100字范文 > 创新问题解决理论 TRIZ英语短句 例句大全

创新问题解决理论 TRIZ英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-29 05:16:37


创新问题解决理论 TRIZ英语短句 例句大全



1.Based on the analysis of function requirement patterns of previous products and the application of technology system evolution laws of the Theory of Innovative Problem Solving(TRIZ),the customer requirements could be evolved from existing product designs,through modifying the functional requirement unit and confirming the direction of evolution design.建立了基于创新问题解决理论的技术系统演化规律,通过对已有产品功能单元的修改和进化设计,以技术推动的方式来进行产品需求获取的分析框架模型。

2.There is a standard process to solve a domain problem using the theory of inventive problem solving(TRIZ).创新问题解决理论求解领域问题所得到的解及相应的设计实例作为类比设计的源设计,将创新问题解决理论过程转变为第一级类比过程,提出了其过程模型。


1.Research on Design Methodology Based on the Theroy of Inventive Problem Solving and Its Application;基于创新问题解决理论的产品设计方法及其应用研究

2.Research on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and Its Application for the Product Design;创新问题解决理论(TRIZ)在产品设计领域的应用研究

3.Innovation Practices Calling for Innovation Theory--A Summarization on TRIZ;创新实践呼唤创新理论——发明问题解决理论(TRIZ)综述

4.On“problem solving”and innovation of mathematics teaching model;论“问题解决”与数学教学模式创新

5.TRIZ--Theory on Solving Inventive Problem;TRIZ——解决创造性问题的理论

6.Theoretical Renovation and Cognitive Leaps Achieved by CPC in Finding Solutions out of "Three Rural Issues" Since the Reform and Opening up;改革开放以来中国共产党解决“三农”问题的理论创新及认识飞跃

7.Cultivation of Innovation Capability for Undergraduate with TRIZ Methodology发明问题解决理论与机械类本科生创新能力的培养

8.Functions of the Government in Resolving the Problem of Funds for Technological Innovation in State-owned Enterprises;论政府在解决国企技术创新资金问题中的作用

9.On Several Urgent Problems in Fostering New Type of Talents;论创新型人才培养中几个亟待解决的问题

10.The Development of TRIZ Research;现代TRIZ研究的发展──TRIZ:创造性问题解决理论(Ⅱ)

11.On the Enlightenment of Share Tenancy Theory to the Problems of the Rural Lands in Our Country;论新佃农理论对解决我国农村土地问题的启示

12.Theories and Practice on the Teaching Methods via Solving Mathematical Problems under the New Course Idea;新课程理念下数学问题解决教学的理论与实践

13.Perception only solves the problem of phenomena; theory alone can solve the problem of essence.感觉只解决现象问题,理论才解决本质问题。

14.Institution Innovation: a Basic Way of Resolving the Problems of People s Livelihood;制度创新——解决民生问题的基本路径

15.System Innovation is the Key Solution to "Three Rural Problems";体制创新是解决“三农”问题的根本之策

16.System Innovation is the Key to Solve the Problem of "Agriculture, Peasant and the Country;解决“三农”问题的关键在于制度创新

17.Implement new and innovative solutions to production and supply problems.实施新的创新决策以解决生产与供货问题。

18.These will resolve some problems for information and bring out the designing innovation, process innovation and management innovation.无疑有利于解决“信息孤岛”所存在的问题,并给企业带来设计创新、程创新,更有利于管理创新。


The theory of inventive problem solving创新问题解决理论

1.The main content as following:1、The theory of inventive problem solving consists of ma.本论文的主要目的是研究创新问题解决理论及其在产品设计中的应用,使产品设计人员摆脱对设计经验的依赖,获得结构化的创新产品概念产生方法。

2.The theory of inventive problem solving consists of m.本论文的主要目的是研究创新问题解决理论及其在产品设计中的应用,使产品设计人员摆脱对设计经验的依赖,获得结构化的创新产品概念产生方法。

3)theory of inventive problem solving(TRIZ)创新问题解决理论(TRIZ)

4)problem solving theory问题解决理论

5)innovative problem-solving ability创新性问题解决能力

6)Creative Solving in Phisical Problem物理问题创造性解决

1.Research on the Imagery Character ofCreative Solving in Phisical Problem in the grades 11 students who study scinence;高二理科生物理问题创造性解决的表象特征研究


《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决议》《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决议》Resolution of Political Settlement of Issue on KosovontiGuanyu Zhengzhi Iieiue KesuowoVde Jueyi《关于政治解决科索沃问题的决宝(Resolution ofPolitieal Settlement oflssKosovo)联合国安全理事会批准科和平计划的第1244号决议。1999年6日通过,同日生效。决议由序言、21文及2个附件组成,主要内容有:①库夫联盟共和国立即停止在科索沃的暴镇压行为,从科索沃撤出所有军警札事部队;科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族武装立IL一切进攻行动并实行非军事化。②索沃部署一支国际安全部队,负责阴生新的敌对行动,维持并在必要时强行停火,监督南联盟撤军并阻止其返巨散阿族武装,创造一个各项善后工作顺利展开的安全环境。③在科索沃设个国际民事机构,负责过渡性行政管卫立临时民主自治机构并监督其发展,旨在使科索沃实现高度自治的政治又支持经济重建和人道主义救援,建立警察部队以维持治安,确保所有难民离失所者安全返回家园。1999年3月24日,以美国为首配西洋条约组织打着“维护人权”的旗握未经联合国安理会授权的情况下,对盟发动科索沃战争。6月3日,南联盟接受国际社会提出的科索沃和平计划On沃10正拉和军停科发执解以一建进志方流冷叨﹃孔11一牡欣月淤叶断岁胜难邢一犷淮改程助时大在联布点卜﹄,山n﹃J少王、J典峨麟麟属︽﹄撰翼罐耀犷妙一全翻安理会在讨论科索沃问题(1999.6) 新华社很,国方案。]0日,安理会通过俄罗斯和西二才南达成的决议草案。当日,北约宣布暂偌联盟的轰炸,科索沃战争结束。;)子蓄咪
