research on Longitudinal Slope of Forest Road Based on Driver s Psychological and Physiological Reflection;基于驾驶员心理与生理反应的林区公路纵坡研究

15.retarder control(下坡)缓速器操纵件

16.The horseman dashed up the slope and disappeared on the other side of the ridge.骑兵纵马奔上斜坡,消失在山脊那边。

17.New method for landslide forecast and its application based on longitudinal data and catastrophic theory基于纵向数据与突变理论的边坡滑坡预测新方法及其应用

18.Lee Kuan Yew still likes to jerk the strings backstage in Singapore.新加坡的李光耀依然喜欢在幕后操纵大局。


longitudinal gradient纵坡

1.The casting yard design of steeplongitudinal gradient small radius bridgehead connection大纵坡小半径桥头接线预制场设计

2.So the relationship betweenlongitudinal gradient,grade length limit,vertical curve and safety is analyzed,which can be referred to improve the safety and optimize the profile design.根据下坡路段事故统计资料,分析纵坡坡度、坡长、竖曲线和下坡衔接平曲线与道路安全的关系,为提高长大下坡路段安全,优化纵面设计提供参考。

3)longitudinal grade纵坡


1.Relationship between Running Speed andGradient of Expressway;高速公路纵坡坡度与运行速度的关系

5)bed longitudinal slope河床纵坡

1.On problems of thebed longitudinal slope;关于河床纵坡的几个问题

6)longitudinal slope design纵坡设计

1.earthwork volume,on top of that,the gradient and slope length restriction in design criterion are used to obtain rational and economiclongitudinal slope design.运用最小二乘法对道路中心线的纵断面地面线进行分段直线拟合,建立最佳纵坡线方程,从而得到最小填挖方数量的道路纵坡设计线,再用设计规范的坡度和坡长限制以达到设计纵坡合理经济的目的。


